Captain Seafort wrote:given that you work in Vauxhall IIRC

Now I don't know if you mean a location, or if you're using "Vauxhall" to refer to GM vehicles. Either way, it's no longer the case.
Captain Seafort wrote:would one of your cabbies
Most of whom are unintelligible to English-speaking passengers, BTW.
Captain Seafort wrote:any say in the route they took
Moot. The point I was making was that the folks who were questioning the route had absolutely no basis at all on which to discuss it. They didn't have the knowledge to approve or replace any route the cabbie wanted to take, so why would they waste the time on it?
I would have no problem telling a cabbie to take 1st instead of 3rd, depending on the time of day, but why would someone argue the route if they had no idea of the geography?
Captain Seafort wrote:what sights they went to see
Again, they had no idea what sights they wanted to see. Cabbies over here may have a fair bit of local knowledge over and above the geography, but they aren't trained in tourism and aren't generally expected to be able to set up a sight-seeing program (sorry, that's "programme" to you.) I wouldn't expect a cabbie to know much more about sight-seeing than any international visitor would know - Statue of Liberty, the MoMA, Empire State Building, etc.
Captain Seafort wrote:a word in edgeways?
Unfortunately, they had ten minutes' worth of words in while they were plenty of people waiting for a cab who knew where they wanted to go.
thelordharry wrote:Don't get Mikey started on the Briddish and tipping etiquette

Tipping? Why, don't you guys tip? I generally tip wait staff 18-20% of the bill, $5-$20 for service providers, and a few bucks for bellmen, doormen, etc.