I like Tricycle's laser eyes.
Anyway, following are some pics of Simms, my resident old man. We adopted him in November of '00... after a few circuits of the kennels at the animal shelter, unable to decide which one was going to be ours, a paw came out of a kennel and grabbed my knee. He was between one and two years old at the time judging by his teeth, which would make him 13 - 14 now - but still continent, alert, and playful (once in a while.) It's hard to say, but we think he's a weird mix of Labrador retriever, boxer, Staffordshire bull terrier or some other pit bull, maybe some smooth collie, and I think a tiny bit of Rhodesian ridgeback. He was stray for awhile, and probably abused before then judging by some of his neuroses; and he can be a PITA - he once ate a couch because of a treat stuck in the bottom, and after three returns the Drs. Foster and Smith catalog just gave us our money back and changed their dog bed ad from "guaranteed chew-proof" to "virtually chew-proof" - but he's very affectionate and has been a great big brother.
chillin' in the yard:
celebrating New Year's Eve:
enjoying his favorite pastime, napping on my bed:
and laying in the tub (as he sometimes does, for whatever reason.) To give a sense of scale, that's a two-person jacuzzi.