An interesting design I found while looking at Star Trek fan productions. Looks just like an Intrepid slammed into a Steam Runner.
Here is the blurg on it where I think they go a bit nuts. Especially with the crew... 10,000? If anything Starship crews seem to be getting less, the Promethius could run itself or with only a handful. So unless it carries civiies which I hope like hell they stopped doing, or troops which would be odd to do all the time, it seems way over the top.
LinkSet 40 after Star Trek: Nemesis, this new fan film focuses on the adventures of the crew of the USS Phoenix (NCX-101138). The ‘Ascension Class ship is a massive 1,400 meters long and uses a hybrid of Romulan and Federation design, with a crew of more than 10,000. The pilot episode "Cloak & Dagger" takes place one year into the maiden voyage of the ship which has a mission of exploration and diplomacy.