Let's say the Daystrom ships finally get to be converted in a full 3d mesh, image, model or whatever.
What are the demands that can be set, being the original designers, to the artist wanting to make an image?
I decided to list a few which I thought would be sensible to set out.
1. Given that we tend to design the ship along standard pathways of thinking, it seems normal to me to apply those same standards to the depiction of the ship.
2. We treat the design as if it should be able to function in the real world as much as possible, using the available amount of information to put as much reality into the design while maintaining a Trek setting.
3. When physics come into play in a way that it cannot be counteracted by Trek technology, we will use other ways to deal with said situations. Naturally that is carried further in the design.
Now for a few points to the actual design.
http://www.projectrho.com/index.html - This site would be a ajor source to follow if Trek science cannot fill in.
4. Wherever an impulse engine is placed in which numbers, their combined output and numbers should result in a forward motion from the center of its mass.
I know I miss a lot of points, so please help filling in, it might help in the future with other design projects.
when converting design into an image
Showcase your own starship and weapon designs or other creative artwork
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