S32E12: Closing Time

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S32E12: Closing Time

Post by Captain Seafort »

Starts in about an hour and a half. I just hope that Corden's character is less irritating than last year.
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Re: S32E12: Closing Time

Post by colmquinn »

Captain Seafort wrote: ..... I just hope that Corden's character is less irritating than last year.
Is that possible? Then again I don't find him particularly funny in anything else so I may be a 'bit' biased.
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Re: S32E12: Closing Time

Post by Captain Seafort »

colmquinn wrote:Is that possible?
Sure - in fact being less irritating than he was then wouldn't be difficult. I'm more concerned about the possibility of him becoming even worse. Possibly even coming within hailing distance of Love & Monsters.
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Re: S32E12: Closing Time

Post by colmquinn »

Meh, filler ep I thought.
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Re: S32E12: Closing Time

Post by Captain Seafort »

Poor filler ep at that. There were one or two good bits, mainly the Doctor worrying about the effects of his death, but by and large pretty forgettable aside from the last five minutes. At least we've got a good idea why River didn't realise what was happening in The Impossible Astronaut.
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Re: S32E12: Closing Time

Post by Graham Kennedy »

Since when does making a person a Cyberman involve just sticking them into the suit? Everything we've seen of it before implies that they more or less rip your brain and nervous system out and stick it in there.

And whilst I'm happy to see a Cybermat again... they have teeth now? Organic teeth?
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Re: S32E12: Closing Time

Post by Captain Seafort »

GrahamKennedy wrote:Since when does making a person a Cyberman involve just sticking them into the suit?
Since pretty much forever - that was certainly the method employed in Attack. It's only the Cybus Cybermen who have been known to simply transplant the brain, and given that this bunch were from a crashed ship they must be Mondosian Cybermen (albeit resembling the Cybus model).
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Re: S32E12: Closing Time

Post by RK_Striker_JK_5 »

A few good bits... but meh. I'll admit I liked the lodger, but a lot of that was due to the Doc trying to fit in. Also, the soccer match. Not sure if it was the Doc or Matt himself going, "I love this game!" And yes, I know about him and soccer in his past. ;)
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Re: S32E12: Closing Time

Post by Captain Seafort »

RK_Striker_JK_5 wrote:And yes, I know about him and soccer in his past. ;)
Huh? When did the Doctor ever play football? :?
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Re: S32E12: Closing Time

Post by RK_Striker_JK_5 »

Captain Seafort wrote:
RK_Striker_JK_5 wrote:And yes, I know about him and soccer in his past. ;)
Huh? When did the Doctor ever play football? :?
I... was talking about Matt Smith, not the Doc.
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Re: S32E12: Closing Time

Post by Captain Seafort »

Ah, right.
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Re: S32E12: Closing Time

Post by RK_Striker_JK_5 »

lol, it's cool. ;) I was comparing it to 'Time Crash' where Ten gushes to Five and the line blurs there and you don't know if it's Ten or Tennant doing the talking. "You were my Doctor." Excuse me, lump in throat. Damn, why is it so dusty here...
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