“To laugh often and much; to win the respect of intelligent people and
the affection of children...to leave the world a better place...to
know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is
to have succeeded.”
stitch626 wrote:So what about if we looked in the Who is Online thing while one of you were browsing the mod sections? Would it just say Forum Index?
We'd still be registered as online. You just wouldn't be able to see where we were.
"You've all been selected for this mission because you each have a special skill. Professor Hawking, John Leslie, Phil Neville, the Wu-Tang Clan, Usher, the Sugar Puffs Monster and Daniel Day-Lewis! Welcome to Operation MindFuck!"
“You cannot play God then wash your hands of the things that you've created. Sooner or later, the day comes when you can't hide from the things that you've done anymore.”
thelordharry wrote:I wonder if Dennis Lawson has ever had a wedgie?
And what about Denis Lawson?
DeNNis Lawson played fake Wedgie
“To laugh often and much; to win the respect of intelligent people and
the affection of children...to leave the world a better place...to
know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is
to have succeeded.”
Mikey wrote:Do you hate playing Pictionary, are you just offended by its existence?
Both, because if it didn't exist, I wouldn't be tricked into playing it.
“You cannot play God then wash your hands of the things that you've created. Sooner or later, the day comes when you can't hide from the things that you've done anymore.”
There is only one way of avoiding the war – that is the overthrow of this society. However, as we are too weak for this task, the war is inevitable. -L. Trotsky, 1939
Mark wrote:Ah hah.......so their was a game played involved. I can assume this game was a loss?
Bob and Nick totally smoked Princess and I.
“You cannot play God then wash your hands of the things that you've created. Sooner or later, the day comes when you can't hide from the things that you've done anymore.”