I think Steam is covered under the ruling as well, though haven't heard of anything in that area yet.
Hmm, I wonder if I posted a petition related to this matter on the White House website, how many will support it.

They could only get around that if there is no activation code (those annoying random strings of alphanumerics). Which there may not be for SC5, I haven't bothered with it yet.Tyyr wrote:Lawyers find ways around that kind of thing. In this case I'd start the argument with, "We're not selling you a game any more than a car rental place sells you a car. We're selling you access to one of our computers to play games on it but the games are property of EA."
Sort of how MMO's operate.
And she just doesn't even answer that question. Which effectively answers that question. They plan to do exactly what you suggested and shut down, forcing players to buy the next one. Bullshit. Good thing SC4 is still fun.On December 14, 2012, the SimCity development team ran a questions and answers session on the internet community Reddit where they received criticism for the game's DRM-mechanisms, which require the user to be permanently connected to Electronic Arts' servers in order to be able to play the game.[67][68] The video games-focused blog Kotaku also voiced concern over the issue, worrying that Electronic Arts could one day shut down their servers, rendering the game unplayable.[68]
This prompted a blog response from Lucy Bradshaw, Maxis Senior Vice President, in which she defended the always-online component with the comment that "real cities do not exist in a bubble; they share a region and affect one another." She goes on to say that increased connectivity to neighboring cities allows for a better experience, allowing for better trade and wider scale effects such as crime and pollution to keep synchronized across the region.[69] Bradshaw also noted the performance benefit due to the engine utilizing EA's server hardware to assist in gameplay calculations:
GlassBox is the engine that drives the entire game -- the buildings, the economics, trading, and also the overall simulation that can track data for up to 100,000 individual Sims inside each city. There is a massive amount of computing that goes into all of this, and GlassBox works by attributing portions of the computing to EA servers (the cloud) and some on the player's local computer.
—Lucy Bradshaw, SVP Maxis[69]
Yes.Teaos wrote:So is it possible for someone to steal the base code and run a pirate server?
EA games is having the worst PR disaster out of any game company I've ever seen.Adrian: I am sorry for any inconvenience that this has caused. I can offer you a 15% off coupon from Origin with your next purchase.
Adrian: I am sorry, but I can not offer you a refund.
you: Why can't you offer me a refund?
you: Your product is defective
Adrian: Return Policy
you: I can call my bank and have the refund done that way.
Adrian: I can offer to assist you with any trouble shooting issues.
you: Why can Amazon users get refunds but I can't?
Adrian: That is understandable, but I must inform you that if you choose to dispute it, your account will be banned.
Adrian: I am sorry, but I can not speak on another company's policy.
Adrian: Now this just released.
you: I am at a loss of words
Adrian: So the servers are having issues, with more servers opening up as other countries release then we will show these issues resolving themselves.
you: Yes, but it is not capacity demand I am debating
Adrian: I can understand this causing frustrations and I do apologize for this.
you: Your servers are not the issue
you: The game/back end is
you: "Game updates" are not an excuse to hide behind
Adrian: I am sorry, but I am not able to process a refund.
Adrian: Is there anything else that I can assist you with?
you: You were offering refunds according to your press release!!!!
you: In response to the launch day trouble Hatam said " If you regrettably feel that we left you down, you can of course request a refund for your order at http://help.origin.com/contact-us , though we are currently still in the process of resolving this issue. "
you: Why lie??
you: I have done nothing wrong in expecting what is quoted.
Adrian: That is correct, that this is where you can request a refund, but as our policy is stating it is also the our discretion to process a refund.
you: http://forum.ea.com/eaforum/posts/li...30019.page#top
you: Process a refund.
Adrian: As I stated before, we are not able to offer a refund.
Adrian: Is there anything else that I can assist you with?
you: This chat text goes viral.
you: Thanks