DW 31x05: Flesh and Stone

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DW 31x05: Flesh and Stone

Post by Captain Seafort »

Starts in twenty minutes, lets hope it keeps up the quality from last week.
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Re: DW 31x05: Flesh and Stone

Post by Captain Seafort »

That was pretty good, although it was clear for not very far in that the Angels were only a background problem, with the key being to set up stuff for later in the series. It looks like either Amy personally, and the whole of time is being messed with by this thing - it sounds like the events of Journey's End at least, and possibly The Next Doctor, have been wiped. Given that this crack has shown up wherever the Doctor and Amy go, it's likely that one of them is at least partially responsible. Probably Amy, given her somewhat odd behaviour in the last five minutes

The Angels were still alright, but they definitely suffered here. Showing them moving was a particular mistake, and the idea of them being pinned down if an individual acted as if they could see was somewhat odd (although it could be explained by the proximity detector having the same effect as visual observation).
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Re: DW 31x05: Flesh and Stone

Post by colmquinn »

Captain Seafort wrote: the idea of them being pinned down if an individual acted as if they could see was somewhat odd (although it could be explained by the proximity detector having the same effect as visual observation).
well that can be explained by not everything having eyes to "see" - hell Sionnach Glic manages to see and he's just a computer! :)
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Re: DW 31x05: Flesh and Stone

Post by Graham Kennedy »

They are doing interesting things with Amy Pond... we've had companions fall in love with the Doctor, and indeed had it returned... but Amy isn't in love with him. She just wanted to screw him. Interesting...
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Re: DW 31x05: Flesh and Stone

Post by Sionnach Glic »

Was that actually just her, or was there something weird going on with her? We'll see next week, I guess.

Overall I was rather apathetic towards this episode. It just didn't click for me.

The angels definitely went down a peg in this one. Showing them move was an extremely bad idea (the whole point of them is that they're so fast they can cross a room in the time it takes for you to blink), and the idea that you could fool them by pretending to see them is just....no.

So the cracks in the wall apparently erase things from time. But the one in Amy's bedroom just acted like a doorway, and it had apparently been there for some time. So what's up with that?

Also, something seems a bit funny with the way people were being erased from time. So soldiers 1 and 2 wander off and get sucked into it (or whatever). So this means they now never existed. But then surely their positions on the team would have been replaced by two different soldiers, right? And it gets even worse when all four of the remaining soldiers get sucked in, because that would mean that aside from the three or four soldiers who got killed in the last episode, the Bishop didn't bring anyone else along! And not only that, but it'd mean he never argued with the Doctor when he left Amy alone and blind in the forrest with no one to assist her. And, hell, if all the angels got sucked in at the very end, then that'd mean that the Bishop and co would have never had any reason to go to the ship in the first place, since no angels would ever have been on it.
Or maybe I should just stop trying to figure all this out and just go along with it.

So River is going to kill (but not really, obviously) the Doctor at some point in the future.

The end-of-series plot device this year is the Pandorica. If it's the fucking Daleks again then I'll be rather annoyed.

And I still think it would have been more interesting if the cracks in space/time had been caused by the TARDIS.

Overall, 3/5. Not bad, but hardly stellar.
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Re: DW 31x05: Flesh and Stone

Post by Graham Kennedy »

When the soldiers started vanishing, I couldn't help but think "I've seen this before... this is 'Remember Me' from TNG."

I also didn't like seeing them move. Not because they're meant to be so fast - we'd already been told these were weaker versions of the angels and they seemed to be slower most of the time anyway. Rather it bothered me because always before they've made the viewer implicitly part of that deal. They've used the camera in such a way that when the characters aren't looking, we're not looking either. It makes us feel part of the action, and wraps us up in the threat.

Now we get to see the angels move and it puts us outside of the Whoniverse, makes us an uninvolved viewer rather than a part of the action. That was a bad, bad move on their part.
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Re: DW 31x05: Flesh and Stone

Post by Foxfyre »

Over all I rate this one between good and average. I like that they brought in River again, someone that can run rings around hte doc. Don't like the angels in the end either.

Amy is an interesting character but for me she is starting ot feel more and more like a watered down Rose. I hope she becomes more her own character soon.

And it look slike they set up the 11th Doctor's end early (with the foreshadowing of River killing the greatest man she ever new), so should be interesting when hte time comes for a new actor.

Overall I like Matt Smith as the Doctor. Simlar to Eccleson and Tennant, but differnt enough to be enjoyable. I honestly hope that Amy doesn't come back for series 6 and they give the Doc a new companion.
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Re: DW 31x05: Flesh and Stone

Post by Captain Seafort »

Foxfyre wrote:Overall I like Matt Smith as the Doctor. Simlar to Eccleson and Tennant, but differnt enough to be enjoyable.
Your not looking back far enough for comparisons. The more I watch Smith's Doctor, the more he reminds me of Troughton.
I honestly hope that Amy doesn't come back for series 6 and they give the Doc a new companion.
Both Smith and Gillan are back next year.
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Re: DW 31x05: Flesh and Stone

Post by Reliant121 »

I dunno, I prefer Amy by miles to whoever she was that played Rose. And I prefer Smith to Tennant/Eccleston. Im not saying its the best, but its better IMO.
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Re: DW 31x05: Flesh and Stone

Post by RK_Striker_JK_5 »

Captain Seafort wrote:
I honestly hope that Amy doesn't come back for series 6 and they give the Doc a new companion.
Both Smith and Gillan are back next year.
good to hear. i like it when companions last more than a year. Give them a good run together, I say!
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Re: DW 31x05: Flesh and Stone

Post by Captain Seafort »

RK_Striker_JK_5 wrote:good to hear. i like it when companions last more than a year. Give them a good run together, I say!
This run of the three of them is turning into the best crew of the new series. All they need to do now is restore the revolving door, rather than the recent routine of "old companion leaves at the end of one series, new one turns up at the start of the next" and we'll be back in business.
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Re: DW 31x05: Flesh and Stone

Post by Foxfyre »

Captain Seafort wrote:
Foxfyre wrote:Overall I like Matt Smith as the Doctor. Simlar to Eccleson and Tennant, but differnt enough to be enjoyable.
Your not looking back far enough for comparisons. The more I watch Smith's Doctor, the more he reminds me of Troughton.

The farthest back I have gone is Pertwee, never watched any of the second doc on his own to compare.
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