On the other hand we don't loose smart and intelligent people to small scratches and infections, appendicitis and other stuff which can easily happen to the best of us.Mikey wrote: I'm not saying that saving kids or helping the sick or disabled is bad, I'm just saying that it definitely affects the way that nature has thinned the heard for the entire history of ever. Back in the day, some guy jumps off the barn... well, if the fall didn't get him than the infection will, or the gangrene, or... Nowadays, we just patch him up and send him on his way to keep doing stupid shit AND pass along his stupid-shit-doing genome.
Also, stupidity as most people view it seems more to be a problem of the upbringing than any inherent flaw in the genome. I know quite a few stupid persons coming from very successful and intelligent parents who just haven't given shit about their children and vice versa.
Also, seeing as evolution was long at work and we only managed fairly recently in the history of mankind to eliminate those sicknesses you described and stupidity didn't die out during all those times it's fairly save to assume that it has little to do with the - as you call it - stupid-shit-doing genome.