Alpha Star Trek Sim discussion
Moderator: BigJKU316
Re: Star Trek Sim discussion
Ok, just got it.
- Reliant121
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Re: Star Trek Sim discussion
I'm going to have to amend a few bits on mine since I jumped submission a bit and now three more payments have to be made. (I point my finger at the galactic policemen, rock-garden heads and...the sheliak).
- BigJKU316
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Re: Star Trek Sim discussion
I am not saying this to be critical of any one player or to suggest a course of action to anyone but this is a pretty shallow approach to the current geo-political situation in the game. Both you and other players need to look at this sort of situation more deeply than you are.stitch626 wrote:Yeah, the only people who would complain is the KFI cause I still owe them.
Everyone else would either be for it or wouldn't care.
Hmm, I think change in leadership is due...
Yes, you lack known and open allies at the moment, but that does not mean that everyone, or indeed anyone should look kindly upon the Klingons just taking over your empire and you have to both see that situation and illustrate it to other powers if they are not understanding it.
1. It would make the KE the equal of (at least) the Federation. For that reason alone the Federation should likely balk at just letting them run you over completly if there were something they could do about it.
2. It would finish off the only open threat to the KE borders on that side of the map meaning their full attention could turn to the Federation and presumably the Gorn and eventually the KFI or Cardassian Union. Now I don't pretend to know what those players think but were I the Gorn or Cardassians I certainly am not hoping this sort of thing happens any time soon.
3. It brings the KE up to space near the Shelliak and the Tueri and makes them the main obstacle between a united border with the Breen which would make that alliance terrifying for both those powers.
Nations don't really have friends for the most part. They have interest and those are just three reasons (there are many more) that a lot of people are likely interested in your survival. Even nations that are openly allied with the Klingons would likely be a bit cautious about seeing them grow that big. You have to think deeper than just what is said on the surface and really try to maximize your position with other powers through quiet diplomacy.
- BigJKU316
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Re: Star Trek Sim discussion
I would also point out one could work the other way, wanting the KE to get bigger at the expense of the Romulans in order to have them counter-balance the Federation and leave both of them in a state of MAD to some degree, allowing smaller players more freedom by tying the two biggest powers down with one another.
The point is that there are a lot of angles to this other than "I have no allies and no one will help me" or "They are not my ally therfore it is not my problem". The KE getting huge is a major MAJOR event if it were to happen. Everyone should have some sort of opinion on it, even if you decide you can't do anything at all about it. Just falling back on my allies are so and so is not really thinking it through.
The point is that there are a lot of angles to this other than "I have no allies and no one will help me" or "They are not my ally therfore it is not my problem". The KE getting huge is a major MAJOR event if it were to happen. Everyone should have some sort of opinion on it, even if you decide you can't do anything at all about it. Just falling back on my allies are so and so is not really thinking it through.
Re: Star Trek Sim discussion
I was... kinda joking.
I would however prepare for that to be the case, as a defensive measure.

I would however prepare for that to be the case, as a defensive measure.
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- Deepcrush
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Re: Star Trek Sim discussion
Maybe you should just stop annoying people...
Jinsei wa cho no yume, shi no tsubasa no bitodesu
- Reliant121
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Re: Star Trek Sim discussion
Klingon's arent especially hard to annoy.
Especially if you have V-Shaped ridges on your forehead. Being born a Romulan is almost a death certificate in advance from a Klingon standpoint.
Especially if you have V-Shaped ridges on your forehead. Being born a Romulan is almost a death certificate in advance from a Klingon standpoint.
- Deepcrush
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Re: Star Trek Sim discussion
Okay, this is true...Reliant121 wrote:Klingon's arent especially hard to annoy.
Well they have raided our borders and caused problems within our empire for the last two hundred years.Reliant121 wrote:Especially if you have V-Shaped ridges on your forehead. Being born a Romulan is almost a death certificate in advance from a Klingon standpoint.
Jinsei wa cho no yume, shi no tsubasa no bitodesu
- Reliant121
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Re: Star Trek Sim discussion
They are also the antethesis of everything you value. You value strength and combat prowess, the Romulans value cunning and elusiveness.Deepcrush wrote:Okay, this is true...Reliant121 wrote:Klingon's arent especially hard to annoy.
Well they have raided our borders and caused problems within our empire for the last two hundred years.Reliant121 wrote:Especially if you have V-Shaped ridges on your forehead. Being born a Romulan is almost a death certificate in advance from a Klingon standpoint.
- Deepcrush
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Re: Star Trek Sim discussion
Yeah... big words not so good for us space vikings... I'm going to go with "we don't like them so they die when we kill them".
Jinsei wa cho no yume, shi no tsubasa no bitodesu
- Reliant121
- 3 Star Admiral
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Re: Star Trek Sim discussion
....That also works. 

Re: Star Trek Sim discussion
Hey gang, just for info until I can get another reliable computer, emailing me will be the best way to contact me regarding the game. You can get my email address from Tsuki, Staplic, or Big J
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the women are mighty fine.
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and walk like Frankenstein.
the women are mighty fine.
They look like Phyllis Diller,
and walk like Frankenstein.
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Re: Star Trek Sim discussion
Big, quick question: did we ever work out the damage mechanics of ramming? I mean, did I miss that?
Maybe something based on orientation, speed and mass might work?
Maybe something based on orientation, speed and mass might work?
There is only one way of avoiding the war – that is the overthrow of this society. However, as we are too weak for this task, the war is inevitable. -L. Trotsky, 1939
- BigJKU316
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Re: Star Trek Sim discussion
We had not. It is more difficult since it involves a mass of ships rather than 1 or 2 but my suggestion would be the following.
1. You must be in melee to ram other ships.
2. If your manuverability is less than half the targets you hit at 50% the rate you roll on a 100 sided roll.
3. If your manuverability is twice the targets or more you hit at 150% the rate you roll on a 100 sided roll.
4. If your mass is less than a quarter the target ships mass it takes two hits on average to acheive a kill.
So basically it would work like this.
If you have ships of nearly equal mass and manuver I would first roll for the standard melee for the unit you are trying to ram. They will destroy however many of your ships they do in battle. The remainder will ram. I will then roll a 1-100 to determine your hit rate, apply the modifiers and determine how many of the enemy you killed.
If you order them to ram the whole group will die, even if you have great success they will ram a ship 2 or 3 times more than needed as they will be going to fast to pull out and look for other targets.
1. You must be in melee to ram other ships.
2. If your manuverability is less than half the targets you hit at 50% the rate you roll on a 100 sided roll.
3. If your manuverability is twice the targets or more you hit at 150% the rate you roll on a 100 sided roll.
4. If your mass is less than a quarter the target ships mass it takes two hits on average to acheive a kill.
So basically it would work like this.
If you have ships of nearly equal mass and manuver I would first roll for the standard melee for the unit you are trying to ram. They will destroy however many of your ships they do in battle. The remainder will ram. I will then roll a 1-100 to determine your hit rate, apply the modifiers and determine how many of the enemy you killed.
If you order them to ram the whole group will die, even if you have great success they will ram a ship 2 or 3 times more than needed as they will be going to fast to pull out and look for other targets.
- BigJKU316
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Re: Star Trek Sim discussion
Below is a transcript of the orders the Kazon issued (I sent them to third parties for holding well before the weeks turns started). If you are wondering how to start an invasion of someone else this is an example of a plan. Not a perfect plan but one that gives me the GM enough of an outline to make things work.
Kazon Order of Battle
250 B'Rel Class Cruisers
600 Birds of Prey
170 Kazon Raiders
7 Kazon Predators
Division of Forces
1st Fleet
250 B'Rel Class Cruisers
200 Birds of Prey
500,000 Kazon Soldiers (Militia Level)
2nd Fleet
135 Kazon Raiders
6 Kazon Predators
3rd Fleet
35 Kazon Raiders
1 Kazon Predators
4th Fleet
100 Birds of Prey in 4 task forces of 25 each
5th Fleet
200 Birds of Prey in 4 task forces of 50 each
6th Fleet
25 Birds of Prey
7th Fleet
75 Birds of Prey
Operation Showboat
On January 1 of the year the units of 3rd fleet are to cross the border from planet 192 which will be their base of suppl. 3rd Fleet should cover the 20 LY trip to system 190 in 10 days. When it arrives it is to initiate an immediate orbital bombardment of the of targets listed in the appendix to these orders. They will then demand the surrender of the planet or continue onto section B of that appendix. If fleet opposition is encountered ramming tactics are to be employed against all capital (D'Kora and Profit Class) ships. The Fleet is to report contact and numbers to high command.
This bombardment/conquest should open a supply route from system 192 to 2nd fleet, which will depart from planet 191 on January 5th and make course for system 189. We can expect to encounter a starbase here. Arrival should take 7 days and occur on the 12th of January. That unit is to be destroyed, using the Raiders as rams if necessary. The same surrender/bombardment demands apply as they did to 3rd Fleet once that is achieved. The same battle orders apply if a fleet is encountered.
Upon the conclusion of these operations the two above fleets are to disperse over the systems currently held by our government in even numbers and be prepared to implement section c of the attached bombardment appendix. This should take a further 38 days meaning that no later than February 20th all ships should be dispersed if everything goes according to plan.
Operation Watchtower
6th Fleet is to be dispatched on January 1st from 191 and is to disperse in exit vectors from Feringinar just outside of enemy sensor range. They are to watch and relay any information on the movement and numbers of enemy ships moving away from the capitol world to high command. They are to avoid contact if possible and continue relaying information on the movement of the enemy fleet with a particular focus of 15 ships scouting exit vectors to which they should arrive (50 LY's) no later than January 16th but should be within 10 LY sensor range 4 days before that on the 12th.
This fleet is to maintain sensor contact with all major bodies of enemy ships it encounters.
Operation Narrow Hammer (Contingency 1 for 4th and 5th Fleets)
Operational Trigger: If more than 25 Profits (But less than 30) and more than 150 (But less than 300) D'Kora's are seen departing Ferenginar BEFORE January 20th by 6th Fleet or are seen by the forces in Operation Showboat to be in that area.
4th Fleet and 5th Fleets are to join with 1st Fleet in Operation Sickle Stroke and divert their forces assigned to Operation Broad Hammer. Enemy forces are to be avoided enroute if possible.
Operation Broad Hammer (Contingency 2 for 4th and 5th Fleets)
Operational Trigger: If more than 30 Profits and more than 300 D'Koras are seen departing Ferenginar BEFORE January 20th OR if NO Ferengi ships or less than the amount proscribed in Operation Narrow Hammer are seen then the following orders to be executed.
4th Fleet- 1 Task Force of 50 B'Rels each are to travel to each of the following systems (180, 181, 183, 182). They are to depart on January 10 with an arrival time of February 4th for the most distant unit (181 @ 75 LY's). Other units are to travel at such speed as to synch their arrival with this unit. If resistance by an enemy fleet is encountered they are to hold position at the edge of the system and relay such information to High Command. If not they are to engage and destroy the starbases there (using ramming if necessary) and then prepare to deliver a bombardment on the orders of high command in accordance with the bombardment appendix section C attached to this operational order. Enemy forces are to be avoided enroute if possible.
5th Fleet- 1 Task Force of 25 B'Rels each are to travel to systems 185, 184, 186, 187. If resistance by an enemy fleet is encountered they are to hold position at the edge of the system and relay such information to High Command. If not they are to prepare to deliver a bombardment on the orders of high command in accordance with the bombardment appendix section C attached to this operational order. Enemy forces are to be avoided enroute if possible.
Operation Sickle Stroke (Contingency 1)
Operational Trigger: If more than 30 Profits and more than 300 D'Koras are seen departing Ferenginar BEFORE January 20th by 6th Fleet or are seen by the forces in Operation Showboat to be in that area.
1st, 6th, 7th Fleets- First Fleet will depart on January 10th for Ferenginar with an arrival scheduled for February 4th. If before the 20th such movement is detected it is to proceed along with 6th Fleet and 7th Fleet to engage the Starbase and remaining ships at Feringinar, using ramming tactics against the Starbase if necessary. Once victory is achieved they are to prepare to deliver a bombardment on the orders of high command in accordance with the bombardment appendix section C attached to this operational order. Enemy forces are to be avoided enroute if possible.
Operation Sickle Stroke (Contingency 2)
Operational Trigger: If more than 25 Profits (But less than 30) and more than 150 (But less than 300) D'Kora's are seen departing Ferenginar BEFORE January 20th by 6th Fleet or are seen by the forces in Operation Showboat to be in that area.
1st, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th Fleets- First Fleet will depart on January 10th for Ferenginar with an arrival scheduled for February 4th. If before the 20th such movement is detected it is to proceed along with 4th, 5th, 6th Fleet and 7th Fleet to engage the Starbase and remaining ships at Feringinar, using ramming tactics against the Starbase and large enemy ships if necessary. Once victory is achieved they are to prepare to deliver a bombardment on the orders of high command in accordance with the bombardment appendix section C attached to this operational order. Enemy forces are to be avoided enroute if possible.
Operation Sickle Stroke (Contingency 3)
Operational Trigger: If less than 25 Profits and less than 150 D'Kora's are seen departing Ferenginar BEFORE January 20th by 6th Fleet or are seen by the forces in Operation Showboat to be in that area.
1st Fleet- First Fleet will depart on January 10th for Ferenginar with an arrival scheduled for February 4th. If before the 20th such movement is detected it is to proceed to a holding pattern aprox. 30 LY's south-west of Fereiginar. The fleet shall remain on call and respond to any unit engaged by enemy fleet units in Operation Broad Hammer. Once victory is achieved at that planet a bombardment is to be commenced in accordance with the attached appendix section B to these orders. Enemy forces are to be avoided enroute if possible.
6th Fleet- Will remain in place to scout the enemy main body at Ferigningar. If at any time after February 4th more than 30 Profits and more than 300 D'Koras are seen departing Ferenginar 6th Fleet will relay this information to High command and all fleets other than 2nd and 3rd will proceed there with all haste and attack as a combined unit. Enemy forces are to be avoided enroute if possible.
7th Fleet- Will engage in commerce raiding against all outgoing Ferengi crewed ships and operate East of Ferenginar. All non-Ferengi ships will be informed that there is a blockade on and turned back on site. All Ferengi ships are to be taken as prizes and their crews are to be kept as prisoners. Enemy forces are to be avoided enroute if possible.
Operation Life Boat
In the event the Ferengi do not surrender despite the bombardments and foreign forces arrive and engage our ships the combined fleets are to disperse into deep space and look for a new home. On the way out they are to hit any undefended system and perform the bombardment listed in appendix section b. The codeword for this will be "survival" and will be transmitted by High Command in the event of a major reverse.
Bombardment Appendix
Section A- This section applies to 2nd and 3rd Fleets.
Upon arrival and the securing of the space lanes around a planet the following bombardments are to be undertaken.
1. Any and all military targets are to be destroyed from orbit.
Immediately following such a bombardment a demand for total surrender of the planet is to be broadcast. If given the governor of the planet is to be transported to the ship and a message is to be recorded and signed turning over ownership of the planet to the Ferengi/Kazon Imperium.
If this demand is refused proceed to section B of this appendix.
Section B- This applies potential to all forces.
If surrender is refused after engaging in either section C or section of this appendix the following targets are to be hit.
1. Any and all political targets.
2. All interstellar communication facilities.
3. All industrial facilities.
4. All food production facilities.
5. All power distribution systems.
6. All supply storehouses.
These targets will all be destroyed in that order, no regard is to be given to their proximity to civilian targets but population centers are not targets in and of themselves. Record copius sensor logs detailing the approved target type for each weapon released.
Expected civilian casualties for such an operation will be nearly 30% destroyed outright, with another 40-60% dying over the next year from privation.
Section C- This applies to 1st, 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th Fleets
Upon arriving at your destinations a demand will be transmitted from high command on February 4th to the Ferengi political leadership demanding their complete and unconditional surrender. During this time you are to engage the following targets.
1. Any and all military targets are to be destroyed from orbit.
In the event the Ferengi do not elect surrender within short order the following code phrase (Lullaby) will be transmitted, upon which all forces are to proceed to appendix B.
Kazon Order of Battle
250 B'Rel Class Cruisers
600 Birds of Prey
170 Kazon Raiders
7 Kazon Predators
Division of Forces
1st Fleet
250 B'Rel Class Cruisers
200 Birds of Prey
500,000 Kazon Soldiers (Militia Level)
2nd Fleet
135 Kazon Raiders
6 Kazon Predators
3rd Fleet
35 Kazon Raiders
1 Kazon Predators
4th Fleet
100 Birds of Prey in 4 task forces of 25 each
5th Fleet
200 Birds of Prey in 4 task forces of 50 each
6th Fleet
25 Birds of Prey
7th Fleet
75 Birds of Prey
Operation Showboat
On January 1 of the year the units of 3rd fleet are to cross the border from planet 192 which will be their base of suppl. 3rd Fleet should cover the 20 LY trip to system 190 in 10 days. When it arrives it is to initiate an immediate orbital bombardment of the of targets listed in the appendix to these orders. They will then demand the surrender of the planet or continue onto section B of that appendix. If fleet opposition is encountered ramming tactics are to be employed against all capital (D'Kora and Profit Class) ships. The Fleet is to report contact and numbers to high command.
This bombardment/conquest should open a supply route from system 192 to 2nd fleet, which will depart from planet 191 on January 5th and make course for system 189. We can expect to encounter a starbase here. Arrival should take 7 days and occur on the 12th of January. That unit is to be destroyed, using the Raiders as rams if necessary. The same surrender/bombardment demands apply as they did to 3rd Fleet once that is achieved. The same battle orders apply if a fleet is encountered.
Upon the conclusion of these operations the two above fleets are to disperse over the systems currently held by our government in even numbers and be prepared to implement section c of the attached bombardment appendix. This should take a further 38 days meaning that no later than February 20th all ships should be dispersed if everything goes according to plan.
Operation Watchtower
6th Fleet is to be dispatched on January 1st from 191 and is to disperse in exit vectors from Feringinar just outside of enemy sensor range. They are to watch and relay any information on the movement and numbers of enemy ships moving away from the capitol world to high command. They are to avoid contact if possible and continue relaying information on the movement of the enemy fleet with a particular focus of 15 ships scouting exit vectors to which they should arrive (50 LY's) no later than January 16th but should be within 10 LY sensor range 4 days before that on the 12th.
This fleet is to maintain sensor contact with all major bodies of enemy ships it encounters.
Operation Narrow Hammer (Contingency 1 for 4th and 5th Fleets)
Operational Trigger: If more than 25 Profits (But less than 30) and more than 150 (But less than 300) D'Kora's are seen departing Ferenginar BEFORE January 20th by 6th Fleet or are seen by the forces in Operation Showboat to be in that area.
4th Fleet and 5th Fleets are to join with 1st Fleet in Operation Sickle Stroke and divert their forces assigned to Operation Broad Hammer. Enemy forces are to be avoided enroute if possible.
Operation Broad Hammer (Contingency 2 for 4th and 5th Fleets)
Operational Trigger: If more than 30 Profits and more than 300 D'Koras are seen departing Ferenginar BEFORE January 20th OR if NO Ferengi ships or less than the amount proscribed in Operation Narrow Hammer are seen then the following orders to be executed.
4th Fleet- 1 Task Force of 50 B'Rels each are to travel to each of the following systems (180, 181, 183, 182). They are to depart on January 10 with an arrival time of February 4th for the most distant unit (181 @ 75 LY's). Other units are to travel at such speed as to synch their arrival with this unit. If resistance by an enemy fleet is encountered they are to hold position at the edge of the system and relay such information to High Command. If not they are to engage and destroy the starbases there (using ramming if necessary) and then prepare to deliver a bombardment on the orders of high command in accordance with the bombardment appendix section C attached to this operational order. Enemy forces are to be avoided enroute if possible.
5th Fleet- 1 Task Force of 25 B'Rels each are to travel to systems 185, 184, 186, 187. If resistance by an enemy fleet is encountered they are to hold position at the edge of the system and relay such information to High Command. If not they are to prepare to deliver a bombardment on the orders of high command in accordance with the bombardment appendix section C attached to this operational order. Enemy forces are to be avoided enroute if possible.
Operation Sickle Stroke (Contingency 1)
Operational Trigger: If more than 30 Profits and more than 300 D'Koras are seen departing Ferenginar BEFORE January 20th by 6th Fleet or are seen by the forces in Operation Showboat to be in that area.
1st, 6th, 7th Fleets- First Fleet will depart on January 10th for Ferenginar with an arrival scheduled for February 4th. If before the 20th such movement is detected it is to proceed along with 6th Fleet and 7th Fleet to engage the Starbase and remaining ships at Feringinar, using ramming tactics against the Starbase if necessary. Once victory is achieved they are to prepare to deliver a bombardment on the orders of high command in accordance with the bombardment appendix section C attached to this operational order. Enemy forces are to be avoided enroute if possible.
Operation Sickle Stroke (Contingency 2)
Operational Trigger: If more than 25 Profits (But less than 30) and more than 150 (But less than 300) D'Kora's are seen departing Ferenginar BEFORE January 20th by 6th Fleet or are seen by the forces in Operation Showboat to be in that area.
1st, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th Fleets- First Fleet will depart on January 10th for Ferenginar with an arrival scheduled for February 4th. If before the 20th such movement is detected it is to proceed along with 4th, 5th, 6th Fleet and 7th Fleet to engage the Starbase and remaining ships at Feringinar, using ramming tactics against the Starbase and large enemy ships if necessary. Once victory is achieved they are to prepare to deliver a bombardment on the orders of high command in accordance with the bombardment appendix section C attached to this operational order. Enemy forces are to be avoided enroute if possible.
Operation Sickle Stroke (Contingency 3)
Operational Trigger: If less than 25 Profits and less than 150 D'Kora's are seen departing Ferenginar BEFORE January 20th by 6th Fleet or are seen by the forces in Operation Showboat to be in that area.
1st Fleet- First Fleet will depart on January 10th for Ferenginar with an arrival scheduled for February 4th. If before the 20th such movement is detected it is to proceed to a holding pattern aprox. 30 LY's south-west of Fereiginar. The fleet shall remain on call and respond to any unit engaged by enemy fleet units in Operation Broad Hammer. Once victory is achieved at that planet a bombardment is to be commenced in accordance with the attached appendix section B to these orders. Enemy forces are to be avoided enroute if possible.
6th Fleet- Will remain in place to scout the enemy main body at Ferigningar. If at any time after February 4th more than 30 Profits and more than 300 D'Koras are seen departing Ferenginar 6th Fleet will relay this information to High command and all fleets other than 2nd and 3rd will proceed there with all haste and attack as a combined unit. Enemy forces are to be avoided enroute if possible.
7th Fleet- Will engage in commerce raiding against all outgoing Ferengi crewed ships and operate East of Ferenginar. All non-Ferengi ships will be informed that there is a blockade on and turned back on site. All Ferengi ships are to be taken as prizes and their crews are to be kept as prisoners. Enemy forces are to be avoided enroute if possible.
Operation Life Boat
In the event the Ferengi do not surrender despite the bombardments and foreign forces arrive and engage our ships the combined fleets are to disperse into deep space and look for a new home. On the way out they are to hit any undefended system and perform the bombardment listed in appendix section b. The codeword for this will be "survival" and will be transmitted by High Command in the event of a major reverse.
Bombardment Appendix
Section A- This section applies to 2nd and 3rd Fleets.
Upon arrival and the securing of the space lanes around a planet the following bombardments are to be undertaken.
1. Any and all military targets are to be destroyed from orbit.
Immediately following such a bombardment a demand for total surrender of the planet is to be broadcast. If given the governor of the planet is to be transported to the ship and a message is to be recorded and signed turning over ownership of the planet to the Ferengi/Kazon Imperium.
If this demand is refused proceed to section B of this appendix.
Section B- This applies potential to all forces.
If surrender is refused after engaging in either section C or section of this appendix the following targets are to be hit.
1. Any and all political targets.
2. All interstellar communication facilities.
3. All industrial facilities.
4. All food production facilities.
5. All power distribution systems.
6. All supply storehouses.
These targets will all be destroyed in that order, no regard is to be given to their proximity to civilian targets but population centers are not targets in and of themselves. Record copius sensor logs detailing the approved target type for each weapon released.
Expected civilian casualties for such an operation will be nearly 30% destroyed outright, with another 40-60% dying over the next year from privation.
Section C- This applies to 1st, 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th Fleets
Upon arriving at your destinations a demand will be transmitted from high command on February 4th to the Ferengi political leadership demanding their complete and unconditional surrender. During this time you are to engage the following targets.
1. Any and all military targets are to be destroyed from orbit.
In the event the Ferengi do not elect surrender within short order the following code phrase (Lullaby) will be transmitted, upon which all forces are to proceed to appendix B.