Yes, basically that's what I'll be discussing with the principle tomorrow, because it makes no sense what he has given us.Sionnach Glic wrote:Who the hell let that guy be a teacher if he can't even make what f***ing assignment he wants done clear?
I dunno about you guys, but if I wanted an assignment done I'd make it clear
1) What the overall topic is (Eg, the start of WW2).
2) What the focus is (Eg, influence of the rise of fascism in Europa on the beginning of the war).
3) How long it should be (Eg, 72 pages).
4) When it's due (Eg, tommorrow).
Then write that info up somewhere that it can be copied down at the leisure of the students. Should someone miss the class and turn up the next day, make damn sure to let him know what's wanted. Should someone come to you and mentions they're unclear on what exactly they're supposed to do, take five minutes at the end of the class to explain it to them and any others who are unsure.
Teachers like that honestly make me want to smack some sense into them.
Basically, he wants us to continue on using something completely different, which makes no sense whatsoever, so yeah. he has no idea what he was doing from the get go. He had no clue how to prepare us for the hardest English Test in the U.S by having us screw around and write essays about our feelings, something that is not at all on the AP English test, in fact all they want are facts, not opinions.... So us writing about our feelings is irrelevant and stupid.Tyyr wrote:"Examine the root causes of the second world war."
"Ok, for your next paper expand upon your first, but you can't discuss the second world war."
So is this guy out of his mind or what?
I officially love this thread, it makes ranting so much fun, I can't stand him as a teacher, he shouldn't be teaching, especially after his highest AP score for his kids was a 3 out of 5, and if they were that bad in any other school then the teacher would not be teaching that class anymore. So yeah, basically thats my rant for now, until I get the urge to yell again....