The Worst Companions Of The Doctor

Sionnach Glic
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The Worst Companions Of The Doctor

Post by Sionnach Glic »

Well? Pretty self-explanatory. Which of the Doctor's companions do you consider the worst, and why?
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Re: The Worst Companions Of The Doctor

Post by RK_Striker_JK_5 »

Adric... and do I need to justify?
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Re: The Worst Companions Of The Doctor

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Adric. Mel. If you have to ask then you've obviously never seen them.

On top of that I'll add the following:
Adam - the only one thus far to be kicked out for stupidity
Rose - fawning idiot
Martha - Rose Mk 2
Mike Yates - traitor and idiot. See the other thread for more detail.
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Re: The Worst Companions Of The Doctor

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Actually, I've seen Mel... but can't remember anything about her. I think my mind blanked her out. ;)
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Re: The Worst Companions Of The Doctor

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RK_Striker_JK_5 wrote:Actually, I've seen Mel... but can't remember anything about her. I think my mind blanked her out. ;)
An understandable defence mechanism.
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Re: The Worst Companions Of The Doctor

Post by RK_Striker_JK_5 »

lol, thanks. :D

One thing about Rose, too. She needed the Time Vortex or whatever to fight Daleks. Lame! Ace? A baseball bat. 8)
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Re: The Worst Companions Of The Doctor

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A baseball bat and enough homemade explosives to start a war. :D
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Re: The Worst Companions Of The Doctor

Post by RK_Striker_JK_5 »

Why Seafort, you almost say that like it's a bad thing. :laughroll: :laughroll:

Sadly, that's why she can never be brought back. The bad guys wouldn't last past the first commercial break with her around. ;)
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Re: The Worst Companions Of The Doctor

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RK_Striker_JK_5 wrote:Sadly, that's why she can never be brought back. The bad guys wouldn't last past the first commercial break with her around. ;)
Neither would most of the companions. Or the Doctors for that matter. Can you see Ace putting up with Ten going off on one of his "woe is me" spiels?
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Re: The Worst Companions Of The Doctor

Post by RK_Striker_JK_5 »

Captain Seafort wrote:
RK_Striker_JK_5 wrote:Sadly, that's why she can never be brought back. The bad guys wouldn't last past the first commercial break with her around. ;)
Neither would most of the companions. Or the Doctors for that matter. Can you see Ace putting up with Ten going off on one of his "woe is me" spiels?

"I'm the last, the very last of the Time Lords!" the Tenth incarnation of the Doctor wailed. He bashed his fists against the TARDIS' control console, drawing alien blood. His mouth frothed. "All alone! ALWAYS ALONE! And not one-"

There was a blur. He spun around and a fist impacted the side of his face, sending him sprawling to the deck grating below. A large bruise began forming and he spat blood. The Doctor looked up with swimming vision as Dorothy 'Ace' Gale stood above him, snarling. "Aith?' he asked, already wide eyes somehow becoming wider.

Ace towered over him, lips curled back in a snarl. "Oi, Professor!" she shouted. "Where the bloody 'ell is this coming from? Where's the indomitable Time Lord who talked a Dalek to death and took down Fenric?" She suddenly looked up at two women cowering near the outer edge of the control center. "And what the hell have you two done to him?" she asked Rose Tyler and Martha Jones. She stepped over the Doctor's prone form. "Well?" she said, hand reaching over her shoulder for the baseball bat tucked into her backpack.

Rose held up a hand. "He's lost everything!" she squealed. "He is the last of the Time Lords!"

Ace nodded, chuckling. "Not the first time he's lost everything," she commented. She locked eyes with Martha, then looked back at the Doctor. Her head whipped around and she recoiled. "Eww! He's not even your species!"

Martha swallowed. She shrugged. "I still want him!" she shouted. She turned a venomous glare on Rose. "But all he ever talked about was you!"

Ace's mouth hung open. "He's almost a thousand years old! And he whines like a complete git!" She shook her head. "You want him, you can have him."

Okay, not my best. Just kinda came up with it on the fly.
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Re: The Worst Companions Of The Doctor

Post by Captain Seafort »

:lol: Not bad. Sort of reminds me of this.
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Re: The Worst Companions Of The Doctor

Post by RK_Striker_JK_5 »

Thanks. :) Just kinda came up with it on the fly. I'd have to do a bit of research to make it approaching 'good'. ;)
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Re: The Worst Companions Of The Doctor

Post by Captain Seafort »

RK_Striker_JK_5 wrote:Thanks. :) Just kinda came up with it on the fly. I'd have to do a bit of research to make it approaching 'good'. ;)
Other than Rose and Martha only meeting fleetingly in Journey's End rather than travelling with the Doctor simultaneously, and the suggestion that Ace would resort to that baseball bat rather than Nitro-9 or her fists, it's pretty damn good. Ironically, while that bat is one of the things she's famous for, it was only an ad hoc solution adopted to deal with the Daleks (and souped up with an old Time Lord weapon at that). She was more prone to using her fists, Nitro-9, or whatever came to hand (chairs, chemistry equipment, RPG-7s, etc).
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Re: The Worst Companions Of The Doctor

Post by RK_Striker_JK_5 »

Captain Seafort wrote:
RK_Striker_JK_5 wrote:Thanks. :) Just kinda came up with it on the fly. I'd have to do a bit of research to make it approaching 'good'. ;)
Other than Rose and Martha only meeting fleetingly in Journey's End rather than travelling with the Doctor simultaneously, and the suggestion that Ace would resort to that baseball bat rather than Nitro-9 or her fists, it's pretty damn good. Ironically, while that bat is one of the things she's famous for, it was only an ad hoc solution adopted to deal with the Daleks (and souped up with an old Time Lord weapon at that). She was more prone to using her fists, Nitro-9, or whatever came to hand (chairs, chemistry equipment, RPG-7s, etc).
I doubt Ace would want to blow the Doc up, even Whiny!Ten. ;) Although yes, she would use fists first... which she did. :P As for Rose and Martha together, eh. Plot contrivance. Happens sometimes. Consider it an effect of the timey-wimey ball?

And the link, love it. :D Ten Doctors, eh? Always wanted to do one with all thirteen incarnations of the Doc. Twelve would've been Doc Brown from Back to the Future and Thirteen the original time traveler from HG Wells' 'The Time Machine'.
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Re: The Worst Companions Of The Doctor

Post by Captain Seafort »

RK_Striker_JK_5 wrote:And the link, love it. :D Ten Doctors, eh? Always wanted to do one with all thirteen incarnations of the Doc. Twelve would've been Doc Brown from Back to the Future and Thirteen the original time traveler from HG Wells' 'The Time Machine'.
No Cushing?
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