Best serial and why?

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Best serial and why?

Post by Griffin »

Inspired by recent disscussion in the sf debris three doctors review thread, which do you consider the beat serial/ episode (if choosing from new seris) and why?
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Re: Best serial and why?

Post by RK_Striker_JK_5 »

Classic... Time Warrior, Genesis of the Daleks, Remembrance of the Daleks, the Invasion, the Mind Robber...

New... Empty Child/Doctor Dances, bar none. My favorite epeisodes of ALL time. School Reunion, too.
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Re: Best serial and why?

Post by Captain Seafort »

Genesis of the Daleks - the origin of the Doctor's greatest enemies, with the best baddie in Who
Remembrance of the Daleks - Seven at his manipulative best
The Curse of Fenric - as above, turned up to eleven
Tomb of the Cybermen - same again, only with Two

Blink - the only time time travel has really been used as a core plot element, and Sally Sparrow was a blessing after a season of Martha bloody Jones
Utopia - started pretty crap, but built into brilliance, with easily the second best Master of the lot, despite only having about five minutes screen time as himself
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Re: Best serial and why?

Post by Mikey »

Agreed with "Genesis of the Daleks." Best Doctor, best villains, decent moral ambiguity and dilemma. Runners-up include "The Sea Devils" (okay, that's purely for visceral enjoyment and the first ever utterance of the phrase "Reverse the polarity of the neutron flow,") "The Pandorica Opens/The Big Bang" (neat ideas and the eps that finally turned around my opinion of Smith,) and the ep "The Doctor's Wife" (some of the finest writing I've seen on TV in a LONG time.)
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Re: Best serial and why?

Post by RK_Striker_JK_5 »

I'm really liking pretty all the Troughton serials I've watched. Dammit, for a time machine and VCR!
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