You make sense there.What are you afraid of, Rochey?
"Live fast, die young, leave a good-looking corpse."
In that case; all ahead full and damn the torpedoes!
I'm thinking that the free-lance ship idea would be quite interesting for us to do. At least that way, if the Commander's an asshole, you can just beat the crap out of him.

It would certainly give us some interesting options with regards to our characters. I'm already toying with the idea of an ex-military officer, who's gone merc for whatever reasons.
So, who have we got on board for this?
Blackstar, using hir old character.
Me, using a new character (and there was much rejoicing).
Mikey (?), using either a new or old character (maybe W'trisk can team up with Blackstar?).
Jordanis, new character.
Reliant, either new or old character (maybe Talora can follow Blackstar's departure from the Daystrom?).
Maybe Minnsky, using new character.
Blackstar is obviously going to be captain, so we'll need to work out who's doing what.
For the record, I'm happy with the positions of XO (don't worry, my new character isn't such an asshole), Tactical, or Security.