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- BigJKU316
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As the Union won't sign the treaty the Federation wishes to inform them that they are in clear violation of the cease-fire with their new territorial claims. Unless these claims are revoked in accordance with the cease-fire we will consider the 60-day termination notice to have been given by the Union as of January 1st per the terms of the agreement.
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I'm curious, did you read the proposal before you chose to fly off the handle or did you just feel the need to start ranting again? I'll reiterate, the Cardassian Union's interest in the areas rimward is purely to preserve a neutral and free east/west corridor for trade and travel. If such a corridor is guaranteed we will remove all our claims and be willing to sign the treaty.
If you don't like where the lines are drawn then why don't you discuss it in a civilized manner? Given that the Ferengi have publicly renounced colonial expansion we didn't consider that to be an issue. If they wish to change their minds and expand that way then fine, we're speaking of what, systems 569, 570, and 571? Fine, draw the route a bit rimward and work it around the planets. The route itself is free space not a hard border so no one is contained by it.
We claim the following worlds for the Jacorn Alliance. 359, 424, 616 and the systems “south” of us, 598/599 to 615.
Full list of systems:
598, 599, 600, 601, 602, 603, 604, 605, 606, 607, 608, 609, 610, 611, 612, 613, 614, 615, 616, 424, 359.
Full list of systems:
598, 599, 600, 601, 602, 603, 604, 605, 606, 607, 608, 609, 610, 611, 612, 613, 614, 615, 616, 424, 359.
- BigJKU316
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The Federation wishes to inform all that the United Federation of Planets, the Jacorn Alliance and the Tholian Assembly have reached agreement on division of the RImward territories.
The Jacorn will claim: 598, 599, 600, 601, 602, 603, 604, 605, 606, 607, 608, 609, 610, 611, 612, 613, 614, 615, 616, 424, 359.
The Tholians should be reserved systems 349, 632, 594, 595, 597 and 592.
The Federation claims systems 578-593 with the exception of 592.
In light of this agreement we again re-state our demand that the Cardassians cease their claim in the area and sign the treaty as it was presented to them.
The Jacorn will claim: 598, 599, 600, 601, 602, 603, 604, 605, 606, 607, 608, 609, 610, 611, 612, 613, 614, 615, 616, 424, 359.
The Tholians should be reserved systems 349, 632, 594, 595, 597 and 592.
The Federation claims systems 578-593 with the exception of 592.
In light of this agreement we again re-state our demand that the Cardassians cease their claim in the area and sign the treaty as it was presented to them.
- 3 Star Admiral
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- Location: Jeri Ryan's Dressing Room, Shhhhh

We see the Federation's interesting take on negotiations continues, namely you make no attempt to do anything of the sort and settle for making demands and barking commands as if we were all your vassals. We do not renounce our claims. We are also attaching a full copy of the treaty negotiations between the Federation and the Union so that both the leaders and the populaces of our nations may judge who is the true impediment to peace.
(( I'll copy/paste the whole damn thing if need be but I'd rather not. Up to Staplic. ))
- BigJKU316
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We will fully admit. We reject all of your amendments to the proposed treaty out of hand. We won't sign a treaty that does not suit our needs. We have not told you you have to sign the treaty. Just that you need to comply with the cease-fire you agreed to publicly. Your claims violate that ceasefire. That is 100% clear.Tyyr wrote:
We see the Federation's interesting take on negotiations continues, namely you make no attempt to do anything of the sort and settle for making demands and barking commands as if we were all your vassals. We do not renounce our claims. We are also attaching a full copy of the treaty negotiations between the Federation and the Union so that both the leaders and the populaces of our nations may judge who is the true impediment to peace.
(( I'll copy/paste the whole damn thing if need be but I'd rather not. Up to Staplic. ))
- BigJKU316
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While the Federation remains opposed to Cardassian proposals regarding neutral space trade corridores for a variety of reasons we do recognize a need to create a more stable international trade system, one that hopefully is able to address many of our security concerns as well. To that end we propose the following, avaliable to all powers.
The Federation had long ago discovered a large space-station at system 581 that had long since been abandoned by its previous owners. This station is roughly the equivilant of a Type 74 Federation starbase. To that end we propose the following.
1. The station be restored and system 581 be held as neutral space for the benefit of all peoples.
2. All who trade there will take equally from the trade goods in proportion equal to what they contribute, provided there are sufficient goods to trade for them to take. In the event one power exports more to the station than there is avaliable for them to import their excess exports to the station will be apportioned among the other powers by the same proportional formula.
3. All powers will commit to defend this station from time to time against pirates and other threats, but will not use the base as a military supply point.
4. The budget for this station (estimated at 250,000 credits per year) will be taken by a tariff of that amount on all trade routed through there.
5. The cost to make this station operable is estimated at 5 million credits. This should be shared by all powers that wish to trade here equally.
This is a rough outline of what we propose. Specifics would be hashed out in a charter negotiated along these prinicpals by the powers that elect to participate. Essentially this would allow powers to take trade directly to this station and exchange it for whatever goods they wished, enriching us all.
The Federation would turn this station over from our Starfleet personel as soon as a full charter was agreed upon.
The Federation had long ago discovered a large space-station at system 581 that had long since been abandoned by its previous owners. This station is roughly the equivilant of a Type 74 Federation starbase. To that end we propose the following.
1. The station be restored and system 581 be held as neutral space for the benefit of all peoples.
2. All who trade there will take equally from the trade goods in proportion equal to what they contribute, provided there are sufficient goods to trade for them to take. In the event one power exports more to the station than there is avaliable for them to import their excess exports to the station will be apportioned among the other powers by the same proportional formula.
3. All powers will commit to defend this station from time to time against pirates and other threats, but will not use the base as a military supply point.
4. The budget for this station (estimated at 250,000 credits per year) will be taken by a tariff of that amount on all trade routed through there.
5. The cost to make this station operable is estimated at 5 million credits. This should be shared by all powers that wish to trade here equally.
This is a rough outline of what we propose. Specifics would be hashed out in a charter negotiated along these prinicpals by the powers that elect to participate. Essentially this would allow powers to take trade directly to this station and exchange it for whatever goods they wished, enriching us all.
The Federation would turn this station over from our Starfleet personel as soon as a full charter was agreed upon.
- 3 Star Admiral
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- Location: Jeri Ryan's Dressing Room, Shhhhh

The Cardassian Union is now willing to sign the peace treaty and renounces any claims we had upon the rimward worlds. Parties interested in participation in the trade agreement should state their interest immediately so that we may begin negotiation.
- Reliant121
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The Empire believes this station has some potential. We will place our support behind it.
They say that in the Army,
the women are mighty fine.
They look like Phyllis Diller,
and walk like Frankenstein.
the women are mighty fine.
They look like Phyllis Diller,
and walk like Frankenstein.
- BigJKU316
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- Posts: 1949
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The full text of the treaty is herby provided to all powers. We will post it in our archives as well.
Treaty of Ferenginar
In the interest of restoring peace, normalizing economic relations and returning prosperity to the region the following is agreed to by the Cardassian Union (Union) and the United Federation of Planets, Klingon Empire and Ferengi Alliance (Allies).
I. Territorial Provisions
1. The Union agrees that it will make no claims on the following worlds 310, 314 - 319, 321, 322, 562, 565, 566, 568, 570, or 571.
2. The Union agrees that it will make claims to territory of any kind within 50 LY's of the currently recognized boarders of the Ferengi Alliance.
3. The Union agrees that its present rimward border will be the effective limit of its rimward claims out to 200 LY's west of system 558 and continuing from system 558 to the present rimward border at any time during the next 25 standard years.
4. The Union renoucnes its prior claim on systems 574, 577, 579 though 597, 951, and 632 entierly in order to comply with the above.
5. The Union renoucnes its claims on any space that was formerly goverened by the Breen.
II. Economic Provisions
1. The Union will re-affirm its debts owed to the Ferengi Alliance in the interest of galactic economic stability. The following is the accounting for that debt.
Loan 1 4,000,000 credits at 5%, interest due annually unpaid for three years.
Loan 2 12,000,000 credits at 3%, interest due annually unpaid for three years.
Total Principal Due: 16,000,000 Credits
Past Due Interest Due Now: 1,743,224
This years interest Due: 560,000
2. The Union will repay this sum in the following manner.
Year 1: 1,500,000 credits. 560,000 Interest payment. 940,000 Past due interest.
Year 2: 1,500,000 credits. 560,000 Interest payment. 803,224 Past due interest. 136,776 Loan 1 Principal payment.
Year 3-Completion: 1,500,000 credits. Full interest payment, remainder to principal of loan 1 till it is paid off then to loan 2's principal until it is paid off.
3. The Ferengi Alliance, in order to facilitate this payment schedule agree to not capitalize the past due interest of 803,224 that will not be paid this fiscal year and to accept this sum as the full payment for obligations due under these two loan agreements.
III. Political Provisions
1. Breen space will be administered by the Federation, Klingon Empire and two neutral powers one of whom will be appointed by the Federation and Klingons and the other by the Union from the governments recognized by all three powers. Those powers shall provide security in Breen space and have the task of organizing a new Breen government. This mandate will run for 20 years. The Federation and Klingons have appointed the Jacorn Alliance. The Cardassian Union has appointed the Tholian Assembly.
2. The above appointments of neutral parties shall be made within 30 days of the signing of this treaty so that the task of forming a functioning Breen government can begin as soon as possible.
3. The Federation and the Union agree in order to facilitate the development of a stable and secure situation with the Breen that when a government there is formed and certified by the mandate authroity that they will observe provisions I and II of the Treaty of Lissepia which are quoted below.
I. A security zone will be established upon Cardassian Union/Breen Confederacy and United Federation of Planets/Breen Confederacy borders. The zone will be fifteen lightyears in width, extending ten light years into Breen space from the currently agreed upon border and five years into Cardassian Union and United Federation of Planets space from the currently agreed upon border.
II. The signatories agree not to deploy warships into this security zone without prior notification of the other signatories and receipt of their consent. All signatories agree not to unnecessarily withhold consent for necessary security functions such as combating pirates.
4. The Federation and Cardassian Union agree that provisions 3 and 4 are stricken from the Treaty of Lisspeia and that such decisions regarding tarrifs and trade security will be made by each government on a case by case basis.
- BigJKU316
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The following is a draft charter for the Neutral Trade Station we have mentioned before. We open this for comment and reserve the right to make future additions ourselves prior to signing the document.
Draft Charter for Neutral Trade Station (NTS)
Legal Status
1. The NTS shall be neutral territory and will be administered by a council comprised of the members (defined below) of the Charter who shall have as their only purpose the efficient administration of the station.
2. No power shall use the NTS to supply its military ships, though the council may ask from time to time for small groups of ships from all members be sent to defend the station against piracy and other minor threats.
1. A government may take membership in this organization by paying its proportinate share of the refubishment cost for the station (5 million credits divided by the number of governments participating in the initial setup).
2. A government may later apply for membership by paying an amount equal to the founders share of the refurbishment cost which shall be distributed equally to all founding members.
3. All members are entitled to five decks of sovereign space to which they can control access and house their official delegations on the station. The remainder of the station will be open space and policed subject to the rules adopted by the council.
4. Members may make such security arrangments as they wish for their soverign space on the station but may deploy no more than 2,000 soliders or security persons to this station.
1. An "Open Trade Market Area" will be established on the station to facilitate the efficient transfer of goods between powers.
2. A member shall be entitled to take as imports and amount equal to what it exports to the station except in cases when its exports exceed the imports of all other members. In that case the member shall take in return for its exports an amount of imports equal to but not exceeding the amount of exports from all other members combined. The excess trade from that member will then be apportioned in a proportional manner to the volume of trade provided by other members. Thus if a member was responsible for 20% of the trade brought to the station they would be entitled to that amount in return, plus 20% of any excess.
3. The council will manage a permanent tariff that will be adjusted annually to fund the maintenence and operation of this station estimate at 250,000 credits per annum. Each member will be notified annually of what their tarrif fee was for the previous year.
4. The council is authorized to impose an increased tariff of no more than 5% for no more than 5 years to make necessary capital improvements to the station from time to time, provided there is unanimous consent amoung the members for such improvements.
- Reliant121
- 3 Star Admiral
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The Empire shall willingly assist in this endeavour for this...this...peace station/Ty'Rokagh. Other governments have little reason not to. If they like the idea, they approve anyway. If they do not, placing some poor washed out politician here is a perfect way for you to watch everyone else. Everyone wins! -hearty laugh-
They say that in the Army,
the women are mighty fine.
They look like Phyllis Diller,
and walk like Frankenstein.
the women are mighty fine.
They look like Phyllis Diller,
and walk like Frankenstein.
- BigJKU316
- Captain
- Posts: 1949
- Joined: Wed Nov 04, 2009 4:19 am
- Commendations: The Daystrom Award, Cochrane Medal of Excellence
This should theoretically be no trouble. The station has hundreds of decks. Refitting several to your specifications should not be difficult.Mark wrote:WE SEE THE BENIFETS AS WELL. HOWEVER, WE ALSO SEE THE RISKS.