Alpha Sim Treaty Thread

Moderator: BigJKU316

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Alpha Sim Treaty Thread

Post by BigJKU316 »

Post public treaties here. Again, no editing. If it needs editing have me do it.
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Re: Alpha Sim Treaty Thread

Post by BigJKU316 »

General Treaty on Trade Rights and Rights in Neutral Space

In order to further galactic peace, better our understandings and expectations of one another as sovereign powers, ensure the orderly conduct of business and establish formal procedures to that end the various parties enter into the following agreement.

Article 1- Definitions

Neutral Space- is defined as all space outside of the known and internationally accepted borders as delineated in the latest international edition of the regional star charts provided to all powers by the International Mapping Agency.

Territorial Space- is defined as all space inside of the known and internationally accepted borders as delineated in the latest international edition of the regional star charts provided to all powers by the International Mapping Agency.

Disputed Space- is defined as space newly acquired or publicly disputed between two or more powers and is marked as disputed on the charts provided to all powers by the IMA.

Civilian Flagged Ship- a ship properly identified by visual insignia and the transmission of a proper ID code upon query to be a member of a nation but not a member of that nations military.

Military Flagged Ship- a ship properly identified by visual insignia and the transmission of a proper ID code upon query to be a member of a nations military.
International Mapping Agency- A non-government agency with membership from all powers that is responsible for creating star charts.

Article 2- Agreements

The signing powers do herby agree to the following provisions.

Provision 1- When traveling in neutral space properly flagged ships, of both the civilian and military variety shall not be subject to attack, search, seizure, undue retention or any other such hostile action without prior notice being registered with this body in the form of a Declaration of Legal Blockade or a Letter of Marque giving due notice of the intended action or a Declaration of War.

Provision 2- When traveling in territorial space in accordance with arranged transit routes Civilian Flagged ships will be granted the same protection as they are granted in Provision 1 of Article 2.

Provision 3- No Blockade shall be considered legal and binding on neutral parties unless that blockade is effective and enforced by the power declaring it and unless such blockade has been openly declared to the signatories of this treaty. Any action against a neutral powers trade ships without such notification may be considered an act of war.

Provision 4- Letters of Marque may be issued against the trading vessels of a specific nation by any sovereign power to grant legal and sovereign authority to impound Civilian Flagged Ships in neutral space of a specific power who must be named in the letter. The letter must be openly declared to the signatories of this treaty.

Provision 5- So long as Civilian Flagged Ships are unarmed they are not to be subject to attack so long as they submit to a lawful boarding supported by a Letter of Marque or a Declaration of Legal Blockade. Cargo may be seized and the ship allowed to return peacefully to its port of origin if it is a ship of a neutral power or seized as a prize if it is a cargo ship of a hostile power.

Provision 6- Military ships enter disputed space at their own peril. Civilian ships are accorded the same protections articulated in articles 1 and 2 of this document.

Article 3- Procedures

Declaring a Legal Blockade- A blockade may be declared referencing specific planets or an entire sovereign power. In either event the blockade must be effective and enforced to be binding on neutral powers. To be considered binding and legal a blockade must be enforced entirely within neutral space, the territorial space of the declaring power or the territorial space of the power against which a blockade has been declared.

Issuing a Letter of Marque- A Letter of Marque may be issued against specific targets for a specific period of time authorizing and making others aware of the authorization of a nations desire to take actions that would otherwise be prohibited by this treaty against Civilian or Military Flagged Ships in neutral space.

Annexation of Territorial Space by Treaty- In the event one-power grants authority and title over a region of its territorial space to another power the IMA will reflect that in the next version of its star chart.

Annexation of Neutral Space by Treaty-The IMA will recognize the following claims as valid.
Colonial Space- 25 LY’s of space from an established and declared colony on a world.
New Minor World- 50 LY’s of space from a colony that progresses to become a minor world.
Contiguous & Overlapping Claims- The IMA will at its discretion attempt to connect borders and resolve overlapping claims it a manner it deems reasonable.
Claims on Neutral Space- No space may be claimed without settlement. The IMA will not recognize any such claims.
Article 4- Ratification

This treaty is ratified by the signature of all the governments wishing to participate in international trade. Any government abiding by this treaty will have full access to international trade markets provided it follows the rules articulated within this document.

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