SFDebris Damage

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SFDebris Damage

Post by Nickswitz »


Excellent episode, this was one I actually did like, the ship started off damaged, I mean how much better a beginning can you get?
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Re: SFDebris Damage

Post by Tyyr »

In the scope of the series Damages is definitely a 10. Season 3 was probably the second best of Enterprise after 4. They had a story arc, they kept it moving, and what happened from episode to episode actually mattered. Sure you had some stupid shit like the T'pol crack-ho story line but on the whole it was actually a very good season of Trek.

Part of what I liked about Season three and Damages in particular was that it took all the shine off the crew. Regardless of what you thought about them going into season 3 (incompetents led by an idiot) you had to admit that by the end of the third season they'd all spent a season growing and changing and not always for the better. They were worn and pushed to the limit. In Damages we see Archer realize just what he's going to have to do to complete his mission, strand a ship full of innocents that could potentially lead to their deaths. And he does it. No Picard preaching and Data finding a way to make a warp coil from bailing wire. No Janeway sacrificing a crewman on an altar and using their blood to power up the reset button. In a move worthy of Sisko he looked at his choices, "Bad," and "Truly Shitty," and did what had to be done.

Now if only the first two seasons had been anywhere remotely as good.
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Re: SFDebris Damage

Post by Deepcrush »

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Re: SFDebris Damage

Post by Mark »

It was THIS episode where I actually started to sort of like the Archer character. He had, as Tyyr said, two choices "Bad or Truely Shitty". He took the long view. It wasn't just his ship and crew at stake. It was the entire human race. They wouldn't have stopped at Earth. As we saw, they would have followed the survivors and methodically wiped them out.

I remember watching that episode and thinking "I hope he doesn't pull a Picard" meaning that for the sake of doing whats right let humanity be destroyed. Oh yes, the moral high ground would be great.......but you'd only get to enjoy it for a little while before your entire species was wiped out.
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Re: SFDebris Damage

Post by RK_Striker_JK_5 »

That was a good episode, yes.
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