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Re: Why'd you join?

Post by Reliant121 »

Royal_Foxx wrote:
Mikey wrote:
Royal_Foxx wrote:The boys' mom asked me to spy on them.

Still here because I haven't found anything worth reporting back to her yet. :wink:
Want us to fabricate some evidence?
Does that mean you want me to . . . leave? :blub:

You're one of our few fe-males around here, so you must not leave.
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Re: Why'd you join?

Post by SolkaTruesilver »

Well, fe-male hu-man at the very least.

Language theory: Since "man" and "male" seems to be the "default" appelation in sex distinction (hu-man, wo-man, fe-male), how about we assumed all people are automatically the default sex (man/male) and we simply ask them if they are a Wo or a Fe?

that would simplify matters :laughroll:
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Re: Why'd you join?

Post by Mikey »

<em>Royal_Foxx</em> wrote:Does that mean you want me to . . . leave?
Not at all! Just trying to help you with your mission. (And if being a troublemaker occurs along the way, so much the better... :happydevil: )
GrahamKennedy wrote:I didn't interact with him all that much, so I missed most of it. But when I finally had had enough, I posted something taking him to task over his behaviour and basically telling him he was acting like a jerk, and his only chance to avoid a permanent ban was to sort himself out NOW.

His response was to start arguing with me about the definition of the word "jerk". :bangwall:
That was the best part - claiming to not know what "being a jerk" meant, thereby excusing his behavior.
SolkaTruesilver wrote:At some level, he seemed to wanted to become a sort of lightning rod, but one that attracts stupidity rather than lightning.
Unfortunately, he believed that we all were the idiots and that he was the only one with a brain. Obviously, we must be stupid if we couldn't understand how humpback whales went back in time to genetically engineer themselves to send telepathic messages to themselves from galxies away... all without either fire or thumbs.
SolkaTruesilver wrote:Language theory: Since "man" and "male" seems to be the "default" appelation in sex distinction (hu-man, wo-man, fe-male), how about we assumed all people are automatically the default sex (man/male) and we simply ask them if they are a Wo or a Fe?

that would simplify matters
In English, because gender isn't determined by inflection but rather by pronoun reference, it is considered grammatically correct to not use constructs such as "he or she," "his or her," etc. Rather, it is considered better form to pick one gender reference - either one - and hope/pray/presume that the readers are enlightened enough to not assume a mantle of false, idiotic political correctness and just read it as the grammatical preference for brevity.

In other words, it would be better form for me to say to a coeducational lecture, "Would everyone open his book?" or "Would everyone open her book?" but not "Would everyone open his or her book?"
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Re: Why'd you join?

Post by thelordharry »

or just leave it at Kirk's "Where no man has gone before" instead of Picard's "no one" :)
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Re: Why'd you join?

Post by Mark »

GrahamKennedy wrote:I didn't interact with him all that much, so I missed most of it. But when I finally had had enough, I posted something taking him to task over his behaviour and basically telling him he was acting like a jerk, and his only chance to avoid a permanent ban was to sort himself out NOW.

His response was to start arguing with me about the definition of the word "jerk". :bangwall:

I'll never forget. Ian and I were clowing about one of those definitions being a "soda jerk". Ever since then, when I have occasion to look at our member pics forum, every time I see Ian's pic......I imagine him with a big white hat, serving up sodas from behind a bar. :laughroll:

And I learned something new that day as well. I had to PM Graham to get the definiton of a "git".........oh you Englishmen and your slang. You can even make an insult sound dignified. :poke:
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Re: Why'd you join?

Post by Tsukiyumi »

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Re: Why'd you join?

Post by Captain Seafort »

Mikey wrote:Unfortunately, he believed that we all were the idiots and that he was the only one with a brain. Obviously, we must be stupid if we couldn't understand how humpback whales went back in time to genetically engineer themselves to send telepathic messages to themselves from galxies away... all without either fire or thumbs.
Or those bloody headbands...
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Re: Why'd you join?

Post by Mark »

:::puts on headband:::

OMG!!! I'm helpless! This headband is restraining my mental abilities by not doing anything! HHeeeellllpppp!!!!!!!!!
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Re: Why'd you join?

Post by USSEnterprise »

I had to make a website in seventh grade and I decided to make it on Star Trek, a couple months later the fourms were open and I signed up. Over three years later and I still haven't broken 200 posts :)
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Re: Why'd you join?

Post by Sionnach Glic »

Mikey wrote:Unfortunately, he believed that we all were the idiots and that he was the only one with a brain. Obviously, we must be stupid if we couldn't understand how humpback whales went back in time to genetically engineer themselves to send telepathic messages to themselves from galxies away... all without either fire or thumbs.
IIRC his idea of how it happened was that whales were originaly a super-advanced species who had genetically engineered themselves to lose their thumbs and the ability to use technology because they had evolved beyond it, or something. The Whale Probe was meant to be from their original homeworld to check up from them.

I think.
Mark wrote:I'll never forget. Ian and I were clowing about one of those definitions being a "soda jerk". Ever since then, when I have occasion to look at our member pics forum, every time I see Ian's pic......I imagine him with a big white hat, serving up sodas from behind a bar. :laughroll:
It also led to a fun little joke only we mods can actually see.

When a member is disciplined in some way (such as being banned), the Admin who performed the disciplining can write a little note next to the log entry stating the reason why said member was being disciplined. Next to Blackstar's banning Ian put something to the effect of "User banned for illicitly distributing sodas".
Captain Seafort wrote:Or those bloody headbands...
That headband thread definitely belongs in his greatest hits album.

For those members who weren't around at the time, one of the races in Blackstar's fictional universe were telepathic. But this caused problems since the government didn't want people reading each others' minds, or something. So they came up with a brilliant sollution - hand out headbands made of some magic material that blocks telepathy. But it turns out that the headbands didn't block telepathy at all, and were basically about as usefull as wearing a roll of tinfoil on your head. But somehow all the telepaths stopped being able to read each others' minds when wearing the headband because they were told that it works.

Even better was when he described how, instead of wearing the headbands, some telepaths chose instead to wear the telepathy-blocking material hidden in the form of pieces of clothing so it couldn't easily be seen by others, and the government started working trace amounts of the material into buildings so people couldn't telepath through the walls.

Honestly, the amount of problems with even the basic headband concept, let alone the latter clothing and building ideas, is just incredible.
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Re: Why'd you join?

Post by RK_Striker_JK_5 »

SolkaTruesilver wrote:
Captain Seafort wrote:
Mark wrote:As long as we're not personally threatening each other (ie Blackstar and his hacking threats)
Hacking? Try death threats. Pretty anaemic death threats admittedly, and none that anyone took too seriously, but still... That boy had issues.
Can somebody try to have a little fun describing what happened to those who joined only later?
We seriously need a stickie thread for Blackstar.

Then there was the time he said Justice League: Unlimited didn't have enough superheroes and threatened my life over it... :bangwall:
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Re: Why'd you join?

Post by Lighthawk »

RK_Striker_JK_5 wrote:Then there was the time he said Justice League: Unlimited didn't have enough superheroes and threatened my life over it... :bangwall:
And just when I think I've finally heard every story there was to hear about him, something new creeps out of the collective repressed memories...
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Re: Why'd you join?

Post by RK_Striker_JK_5 »

Lighthawk wrote:
RK_Striker_JK_5 wrote:Then there was the time he said Justice League: Unlimited didn't have enough superheroes and threatened my life over it... :bangwall:
And just when I think I've finally heard every story there was to hear about him, something new creeps out of the collective repressed memories...
The thread was about how to do Star Trek: TAS today and what style to use. I advocated the DCAU style because, well, made of win. Blackstar said the shows sucked and didn't feature any of the 'cool' heroes. :roll: He apparently didn't recognize the Joker, then told me it 'wouldn't be pretty' for him to comment on Batman: TAS.

He also confused the Blackhawks team from World War II with some sort of aircraft.


Here is the thread.
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Re: Why'd you join?

Post by Captain Seafort »

Huh. The thing that really jumps out of that thread with hindsight is that Mikey didn't go after BS when he started whining about the least-stupid-name dig. Most uncharacteristic, and goes to show how old that thread is.
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Re: Why'd you join?

Post by Mikey »

Captain Seafort wrote:Huh. The thing that really jumps out of that thread with hindsight is that Mikey didn't go after BS when he started whining about the least-stupid-name dig. Most uncharacteristic, and goes to show how old that thread is.

Yeah, I remember that. IDK if I was a softie in y younger days, or I just took it easy on him because my expectations of intlligence were so low.
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