From Slave to Princess

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From Slave to Princess

Post by Angharrad »

Vendall stood to hear his verdict. "Guilty of all charges"

Guilty! The word cut him. He was 24 years old and his life was over, he heard his father curse, his mother wail, as he listened to them he thought of prison, he had already spent 6 months in prison during the trial and could not imagine living there for the rest of his life. He turned to look behind him, he knew she was there. Looking so innocent with her beautiful face, clear blue eyes and soft blond curls that fell past her shoulders to her waist. When she was 14 years old Vendall had bought Keer•la, then he married her, illegally. But then most of what Vendall had done was not strictly legal. Some were of the opinion that he had not purchased Keer•la legally, that he had stolen her from her family. Keer•la would not say, either from fear or love no one knew. But she did tell about the other things he had done, her testimony had sealed his fate and her's, she would never be completely free. Vendall had a brother Reesori, until recently he had been off-world, serving in the Royal Armada. He believed what Vendall told him and Keer•la knew he would hunt her down. She had to get off this island, and she had found a way, or rather, a way had been handed to her.

Vendall's eyes grew dark as he watched her, with a roar he lunged toward her, only to be dragged back by the court guards. Keer•la couldn't help but jump and wonder how long it would be before she could leave, when would her saviors come? A man touched her arm and she turned with a smile, the smile faded and her face went from pale to white as she recognized Reesori.

"So it's the lying Keer•la? Pleased to make your acquaintance." He sneered at her.

"I I didn't lie." Her soft voice barely above a whisper. Keer•la looked up at Reesori, tall, good-looking and angry. He reached for her neck with a quick movement. Keer•la was quicker. She jumped and a swift kick placed behind his knee caused him to lose his balance and as he was falling to the ground, Keer•la's fists smashed into his face and ribs. As soon as he was on the ground another swift kick delivered the ultimate humiliation. He was battled trained, Keer•la had learned street fighting at the hand of Vendall, he had taught her to be quick, effective and vicious. Keer•la placed her foot on Reesori's neck, she leaned forward and as he gasped for breath she whispered into his face, "Your brother taught me this. I didn't lie." Then she was gone.

Reesori lay on the floor gasping for breath, he struggled to his feet, making great effort to stand upright. A man laughed at him, "Beaten by a 16 year old girl!" Reesori growled and grabbed the man's throat. "What did you say?" "Nothing! Nothing!" Reesori was strong with a grip like iron, no one else said a word to him. "Besides," he muttered to himself, "she couldn't be 16, Vendall wouldn't have married a child." Reesori made his way to the door, he did not notice the two cloaked figures standing in the back up against the wall. Now they followed Reesori out the door, as he looked for Keer•la who by now had disappeared. Reesori walked toward his house, he kept a sharp lookout, he needed to soak his injury, he needed to think. "It's an island." He reasoned, where could she run on an island? He would find her.
“You cannot play God then wash your hands of the things that you've created. Sooner or later, the day comes when you can't hide from the things that you've done anymore.”

And then Buffy staked Edward. The End.

From Slave to Princess
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Re: From Slave to Princess

Post by RK_Striker_JK_5 »

This looks... interesting. original work, or a fanfic?
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Re: From Slave to Princess

Post by Angharrad »

Original work.
“You cannot play God then wash your hands of the things that you've created. Sooner or later, the day comes when you can't hide from the things that you've done anymore.”

And then Buffy staked Edward. The End.

From Slave to Princess
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Re: From Slave to Princess

Post by RK_Striker_JK_5 »

Well, I hope to see more for this story. :)
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Re: From Slave to Princess

Post by Angharrad »

RK_Striker_JK_5 wrote:Well, I hope to see more for this story. :)
You asked, I delivered
From high above the street Keer•la watched Reesori and the two cloaked figures. She could hear in the stables below the 4 tarnicks moving about restlessly. The sheer size of the tarnicks frightened her and the large ears of the pailkit, well she didn't know what to think about them, she had never seen a creature whose ears appeared to be larger than its head. Perrcia pulled Keer•la away from the window.

"We have to get you ready to travel," she said curtly, a scowl marring her lovely face. Keer•la hadn't decided yet if Perrcia was friend or foe, if she should like her or not. She was different from anyone Keer•la had ever met.

"You don't like me." It wasn't a question or a statement, it was more like a challenge. Perrcia turned her amber eyes toward Keer•la's face, "I was sent here to do a job, my personal feelings don't matter." It was a lie, both girls knew it. Perrcia turned her attention back to the belt she was fastening around Keer•la's waist. This was her first assignment outside the castle, her father would be so disappointed if she failed. She couldn't let her personal feelings about this wimpy female get in the way of her assignment. "Why don't you like me?" Keer•la persisted. Scat! Thought Perrcia, she's like a dog with a bone!

"Quiet!" growled Perrcia, "I have to concentrate on what I'm doing." Keer•la was really starting to get on her last whisker, she was scared of everything it seemed. Now she wouldn't shut up. Perrcia's ears flattened against her head, a sure sign she was annoyed, she wasn't aware of it, but Keer•la noticed.

"What is that belt for?" She had always changed the subject when Vendall was angry, sometimes it worked. She hoped it would work with this strange girl.

"It's an image adjuster. When people look at you, they won't see you. Pretty cool huh?" For the first time since they had met, Perrcia smiled. Her ears relaxed and went back to standing straight up, attuned to everything around them.

"Do we have to ride those," Keer•la gestured downwards "huge beasts?" Perrcia's smile vanished, "Well, do you want to walk off this island?"

"No, but there are other things to ride, like vingarts." The large winged creatures were popular on the island and could run as fast as any beast. Best of all, when they got to where they were going, they could just release them and the vingart would survive on its own until needed again. Perrcia looked at Keer•la, her face was deadly serious, "Could you picture the Captain on a vingart? He would crush it!" Keer•la thought of the pailkit in the stable below. He could crush a pailkit, she thought. "We could ride them, we're small enough."

"Winged creatures don't exactly like creatures with claws." Perrcia extended hers for effect. She went back to working on the image adjuster, it had to fit around Keer•la's waist just right to work.

Perrcia was not the first Leonite Keer•la had met. There had been plenty in the jail with her, they had been kind to her. Keer•la was a small Ronen female and not yet full grown, but the Leonites were smaller then her even fully grown. Females were considered adult at 14, married and having babies, or kits as some called them. Covered in soft yellow fur with amber eyes and whiskers above and to the side of their mouths. Their ears were pointed and could be moved at will, and extremely sensitive as were all their senses. It was very hard to sneak up on a Leonite. They had sharp claws that shot out from the ends of their fingers making it also very dangerous to take one by surprise. But Perrcia was different. She had no fur on her face and her eyes, nose and mouth looked Ronen, in fact the only thing Leonite about her face were her whiskers. Her ears were pointed like Leonite but they were on the side of her head instead of toward the top. She also had hair, long red hair, like a Ronen, and long fingers like a Ronen. Except they were covered with fur and had claws inside them. Those fingers were now working on the image adjuster, trying to get it to work. Something was wrong.

"Why do you have hair?" Keer•la blurted out. A noise from the street caught Perrcia's attention and she ran to the window. The two cloaked figures were returning to the barn and they were in a hurry. Once inside the smaller figure removed his hood, revealing his Leonite face, he had the thick mane of a full grown male, he hissed and growled. "Coming Pappir" Perrcia ran to the edge and jumped down to great her father. Keer•la watched the fluidity of Perrcia's movements, lithe limbs unhampered by a heavy skirt such as Keer•la was forced to wear. She followed more slowly, carefully climbing down the ladder. The tall man Perrcia called Captain reached up and lifted her down, Perrcia and her father were getting the animals ready to leave and talking in their own tongue.

"We have to hurry little one," Captain said to Keer•la.

"Reesori saw you following him, but who was the drunk?" All eyes turned on Keer•la, Perccia gasped, "You know our language?"

"That will come in handy. Won't it Bud?" Captain turned to Perccia's father, who was checking the baggage attached to the pailkit. Bud grinned back, his whiskers shaking with laughter.

"Sure thing, another little kit you can't understand." He looked at Keer•la, then turned to Perccia, "Why do I still see a small Ronen female with long blond hair?"

"The belt won't fit. She's too skinny."

"They must not feed you very well in jail." Bud looked closely at Keer•la's face, concern in his kind amber eyes.

"They don't feed you at all, your family is instructed to bring you food, or you have to buy it. I have no family and no money. If not for the kind Leonite women, I would have starved."

"Don't worry, when Masi sees you, you'll be turning food down or end up as fat as Pappir!" Perrcia poked her Pappir in the mid-section and giggled. Captain interrupted them, he had finished saddling the tarnicks.

"Time to mount up, Finister put on a good show, but who knows if Reesori believed it. He's smart enough to figure out it wasn't a coincidence a drunk showed up as soon as he noticed he was being followed."

Perccia had donned a cape, she wrapped another one around Keer•la, pulling the hood up to cover her blond hair. "Masi always makes sure I have an extra cape." Perccia then mounted a tarnick, Captain picked up Keer•la and placed her behind Perccia before mounting his own tarnick. Bud opened the doors and the Captain led the way, followed by Perccia. The little pailkit followed behind, a well trained animal, he needed no urging to stay with the larger tarnicks. Bud came last, leading his mount and the fourth tarnick, he stopped to close the doors.

"I'll get Finister and catch up with you." Captain nodded and the three animals proceeded down the street. The tarnicks moved silently, Keer•la needed no urging to hang on tightly to Perrcia, she could see herself tumbling off the massive beasts. She was shaking like a leaf, convinced she was going to die before the night was over. Scat! Thought Perrcia, she's scared to death, but determined to follow through. Not such a wimpy female after all.

Within minutes they were out of town, when they reached the edge of the woods, Keer•la relaxed a little, she was getting used to the movement of the gentle tarnicks and the more distance between her and Reesori the safer she felt.

"My mother is Ronen." the words came out of the blue. Perrcia turned her head to look at Keer•la, "That's why I have long hair. And yes, I am the only Ronen-Leonite on the planet." Perrcia's ears twitched, "Captain! Riders behind us!"

They quickly left the path, the Captain motioned for the girls to be quiet and drew his weapon, then holstered it and moved into the path. "Bud, Finister, you two made good time. Lets keep moving." Keer•la leaned against Perrcia, she was so tired. She was also determined not to slow down the others. She closed her eyes for a minute . . . . and when she opened them she was being carried onto a ship by the Ronen male the others called Finister. He set her down on the deck of the ship and bowed to her. She swayed, or was it the ship? Were they at sea already? Then she was in a bunk, wrapped up in Perrcia's cloak and snuggled up against her was Perrcia. "We're on our way," the little feline purred. "When you wake, you'll have a new life."
“You cannot play God then wash your hands of the things that you've created. Sooner or later, the day comes when you can't hide from the things that you've done anymore.”

And then Buffy staked Edward. The End.

From Slave to Princess
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Re: From Slave to Princess

Post by Angharrad »

Reesori hit the ground with a thud, this time however he managed to avoid getting kicked by the vingart's strong heavy foot. He rolled and came up with his weapon drawn, but the beast was moving swiftly out of range. Perhaps it remembered Reesori's threat to shoot it the next time it threw him. More than likely it was just glad to be rid of its rider. It was just as well, considering the weapon was illegal, Reesori had no idea how he would get more ammunition should he run out.

"Karu, this has been the worst month of my life," he muttered. "First I receive an urgent message to come home, back to Mulderon, a place I swore I would never set foot on again, I'm needed. Then I had to travel on civilian transport, including riding an animal across Përmtur and a boat across the sea. I arrive on Përkorë just in time to hear that my brother has been convicted of multiple criminal offenses due to his wife lying through her teeth so she won't go to jail, and then she kicks me in the nads! I have to ride these nuken birds that I can't stay on. Could it get any worse? Oh yes, now I am talking to myself." Reesori looked around to see if anyone was watching him, he couldn't see anyone. He trudged on toward his house. He didn't say the worst thing, having met some of Vendall's associates, he was beginning to think that maybe, his brother was a criminal. That the lying girl, had indeed been telling the truth. He already found out that she was indeed only 16, making the marriage illegal.

Since he was in a foul mood, with no idea how far he had to walk, he started to think about his last week on board his ship. His ship, with all the modern conveniences a man could want, heated bunks, food ready at the push of a button and the women. The alien women, beautiful and exotic looking. He had finally worked up the nerve to ask one of them on a date, one he had been watching for a long time, and she had said yes. Then he had to leave. He wondered if she would remember him, Karu, she might not even be there! A whooshing sound near him brought him out of his thoughts and he turned to see, of all things, a young girl on a skim craft. She smiled at him.

He looked longingly at the vehicle, it could easily accommodate him and the girl. He wondered what he would have to do to get a ride when she opened her mouth, "Would you like a ride?" Reesori grinned and climbed on behind her, without another word she took off toward his house.

"How do you know where I live?"

"You're Vendall's brother, everyone on Përkorë knows where he lives. Are you going to bust him out of prison? If you are, I'll help, I could distract a guard." Reesori looked at the girl, he had noticed the short skirt and tight top, at first he thought it was for ease of movement while riding, now he noticed she had a worldliness far beyond her years.

"Well, right now I'm looking for his wife, seeing if she'll retract her statement so we can get him out legally." They had reached his house and he started to get off the skim craft. Her shrill burst of laughter stopped him.

"She wasn't his wife! She was one of his workers, had mighty slick fingers, if you know what I mean. I doubt if they ever had sex even." She gave Reesori a look that made him weak in the knees and at the same time sick to his stomach, she couldn't have been older than 14. "I could tell you more if you want."

"No, no that's all right, thanks for the ride." Reesori stumbled in the house, he had heard more than enough and things had definitely gotten worse.
“You cannot play God then wash your hands of the things that you've created. Sooner or later, the day comes when you can't hide from the things that you've done anymore.”

And then Buffy staked Edward. The End.

From Slave to Princess
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Re: From Slave to Princess

Post by RK_Striker_JK_5 »

Fascinating little universe you seem to be creating, here.
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Re: From Slave to Princess

Post by Angharrad »

RK_Striker_JK_5 wrote:Fascinating little universe you seem to be creating, here.
I am all powerful :happydevil:

I read some of your SW/ST with the Jedi and Klingons, couldn't read it carefully since I was at work so I skimmed through it, but it looked good. I like the interactions between the characters.
“You cannot play God then wash your hands of the things that you've created. Sooner or later, the day comes when you can't hide from the things that you've done anymore.”

And then Buffy staked Edward. The End.

From Slave to Princess
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Re: From Slave to Princess

Post by Angharrad »

His mother was cooking food the old fashioned way. He had gotten used to pushing a button for his meals, the smell reminded him of his childhood. A favorite dish, Masi was trying hard to please him, to avoid the awkward questions he had, such as: why had they given half of their house to Vendall? He had paid for this house, for them to live in, not his brother, it was time for some answers.

"Masi." He approached his mother, she looked up startled, but instead of starting up a stream of chatter she pointed to the communication screen.

"Some messages came in for you today. I didn't read them, just left them there for you. Don't worry about dinner, it's soup, it'll stay hot 'till you're ready to eat." Yes Masi I know it's soup, I can smell it, and then an afterthought, it's like she's afraid of me, strange. Reesori headed toward the only modern appliance in the house, a message screen, and even that was out of date, only able to transmit written messages, no images or voice. The first one was from his commanding officer wanting to know when he was returning. He responded that he would need at least another month. He also asked if he could have an advance on his salary. There were some from friends in the Armada and to his surprise one from Soarite, the beautiful alien woman he had asked out. It was just a short message, but ended with a promise to make up for the missed date. The last message was from a man named Jok Sint, an associate of Vendall. Reesori didn't like the man, but Vendall trusted him. The message was an urgent request to meet with Reesori, Jok Sint has some vital information that must be communicated in person. Reesori sent a message back saying he couldn't meet this evening he had no transportation, almost immediately the screen pinged, "NOW TONIGHT" with a location and time. "The girl you met this afternoon will be there to get you."

He had just enough time to eat, he had no idea what to say to his parents anyway. Vendall was the baby, he could do no wrong and Reesori was the big brother who abandoned him to seek riches and explore the universe. Of course Vendall fell into a life of crime, Reesori wasn't there to keep an eye on him, obviously Reesori was to blame. He shoveled down the soup, as he ate it he realized it tasted different than he remembered, it had no meat in it, just broth and greens. I'm a soldier in the King's Armada, my brother is a rich criminal and my parents eat like peasants, he thought ruefully. The door chime sounded and his mother went to open the door.

"Prat•ka! How good to see you, its seems like ages. Look at your darling hair, I do so wish you'd let it get grow. You would look stunning with long brown curls. Isn't that outfit a little thin for the night air? Aren't you afraid you'll catch cold?" All that and she didn't even pause to take a breath, Reesori thought, then mentally chided himself. He kissed his mother on the way out.

"Don't stay up, I don't know how long I'll be, but we must talk tomorrow." His mother avoided his eyes. She seemed more concerned with what Prat•ka was wearing. "My dear, let me get you a cape, its cold tonight!"

"Oh no, I'll be alright." She purred, adding with a sly wink toward Reesori, "I have a big strong man to keep me warm!" Reesori climbed on the skim craft behind her, in a few minutes they were at the dive where Jok Sint waited. Reesori pulled his cloak tightly around him and made his way past the drunks, sleeping where they had fallen, and the women offering to do anything, and they did mean anything, for a price to get to Jok Sint's table.

"What was so urgent you had to see me tonight?"

Jok Sint grinned at him, the smell of his breath almost knocked Reesori over, he turned away and missed what Jok was so excited about. "What did you say?"

Jok Sint's words caught his full attention. "I found the girl. I found Keer•la."
“You cannot play God then wash your hands of the things that you've created. Sooner or later, the day comes when you can't hide from the things that you've done anymore.”

And then Buffy staked Edward. The End.

From Slave to Princess
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Re: From Slave to Princess

Post by Angharrad »

Two weeks later

Laey•ti pushed the furry hand away. It came back, gently patting her face. This time a little voice came with it, urging her to get up. She pushed the hand away again. The voice became more urgent, pleading with her.

"Lady Laey•ti, you must get up! It's time for you to get up and get dressed! Please Lady Laey•ti, get up now."

Laey•ti sighed and sat up, when she opened her eyes she saw the little Leonite maid hurry to the closet,

"What do you want to wear today?"

"Anything," Laey•ti answered as she looked in the mirror. She still hadn't gotten used to her new look, skin was darker, hair was darker and straighter, no more blond curls for her and her eyes were now dark brown. The scars from the blows that Vendall had given Keer•la did not show up on Laey•ti. It was like she was a completely different person. She watched Dinya bring garments of silk for her to wear. "Perrcia was right, I have a brand new life."

For having stubby fur covered fingers, Dinya dressed Laey•ti with speed and skill. At times, Laey•ti noticed, she tipped her ears toward Lain•ya's quarters and paused for a second. When Laey•ti would look at her she would do that peculiar bob the Leonites used for a curtsy and murmur "Nothing Miss, Nothing". Finally Laey•ti got tired of it and opened the door between the two rooms, only to have Dinya jump in front of her and close it. In the quick glance Laey•ti was able to get, she saw Danka piling silks on Lain•ya's bed and Lain•ya was standing in front of the open window.

"Don't you work for me?" She asked Dinya a little crossly. Laey•ti had been told she would be treated as a member of the royal family, but so far she had been pushed around by everyone. She had arrived last night to meet the royal family, Her ladyship the Queen spoke about Laey•ti as if she wasn't there, Lain•ya wouldn't even come down to meet her and now this little kit was being rude.

"Technically my lady," Dinya had a little hiss to her voice, most Leonites did when speaking the Ronen language. "I work for Her Ladyship, and Her Lady Lain•ya is not to be disturbed, by you that is, before breakfast. Please miss, don't get me in trouble." Dinya was 10, she had the big amber eyes all Leonites did and she opened them wide when looking at Laey•ti, the innocent face made Laey•ti crumble.

"O.K., but open it a slit so I can at least see her." Dinya complied then whispered, "Why do you want to see her? She looks just like you, or you look just like her."

"I want to know what she is doing."


Danka was Dinya's twin sister. She hurried about the room picking up all the garments Lain•ya had discarded and piled them on the bed, then she began putting them away. She didn't look at Lain•ya standing in front of the window. "Ronen," she was fond of saying, with her 10 year old wisdom, "are strange." As she had seen her sister do every morning for the past 4 years, Lain•ya put an hand on each side of the window, she leaned forward and looked out at a land that one day she would rule over. She looked to the left, she looked straight ahead and she looked to the right. Then she said, "Someday, this will all be mine." Jhsu•kn would laugh after she said it, like it was some kind of joke, or maybe she knew the future, maybe for those four years she said it, she knew it would not come to be. Jhsu•kn was gone now, according to Her Ladyship she would never come back. Lain•ya pulled away from the window, what had Jhsu•kn done that was so terrible she could never be forgiven?

A noise from the doorway distracted her. She advanced and pushed it open, Laey•ti scrambled to her feet and backed away. Lain•ya looked at the mirror image of herself, her left hand flicked, a gesture of dismissal to the maids and they both immediately left the rooms. Lain•ya then held out her hand to Laey•ti and smiled. In Lain•ya's room there was a couch built into the wall, the girls sat there. "When this was my sister's room. Perrcia slept here. Now that my sister is gone, Perrcia sleeps in her own room. I am sorry I didn't come down last night, I was in a mood. This is all rather new to me." Lain•ya fingered the ring in her ear. The ring was put in there when Jhsu•kn left, it signified that Lain•ya was now the royal heir, the one next in line to be Queen of Mulderon. She hated it.
“You cannot play God then wash your hands of the things that you've created. Sooner or later, the day comes when you can't hide from the things that you've done anymore.”

And then Buffy staked Edward. The End.

From Slave to Princess
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Re: From Slave to Princess

Post by Angharrad »

For the past two weeks Laey•ti had been in Dirdam, living with Perrcia and her family, learning about her new life, the first thing she had been told was: while His Lordship the King ruled the country, Her Ladyship the Queen ruled the Palace. The second thing was the Queen had forbidden the mention of her oldest daughter. In the palace is was to be as if Jhsu•kn had never existed. Here in her first conversation with Lain•ya the rule was broken. Laey•ti wondered if this was a good sign, a sign that Lain•ya was going to be fun to be around, or did it mean trouble was ahead. Laey•ti pushed the thought away and concentrated on copying Lain•ya's movements, after all, she was her double. She touched the ring in her ear exactly the way Lain•ya did, she had never had such beautiful stuff. A chime signaled someone was entering the room.

Perrcia strode toward them and bowed to Lain•ya, "My apologies for my tardiness MiLady, I seem to have misplaced my TalkTab and was not aware of how late it was." As she said this, Perccia fixed her gaze on Laey•ti, who returned it coolly.

"You lost your TalkTab? You never lose anything! How " Lain•ya's voice trailed off as she noticed the looks Perrcia and Laey•ti were exchanging. "Laey•ti! Did you steal Perrcia's TalkTab? Whatever for? If you want one just ask."

"I did not steal anything." Laey•ti straightened her back and stiffly walked into her room. Perrcia followed her, placing a hand on her shoulder she turned Laey•ti to face her and placed a small blue TalkTab in her hand.

"This is yours. I put my code in it." She pulled Laey•ti's face down so they were nose to nose, "Now give me mine back and don't ever Tab my boyfriend again." The exchange over, Perrcia's TalkTab safely in her pouch, she turned her attention back to Lain•ya. "Her Ladyship wants you down for breakfast and to go over the schedule for today. Immediately, both of you." Lain•ya sighed and held out her arm to Laey•ti. The two girls walked arm in arm down to the breakfast room. Perrcia followed closely. They did not speak, Lain•ya's mind was whirling with her new responsibilities, and Laey•ti was wondering just how mad Perrcia would be if Laey•ti Tabbed her boyfriend.
“You cannot play God then wash your hands of the things that you've created. Sooner or later, the day comes when you can't hide from the things that you've done anymore.”

And then Buffy staked Edward. The End.

From Slave to Princess
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Re: From Slave to Princess

Post by Angharrad »

Chapter 5

Laey•ti was bored. She lay on her bed and played with the TalkTab Perrcia had given her. Pretty and blue and a light touch to the screen brought up her contact list, two names. Perrcia and Emergon Capü. Of course Laey•ti had tabbed him, and like before he was sweet and talkative and oh so polite! Completely devoted to Perrcia. Laey•ti sighed.

She looked at the door separating her from Lain•ya, there was not a sound coming from the other side. Lain•ya had told Laey•ti, she was tired out from her exhausting day. Laey•ti was not a bit tired, she wished she had her old face back, then maybe Perrcia would have let her come with her and Emergon dancing. That Trapron that had come to the island, the one who had helped with those huge beasts was rather cute if a little on the shy side, what was his name? Finister, she whispered his name, it actually sounded nicer to her then Emergon. Of course since she had the face of the princess, anything resembling a social life or having fun was out of the question.

Laey•ti sat up and pulled at her night dress, the thought of a dress designed just to wear while sleeping amused her, she smiled at the thought and walked over to her dressing table to pick up a pair of gloves, like everything she had now they were of the finest quality. She had asked for gloves like Perrcia wore, with the ends left open so her fingers could stick out, of course the request was denied, her gloves had to match Lain•ya’s. She had taken her knife to this pair, of course the ends were ragged, but they would do. As she pulled the gloves on she tossed her TalkTab on the table, it skittered across and landed on the floor in front of the door.

When she leaned over to pick it up she noticed something from under the door, a moving light, someone was sneaking around Lain•ya’s room! Laey•ti threw open the door and called for the lights, the peasant girl in the middle of the room spun to face her. But it wasn’t a peasant girl it was Lain•ya in a brown skirt and top like Laey•ti wore, before she was Laey•ti. She approached Lain•ya with a question in her eyes.

“I’m going out.”

“Out? Without Perrcia? Dressed like this?”

“Yes, don’t tell anyone. If anyone finds out, you didn’t know anything. Go back to your room.”

“How are you going to get out without anyone seeing you? Does your room have a secret passage?”

“Stop asking questions you don’t want the answer to. Look, I’ll be back before dawn, just go back to your room and forget you saw anything.”

Laey•ti retreated to her room, quickly she pulled off her nightdress and pulled out a box from under the wardrobe. She had saved her old clothes, in case of emergency she told herself, never expecting she would actually ever put them on again. Instead of the usual top peasant Ronen girls wore, Laey•ti’s was sleeveless and laced up tightly against her skin, it had several pockets sewn into it. Into these she put the TalkTab, her knife, a bag of gold coins she had stolen since coming to the city. Bad habits died hard, she shrugged as she stuffed her pockets. Looked like she might need money now. Over this top she put a loose fitting top with sleeves and returned to Lain•ya’s room. There was no way she was going to be here at dawn to take the heat if Lain•ya didn’t return, nothing in her short life gave her reason to trust anyone. There was a lump on the bed that looked like Lain•ya, since it was moving, Laey•ti surmised it must be one or both of the maids. When she had asked about the secret passage she was watching Lain•ya’s eyes, that was how she knew where to search on the wall. She was wearing the gloves she had altered so she could run her fingers over its smooth service until she found the edge of the door, and then felt down it till she found the switch. A few minutes later she was carefully making her way down a flight of stairs carved into the inside of the wall. With no light it was slow going, fortunately their rooms were not at the top of the palace. The door at the bottom didn’t have a switch, there was groove in the wall like a handle set in the door, she pulled on it. It didn’t budge. She pulled again, still nothing. Lain•ya had to have gotten out this way, she thought. There must be some trick to it.

She stepped back to think. If only I had a light, Laey•ti pulled the TalkTab out of her pouch and touched the surface and it glowed softly, it was then she noticed a matching handle a foot away from the first. With a hand in each groove she was able to pull the door open enough to slip out. Now she just had to figure out which way Lain•ya had gone.

The glow from the TalkTab showed a set of footprints leading away from the palace. Just one set, Laey•ti followed them, when the footprints got to the main path and she could no longer tell which prints were Lain•ya’s she stopped to think. She remembered that Finister had told her pailkits could be used for tracking. She knew where she find a pailkit, she headed toward the stables. Along the way she stopped to pick some radiqi leaves. Paillkits loved them. She arrived at the small outside pen were a single pailkit was, “Tresna, Tresna.” Laey•ti called softly, she held out the leaves and shook them so the scent would carry. Tresna came over to Laey•ti, using the leaves Laey•ti coaxed the little animal out of the pen. Perrcia had said she could ride Tresna, the nagging thought that she should perhaps tell Perrcia what was going on she pushed to the back of her head. Perrcia was dancing with her boyfriend, she wouldn’t want to know what was going on especially if Lain•ya was back before dawn, like she promised. Laey•ti led the animal back to Lain•ya’s footprints to get her scent, she hoped the animal would just start tracking and when she climbed on its back it took off at a trot. She had to hang on tight to the pailkit since she hadn’t bothered with any riding equipment, but with the animal’s easy gait it wasn’t much of a problem. She had grabbed a cape with a hood and pulled it up and forward to hide her face, she didn’t think she would be going anywhere there would be a lot of people, she doubted Lain•ya would go anywhere she could be noticed but just in case.

There was a man ahead of her, he appeared to be following the same trail as her. She nudged Tresna closer and a little to the side to see his face, and was surprised to see a familiar face.

“Reesori!” She gasped. She had only seen him that one time, but the similarity between him and Vendall made his face very recognizable. For a moment Laey•ti considered running back to the palace, back to safety, but the thought that Reesori was following Lain•ya stopped her. Her curiosity was greater then her fear, besides, with her TalkTab she could summon help in an instant.
“You cannot play God then wash your hands of the things that you've created. Sooner or later, the day comes when you can't hide from the things that you've done anymore.”

And then Buffy staked Edward. The End.

From Slave to Princess
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