Independant News Service-Alpha SIM

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Independant News Service-Alpha SIM

Post by Mark »

OOC....I thought it could be fun to share entertaining tidbits of news from our governments. Its a good way to flesh things out a bit more, or even promote disinformation or propaganda.

Cardassian News Report

Detapa Council Member Abora Tristim was forced to offer his resignation this week after allegations of misconduct were brought to light. Apparently, the former Council Member was engaged in alleged immoral sexual relations with what seems to be a private harem of Ferengi prostitutes. Sources close to the disgraced Tristim report that not only has he been forced to resign his post, but that his wife of nearly 60 standard years has left him as a result. Tristim was one of the oldest and longest serving members of the Council.

Cardassian authorities have discovered what appears to be an Orion sex slave ring. Several independently run ships were seized and in excess of 200 females of assorted races were freed and taken into protective custody pending their return to their own planets. Officials have stated that among those rescued were Human, Vulcan, Bolian, Cardassian, and Orion prisoners.
They say that in the Army,
the women are mighty fine.
They look like Phyllis Diller,
and walk like Frankenstein.
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Re: Independant News Service

Post by Reliant121 »

(I'm assuming big cleared this? not trying to be funny or anything, just want to make sure before I post anything. I'll edit it in later) EDIT: stuff it, I'll post anyway

Turei Independent News Initiative

Today's Breaking news: Division in the Kar'lym

The recent acceptance of the Turei Assembly in the Khitomer Accords Alliance, alongside some of the greatest allies of the Turei, has been met with a mixed response from the Kar'lym (Assembly, shortened). While a large degree have supported the move, citing the aid of quadrant wide stability, increased defence and securing at least some degree of our borders. There has also been a large amount of animosity toward the opposing alliance, namely due to the Turei's acceptance of a mutual defense pact that nearly drew the Assembly into war. While some more proactive speakers blame the Federation, the majority instead see it as naivete on the part of the Government.

However, there are a growing number of those that oppose the recent move. Many cite the risk of disrupting trade with the Turei's main trade partner, The Kazon-Ferengi allance. Many also believe that the Turei should overall retain a neutral position, while some have taken to attacking the Turei Vanguard Flotilla for its recent role in creating a schism between the Turei and the United Federation of Planets. The Ruling Spire, The Hadriir-Kay'ren, has defended its move and cited recent diplomatic talks with the Federation as providing regional stability. No news yet precisely what those talks contain.

Increase in Nanotechnology Operations

The Department for Assembly Health has posted a record number going for nanotechnology operations to allow nanotechnoloy to replace the usual 30 minute soak on warming balconies. Due to many Turei migrating to off world locations, space stations and even to other powers; many find that the reliance on warming balconies (which depend on strong, direct sunlight) is too much of a risk in the fast paced lives most lead. As such, the operations to implant a nano-organic "drone" chamber within the torso have grown. These drones are capable of flowing through the blood stream, and warming the blood of an average Turei in merely minutes, eliminating the need to sit under direct sunlight or a strong plasma heater.

Work progress

Work on the experimental Ra'Naat class cruiser is progressing at a steady pace, and so far the ship appears on target to enter service in three years time. The first ship of the class, already registered as the FVS Meridian Glory, promises to bring a dependable high speed medium warship able to respond to threats faster than the larger vessels in the fleet. It is also predicted that the Ra'Naat class will be able to be exported, either as a design only system or as produced by the secondary R'taksi Flotilla Foundry.
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Re: Independant News Service

Post by Mark »

Cardassian News Report

Authorities report that raiders may be active in the area of the Talarian boarder. All ships are advised to use caution when transversing this area.


Glin Tarken of the Cardassian Navy, has won the Union lottery. The Glin, currently serving as an instructor at the Cardassian War Collage on Cardassia Prime was awarded a check 10,000,000 credits. The lottery is the only form of legal gambling allowed to military personel serving on Cardassia. When interviewed the Glin had this to say

"I'll continue to serve Cardassia by training her sons and daughters to defend their families. This will not change me at all."

However, within 26 hours we are told that Glin Tarken had resigned his commission and was enroute to Risa.


Tauri refugees have setteled in Cardassian space. We have been asked by government officals not to disclose which planets they were setteled on, but we can report that some of the refugees have asked to be allowed to serve in the Cardassian government. At this time, the Navy said they would accept applications to the War Collage, however we have recieved no word from the Minister of the Interior as to the acceptance of refugees into civillian government service.
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the women are mighty fine.
They look like Phyllis Diller,
and walk like Frankenstein.
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Re: Independant News Service-Alpha SIM

Post by stitch626 »

Romulan News Report
For the first time in Romulan history, an uncensored news service has been able to develop within the former Romulan Empire.

After discussion between the new Praetor and the Senate on Romulus, it has been agreed that the Romulan Star Confederation has now come into existence. The position of Praetor has been reformed into the Chief Executive, as the new government will be run like a representative corporation. The citizens of the RSC vote directly on their Senate representatives, and those representatives elect the Chief. This system is believed to allow for the freedom of democracy, with the quick actions of the imperial government.

We look forward to providing more coverage of Romulan events, now that we can speak with freedom.
First Issue, Romulus News Service
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Re: Independant News Service-Alpha SIM

Post by Reliant121 »

Government Announcement

In a recent government announcement, the future of the Turei's ruling government has been decided. Many have expected a return to a democratic government, but it appears that the first Proconsul is taking a far more cautious approach to the governments system.
The Senate has decided that for the moment we shall retain the current government system until our economy has been stabilised. Once our economy and money reserves have stabilised effectively, we will consider the option to convert to a democratic society. We have ratified several laws and bylaws that concern the general population, aimed at allowing freedoms and capitalist actions to be legal. The Praetor appears to have forced through several laws aimed at restricting public movement, and we have since removed them.

While our current government remains, we are exploring possibilities of conversion to a more democratic system.

VFS Meridian Glory enters service

In a ceremony attended by the first Proconsul, the new medium warship of the Ra'Naat class has been registered under the military's service. The vessel, designed and produced by the Fandeigo Corperate Design Bureau, is the first modern warship created by Turei people and has a significant chance to compete in export markets. The design has reported to have been exported to the Cardassian Union, who assisted in funding its design. the Meridian Glory is currently on station at the homeworld awaiting assignment to one of our fleets.
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Re: Independant News Service-Alpha SIM

Post by Reliant121 »

Fandeigo and the Vanguard Flotilla Fall out

In a stunning revelation, the Vanguard Flotilla's primary designer for most of its high grade capital ships (excluding the Amazym class) has lost the most recent bid to design the New unnamed frigate for the fleet. In a heated debating battle between a Flotilla spokeswoman and the design presenter from the Fandeigo Corperate Design Bureau, the model they specified which had a moniker Project FCD-012 was slated for being "bloated, underpowered and suffering numerous computer inconsistencies." This is the first time that the Fandeigo bureau has lost out on a military commission project since they entered the business with the Kerazym class destroyer, which makes up the bulk of the fleet. They also submitted the design for the more recent Ra'Naat class light cruiser.

The design presenter had this to say on the matter:
We design our ships to fulfill their purpose within the tightest specifications, with the best software and most finely tuned technology of all the Empire's bureaus. We have always been at the cutting edge of technology, and this time we feel we are no different. We cannot fathom the reasons the Vanguard flotilla put forward. This might well spell a horrible doom for the relationship between Fandeigo an the flotilla.
Instead of the Fandeigo bureau, its direct competitor among the civilian market the Ozla-for bureau received the contract. The project they named the "Quicksilver" features a distinctly more utilitarian design than the usually bulbous and ornate ships that Fandeigo are famous for producing. The official commissioned name for the vessel's class is as yet unknown. Many speculative names have emerged, with "Ker'mayla", "Mezzuco" and "Aurora" among the most popular. The Ozla-for spokeswoman claimed it was a sign of new partnership and opportunity for both the company and the flotilla.

The design sketch below shows the probable final design for the vessel.

(image credit to MechanicalMind/Deviantart)
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Re: Independant News Service-Alpha SIM

Post by Reliant121 »

Religion on the rise

A population that has a distinct reputation for being rather atheist in their beliefs has seen a sudden emergence of religion among the people. One religion, or Sanvetorism has grown out of the tragedy that occured when the previous administrator sent the High Fleet of Retribution to "reintegrate" the Turei Reformed assembly into the Star Empire. The event saw the orbital glassing of the planet, and indiscriminate fire against the entire populace resulting in the decimation of that world. There were no survivors.

Sanvetorism, named for the Turei name for the world that is now uninhabitable, follows many theories around Buddhist teaching on earth such as non-violence. Many people have organized tourist pilgrimages to Sanve Tor. To this date, one senate member from the Spirecity of Re'asn in the Velka province of Ker'mayd prime has openly supported the movement. No military personnel have been recorded as Sanvetorians under mandatory identifications, as military ideals oppose Sanvetorianism.

Slowly but surely, Federation culture has begun to bleed over the border into Turei space. Along with it, has come the Vulcan ideal around the following of Logic. The teachings, created from the Vulcan named Surak, centre around logical thought and purging of emotions. It is estimated that nearly 10 million turei have taken up this religious following. They tend to identify by wearing typical Vulcan attire, which is very distinctive in its loose robe form compared to the more typical tightly uniformed clothes of the Turei people.