The Walking Dead

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Re: The Walking Dead

Post by McAvoy »

Yeah that guy was an idiot. But I loved that scene wondering if Rick was going to let it go or fight him. We all had an idea that this wasn't a season 1 or even season 2 Rick anymore.
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Re: The Walking Dead

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No the squirrely little guy. Mexi-Shane did highlight that Rick was not the same guy who woke up in S1E1 but that squirrelly little guy who ran is the one who ruined everything. Then again, Mexi-Shane's douchery is why squirelly guy ran.

Why Lori Sucked

1) Shitty Mother - Lori's motto in the second season was, "Where's Carl?" That's not to say she had a good handle on where the kid was in the first season either but over the course of what was about six months or more of zombie apocalypse this bitch never bothered to keep track of where her kid was. Ok, fine. However what she would then do is get in everyone else's face about it. Namely, "Why weren't you watching Carl!" Ummm, not my kid bitch. Towards the end of the second season she actively went on a rampage blaming everyone in the group but herself and Rick for not knowing where Carl was and keeping an eye on him.

2) Stuck in the Past - Even six months after everything has gone to shit Lori was still stuck in her suburban housewife mode. "You can't let my son touch a gun," being one of the most striking examples of her not realizing the rules have changed. Lori seemed to be constantly striving to get back some of that suburban normality that had died screaming under a flood of zombies. She was constantly trying to recapture those norms, and lashing out when they were violated, even when it was to the detriment of the group.

3) Misogynist - Lori loved her gender roles. I'm not a paragon of feminist theory, clearly, yet it's a special kind of stupid that when Andrea takes an active role in learning how to shoot and taking turns on overwatch to guard the farm Lori's only response is to insinuate that she's just working on her tan and should be doing the real woman's dutys, washing clothes, making dinner, and looking after her son so she didn't have to. Never heard her raise that complaint about Glenn, Carl, Rick or Shane.

4) Indecisive - Most of the Rick/Shane conflict in the show stems from Lori's inability to just fucking decide. She spent the last half of season one and the first half of season two being wishy washy about Shane/Rick and the end result is one of the more useful survivors in the group went off the deepend and was killed. If she'd given Shane a hard, definitive NO, when Rick had come back we might have avoided all this. Maybe not, since Shane seemed to be a bit of a loose cannon but her messing with his head didn't help. Also, after she more or less tells Rick that he needs to kill Shane (his best friend). Well he does it and when he comes back and tells her she acts horrified and like he's some kind of monster. That was the moment my feelings went from, "I really hate you," to just, "You need to die."

5) Poison - Not only did she manage to get Shane crazy(er) and dead, lose track of Carl and get Dale dead, but she never added ANYTHING to the group. She spent most of her time stirring up conflict. Shane and Rick, Rick and the group, Shane and the group, varioius bits of the group against itself, and blaming everyone for not keeping track of her son. In other words her 1st, 2nd, and 3rd most significant contributions were all just drama.

I will say this. I think someone realized by the start of the 3rd season that people weren't just indifferent to Lori, nor was there any great debate about if she was right or not similar to Shane. No, the consensus was that she was a c**t. So they figured, "Maybe we should stop having her be such a c**t?" They did, and they actually managed to have her get through the first half of the season without being insufferable. She still had some classic Lori moments like having no clue where her son was or being pissed when he's got a gun but they spread them out enough that you didn't want to see her dead. Everyone also seemed to stop humoring her and just rolling their eyes, including Carl, when she went into her suburban mode. Her relationship with Rick seemed to improve after having encouraged him to kill his best friend then calling him a monster for doing so. I almost felt bad when she died though it was more for how it would affect Carl and Rick and the general fucked upness being foisted on us by the situation and those in it. Lori herself... meh.

I've heard her defenders say that not everyone will immediately be able to shed civilization and embrace the ZA. That she's a good example of someone who can't handle it and just desperately wants everything to go back to how it was. That all is valid, but it doesn't stop her as a character from being any less annoying or her from being any less of a liability to the group. You understand why she's being such a bitch, but she's still a bitch and continues to be one right up until her inevitable death.

I say inevitable because she never developed any survival skills, and had poor self preservation instincts on a good day. She survived as long as she did by hooking up with Shane, then hooking up with Rick and sticking close to them. If childbirth hadn't gotten her the walkers soon would have once she stopped having Rick's direct protection.
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Re: The Walking Dead

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Impressive. Most impressive.
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Re: The Walking Dead

Post by Teaos »

I think Lori was a realistic character and how a lot of people would hndle the ZA. But that not to say I'm sad she got eaten...

Next to Shane I think she was the most annoying character.
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Re: The Walking Dead

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I hated Shane. He was cool in Season 1 but he just went retard stupid by Season 2.
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Re: The Walking Dead

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Lori probably is a good example of how some people would react to it all. In a world gone mad they try to force it to be like it was before as hard as they can. They just try and ignore it all. That's also incredibly dangerous and not useful. So realistic? Yeah, she was realistically awful.

Shane in Season 2 was a nut. Popping Otis... well that's one of those things that was probably necessary but incredibly cold. The downside is that between that and Lori it eroded at his mental health. The further irony being that if Otis had survived they might have been able to wrap the whole Sophia plot up in the next episode.
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Re: The Walking Dead

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I think the farm is a good example of how I see much of NZ and the midwest dealing with the ZA. Once the initial outbreak happens in cities and a little bit of knowledge about the situation is known. Areas like that could deal with the one or two naturally occuring walkers. And I doubt they would get a hell of a lot migration, and if they did walkers tend to follow the path of least resistance, they dont break down fences unless they really want something on the other side.
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Re: The Walking Dead

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That's probably the best way to deal with it. Good sight lines make it easily defensible though I'd still worry about living marauders. The only real concern is a herd but with some rifles and a few good shots you'd need massive waves of zombies to have any hope of crossing the half mile or more of flat open ground to get to the house.
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Re: The Walking Dead

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And a herd would onyl come to the farm if the saw food. If they came across even a simple wire fence they would walk around it. They have to need to walk through it unless for food.

Add a ditch and maybe barb wire to physically grab them. So long as your prepared and see them coming I can see a group like Ricks dealing with a herd of up to a hundred Zombies with out to much trouble.Stick the non fighters up the water tower and trees, don some armor and juts go to town on them.

As you said, humans are yout biggest threat. So best to make it look like the area is a infested, Maybe tie half a dozen walkers to the way in to your property. A rope around a foot and a spike in the ground, people would just see them milling around and assume the area is infested.
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Re: The Walking Dead

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A filler episode to be sure but it kept me interested.

Cant wait for the war. Andrea will take the governor out when it comes down to it.
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Re: The Walking Dead

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I wouldn't call it filler. Honestly Clear was far closer to filler than this one was but none of them are clear cut filler as they all do things to advance the plot in meaningful ways. Two episodes ago Rick was dead set on getting rid of Michonne, now he's agonizing about the governor wanting her. The difference? Carl and Michonne in Clear. Guns and ammo for the fight? Clear. Chances of negotiation and coming to a peaceful settlement? Gone, war certain, reason? Last episode. Humanizing Woodbury and showing how it's not a bunch of psychos? Last episode. Hope that they might pick up some strays from Woodbury? Last Episode.

Best of all, Andrea got told to shut up and let the big boys talk.
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Re: The Walking Dead

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I hope when Andrea takes out the governor she goes down as well.

I dont really see why the governor doesnt agree to the peace and split by the river, would work better for him in the end.
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Re: The Walking Dead

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I hope Andrea isn't the one to do it. Frankly I'm kinda hoping for Milton and that he'll join up with Rick's group. I wouldn't mind Martinez either.

The governor doesn't agree because he's a psycho. It's kinda pat but at this point you have to ignore anything he says or does with the town or Andrea directly. The real governor is the guy who kept his zombie daughter locked in his room, drank his scotch while watching aquariums full of zombie heads. He was going to rape Maggie, let Glen get bit by a walker, kill Michonne for leaving. He was going to have two brothers fight to the death for sport and he murdered an entire group of survivors just to take their stuff. He killed the guy who survived the helicopter crash because... well that one sort of felt like a for the Evulz moment.

The guy cannot, will not tolerate any dispute of his rule. He killed those army survivors because a large group of well armed and trained men could possibly take over Woodbury or could look like better choices for leaders than him. He needs to stay in charge with his loyal men being the muscle in town. So he killed them. Michonne wouldn't fall in line so he sent Merle to kill her even after she was no longer a threat.

Another Alpha male with an armed group around him in the area cannot be tolerated. Then you add in that they've attacked Woodbury which threatened his rule, and cost him valuable men and lieutenants. Finally, Michonne stomped him in the Daddy bag by offing his zombie daughter and making him an honorary pirate.

From his standpoint he CANNOT leave them alone. Even his offer of surrender was most certainly bullshit as I'm sure the moment he had them all in the open and unsuspecting he'd probably just kill all of them. Except maybe Beth and Maggie, they'd only wish he'd just kill them.
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Re: The Walking Dead

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Yeah that Milton Hershal chat seemed to be laying the ground work for future character development.

The governor kind of reminds me of the bad guy in Stephen Kings The Dome. Started off trying to save a small town and run everything well, but then just wanted power and kept justifying it. In the end he didnt even try to justify it.

Its funny to think of how better off everyone would be if people worked together and helped each other. that army unit could have turned either Woodbury or the prison into a very stable, very safe area and gone on to secure the whole area.

Then all these stray people we have seen could be taken in slowly. We could see a town with the population in the hundreds and a area cleared of Walkers with in 12 months.
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Re: The Walking Dead

Post by McAvoy »

Anyone has a feeling that Hershel may not make it this season? Just a gut feeling.

Andrea while from a certain standpoint like not wanting to do traditional female chores like they were doing in the beginning made sense her attitude just makes me want to choke her.
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