I did a quick comparison between the 375 meter Prometheus and the Nimitz. Basically 375 meters is in between the minimum 330 meter length so that a 302 can fit inside the hanger pod and 450 meter length from a scene in Ethon where a 302 flies out with plenty of room. 375 meter length also fits nicely with the deck thickness.
195 meter length is from Wiki and I have no clue how they got it. It makes no sense because a 302 wouldn't fit inside those pods or the original hanger at the base of the super structure.
Nimitz class has a overall length of 330 meters or 1,080 feet. I scanned the picture from Friedman's US Carriers.

The below picture is what I started on which is a heavily redone scan someone did years ago off of the Promtheus MSDs. It is highly inaccurate as you can see.