My Ship Designs
- Lieutenant Commander
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Phased Plasma Torpedoes
Phased Plasma Torpedoes are a type of weapon developed by Starfleet to beat the Borg and the Dominion. The torpedo uses plasma generated on the ship and a phasing device like the one found on the U.S.S Pegasus, only smaller. The weapon's original standards called for a weapon capable of passing through shields and the hull detonating inside an enemy vessel. The original idea used a standard photon torpedo, but the antimatter destabilized the phasing device. Starfleet Corps of Engineers then decided to use warp plasma in the weapon. Even though the warhead managed to get through the shields, it still couldn't get through the hull. Starfleet found the new weapon acceptible and decided to start production of the weapon. Unknown the Starfleet, the Romulans stole a copy of the plans and built their own version with a little more success.
Phased Plasma Torpedoes are a type of weapon developed by Starfleet to beat the Borg and the Dominion. The torpedo uses plasma generated on the ship and a phasing device like the one found on the U.S.S Pegasus, only smaller. The weapon's original standards called for a weapon capable of passing through shields and the hull detonating inside an enemy vessel. The original idea used a standard photon torpedo, but the antimatter destabilized the phasing device. Starfleet Corps of Engineers then decided to use warp plasma in the weapon. Even though the warhead managed to get through the shields, it still couldn't get through the hull. Starfleet found the new weapon acceptible and decided to start production of the weapon. Unknown the Starfleet, the Romulans stole a copy of the plans and built their own version with a little more success.
There is not a problem in this world that can't be solved without the proper application of a sufficient number of thermonuclear ordnance.
- Lieutenant Commander
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- Location: Somewhere in the universe
Terran Empire Ships
Defiant Class(mirror)
Role: Destroyer
Crew: 50
Comissioned: 2372-
Unit Run
ISS Defiant
ISS Capital Gain
ISS Jadzia
ISS Destroyer of Worlds
ISS Deathbringer
ISS Vengeance
plus 15 more
-Length: 170m
-Width: 134m
-Height: 32m
-Decks: 4
6x Class 2 Phaser Pulse Cannons: 78,000 TW
4x Type X Phaser Arrays: 30,000 TW
3x Pulse Fire Quantum Tubes: 150
Auto Modulated Shields: 2,784,000 TJ
24cm thick Ablative Armor
Duranium/Tritanium Double Hull
High Power Structual Integitry Field
Warp Speeds
Normal Cruise: 6
Maximum Cruise: 8.7
Maximum Rated: 9.55 for 10 hours
History: In 2374, Sisko helped the Terran Rebellion by assisting them take Empok Nor. Unlike Terok Nor, Empok Nor was a ship building facility capable of building up to 12 Defiant Class Ships at once. Sisko also gave them blueprints for quantum torpedoes as a parting for upgrading the Defiant with a better fusion reactor. When Sisko and the Defiant crew went back to the normal universe, the Rebellion started construction of several Defiant Class Ships. Smiley and Bashir(mirror) then proceeded to take the station back with them to Terok Nor. Since Empok Nor had mirror people on it than Terok Nor, construction was faster. The second and third Defiant Class Ships completed were the ISS Capital Gain and the ISS Jadzia. The Capital Gain was captained by Zek while the Jadzia was captained by Bashir. Over the next 3 years 18 more Defiant Class Ships were built. 2 years later, the retook Earth with a fleet of 21 Defiant Class ships.
Prometheus Class(mirror)
Role: Tactical Cruiser
Crew: 180
Comissioned: 2376-
Unit Run:
ISS Prometheus
ISS Dauntless
ISS Avenger
ISS Leviathan
ISS Columbia
plus 5 more built
-Length: 415m
-Width: 165m
-Height: 64m
15 Type XII Phaser Arrays: 82,000 TW
4 Pulse Fire Quantum Torpedo Tubes: 300 rounds
Regenerative Shields
Duranium/Tritanium Double Hull with 20cm Ablative Armor
Cloaking Device
High Power SIF
Warp Speeds
-Normal Cruise: 8.8
-Maximum Cruise: 9.9
-Maximum Rated: 9.995 for 20 hours
History: In 2375, several Terran Rebels capturesd Lt. Reginald Barclay and Adml. Owen Paris. They promptly searched also stole Prometheus Class plans because they were the closest pad along with the Intrepid plans. They took them along to the mirror universe where they were forced to help with designing a long range ship with high combat capabilities. The TR found that in the Prometheus Class design. After Aml. Paris and Lt. Barclay helped them learn how to build several of the technologies, they had memories erased and were sent back to normal universe. The mirror Prometheus Class design differed greatly compared to the normal universe's version. It did not have MVAM capability, It had more phaser arrays, and capable of much higher warp speeds. it also had better shields and armor. The Rebellion took this ships to Romulus and asked for aid in helping them rid themselves of the Klingon/Cardassian/Bajoran Alliance. they were provided with advanced Coaking Devices and Artificial Quantum Singularities. In its first test, it destroyed several Alliance vessels with ease. 5 years later, they had a sizable fleet of Prometheus, Defiant, and Intrepid Class Ships.
I'll post the mirror Intrepid Class up here tomorrow(Guam Time).
Defiant Class(mirror)
Role: Destroyer
Crew: 50
Comissioned: 2372-
Unit Run
ISS Defiant
ISS Capital Gain
ISS Jadzia
ISS Destroyer of Worlds
ISS Deathbringer
ISS Vengeance
plus 15 more
-Length: 170m
-Width: 134m
-Height: 32m
-Decks: 4
6x Class 2 Phaser Pulse Cannons: 78,000 TW
4x Type X Phaser Arrays: 30,000 TW
3x Pulse Fire Quantum Tubes: 150
Auto Modulated Shields: 2,784,000 TJ
24cm thick Ablative Armor
Duranium/Tritanium Double Hull
High Power Structual Integitry Field
Warp Speeds
Normal Cruise: 6
Maximum Cruise: 8.7
Maximum Rated: 9.55 for 10 hours
History: In 2374, Sisko helped the Terran Rebellion by assisting them take Empok Nor. Unlike Terok Nor, Empok Nor was a ship building facility capable of building up to 12 Defiant Class Ships at once. Sisko also gave them blueprints for quantum torpedoes as a parting for upgrading the Defiant with a better fusion reactor. When Sisko and the Defiant crew went back to the normal universe, the Rebellion started construction of several Defiant Class Ships. Smiley and Bashir(mirror) then proceeded to take the station back with them to Terok Nor. Since Empok Nor had mirror people on it than Terok Nor, construction was faster. The second and third Defiant Class Ships completed were the ISS Capital Gain and the ISS Jadzia. The Capital Gain was captained by Zek while the Jadzia was captained by Bashir. Over the next 3 years 18 more Defiant Class Ships were built. 2 years later, the retook Earth with a fleet of 21 Defiant Class ships.
Prometheus Class(mirror)
Role: Tactical Cruiser
Crew: 180
Comissioned: 2376-
Unit Run:
ISS Prometheus
ISS Dauntless
ISS Avenger
ISS Leviathan
ISS Columbia
plus 5 more built
-Length: 415m
-Width: 165m
-Height: 64m
15 Type XII Phaser Arrays: 82,000 TW
4 Pulse Fire Quantum Torpedo Tubes: 300 rounds
Regenerative Shields
Duranium/Tritanium Double Hull with 20cm Ablative Armor
Cloaking Device
High Power SIF
Warp Speeds
-Normal Cruise: 8.8
-Maximum Cruise: 9.9
-Maximum Rated: 9.995 for 20 hours
History: In 2375, several Terran Rebels capturesd Lt. Reginald Barclay and Adml. Owen Paris. They promptly searched also stole Prometheus Class plans because they were the closest pad along with the Intrepid plans. They took them along to the mirror universe where they were forced to help with designing a long range ship with high combat capabilities. The TR found that in the Prometheus Class design. After Aml. Paris and Lt. Barclay helped them learn how to build several of the technologies, they had memories erased and were sent back to normal universe. The mirror Prometheus Class design differed greatly compared to the normal universe's version. It did not have MVAM capability, It had more phaser arrays, and capable of much higher warp speeds. it also had better shields and armor. The Rebellion took this ships to Romulus and asked for aid in helping them rid themselves of the Klingon/Cardassian/Bajoran Alliance. they were provided with advanced Coaking Devices and Artificial Quantum Singularities. In its first test, it destroyed several Alliance vessels with ease. 5 years later, they had a sizable fleet of Prometheus, Defiant, and Intrepid Class Ships.
I'll post the mirror Intrepid Class up here tomorrow(Guam Time).
There is not a problem in this world that can't be solved without the proper application of a sufficient number of thermonuclear ordnance.
- Lieutenant Commander
- Posts: 1186
- Joined: Sat Jul 14, 2007 5:53 am
- Location: Somewhere in the universe
The specs are more Terran Empire biased(stronger weapons, shields, etc...). Basically the Terran Rebels get these designs and make them better in terms of combat ability. Power Sources are also different because they get support from the Romulans.Mikey wrote:Are these just alternate backstories for ships of the same specs?
Terran Empire Intrepid Class
Role: Medium Cruiser
Crew: 425
Unit Run
ISS Intrepid
ISS Voyager
ISS Pwned
ISS Khan's Wrath
plus several more
-Length: 344m
-Width: 116m
-Height: 65m
-Decks: 15
13x Type IX Phaser Arrays: 22,500 TW
2x Pulse Fire Quantum Torpedo Tubes
4x Standard Photon Torpedo Tubes with 60 rounds
Standard Shield System: 1,875,000 TJ
Duranium/Tritanium Double Hull with 10cm Ablative Armor
Cloaking Device
Medium Power SIF
Warp Speeds
Normal Cruise: 7.2
Maximum Cruise: 9.975
Maximum Rated: 9.985 for 4 hours
History: Like the Prometheus Class, the Intrepid Class was built using blueprint stolen from Starfleet by the Terran Rebels. They promptly made modifications to increase the ships combat abilities so they could fight against the Klingon/Cardassian/Bajoran Alliance. It was built after Spacedock was reverted back to a ship building facility from being a giant prison. The 1st of mirror Intrepid Class took out 3 Galor Class ships and retreated back to Earth to help the ragtag fleet defend against any attacks from the Alliance. as with the Defiant and Prometheus Classes, the Intrepid Class recieved a Quantum Singularity for power and a cloaking device. In 2380, the Terran Rebellion had built enough ships to start a campaign against the Allaince with help from the Romulans. These ships did quite well for their size.
There is not a problem in this world that can't be solved without the proper application of a sufficient number of thermonuclear ordnance.
- Captain Seafort
- 4 Star Admiral
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How would that work then? All the rebels did was steal the Defiant's specs and build their own ship from those specs. They didn't modify them in any way, to the extent that Sisko's experience in helping design the ship, and in operating it, were a significant help to them. He couldn't have done that if they'd changed the design in any meaningful way.JudgeKing wrote:The specs are more Terran Empire biased(stronger weapons, shields, etc...). Basically the Terran Rebels get these designs and make them better in terms of combat ability. Power Sources are also different because they get support from the Romulans.
Only two things are infinite - the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the universe: Albert Einstein.
- Lieutenant Commander
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- Location: Somewhere in the universe
Valiant Class
Valiant Class
Crew: 75
Role: Destroyer
Comissioned: 2372-
Length: 188m
Height: 39.4m
Width: 138.2m
Decks: 6
4 Class I Pulse Phasers
2 Type X Phaser Arrays: 75,000 TW
3 Pulse Fire Quantum Tubes with 120 rounds
Auto-Modulated Shield System: 2,496,000 Terajoule capacity
16cm Ablative Armor
Heavy Duranium/Tritanium Double Hull
High power SIF
Warp Speeds
Normal Cruise: 6.2
Maximum Cruise: 8.7
Maximum Rated: 9.6 for 14 hours
Unit Run
USS Valiant NCC-75418
USS Indomitable NCC-75439
USS Jaws NCC-74532
USS Seeker NCC-76591
plus several others
History: The Valiant Class was a project alongside the Defiant, Prometheus, and Sovereign projects to build an effective warship against the Borg. But for several years, this class was in the mothballs becauase there was already a ship called the Valiant. This ship was built most of the same technology as the Defiant. it was also larger than the Defiant, but not by much though. In its first combat test, the Valiant wasted several Dominion Attack Ships. These ships also saw extensive use during the Dominion War in battles like 1st Battle of Chin'toka, Battle of Rashanar, Battle of Betazed, and the Advance on Cardassia. The USS Jaws was one of the ships in the fight against the Borg in 2376 and 2377, it suffered serious damage and was forced to stay in drydock for several weeks afterwords. One of these ships also was part of Battle Group Omega in Sector 1045 when the Enteprise E was fighting the Scimitar. TThis class continues to serve with distinction right now.

Crew: 75
Role: Destroyer
Comissioned: 2372-
Length: 188m
Height: 39.4m
Width: 138.2m
Decks: 6
4 Class I Pulse Phasers
2 Type X Phaser Arrays: 75,000 TW
3 Pulse Fire Quantum Tubes with 120 rounds
Auto-Modulated Shield System: 2,496,000 Terajoule capacity
16cm Ablative Armor
Heavy Duranium/Tritanium Double Hull
High power SIF
Warp Speeds
Normal Cruise: 6.2
Maximum Cruise: 8.7
Maximum Rated: 9.6 for 14 hours
Unit Run
USS Valiant NCC-75418
USS Indomitable NCC-75439
USS Jaws NCC-74532
USS Seeker NCC-76591
plus several others
History: The Valiant Class was a project alongside the Defiant, Prometheus, and Sovereign projects to build an effective warship against the Borg. But for several years, this class was in the mothballs becauase there was already a ship called the Valiant. This ship was built most of the same technology as the Defiant. it was also larger than the Defiant, but not by much though. In its first combat test, the Valiant wasted several Dominion Attack Ships. These ships also saw extensive use during the Dominion War in battles like 1st Battle of Chin'toka, Battle of Rashanar, Battle of Betazed, and the Advance on Cardassia. The USS Jaws was one of the ships in the fight against the Borg in 2376 and 2377, it suffered serious damage and was forced to stay in drydock for several weeks afterwords. One of these ships also was part of Battle Group Omega in Sector 1045 when the Enteprise E was fighting the Scimitar. TThis class continues to serve with distinction right now.

Last edited by JudgeKing on Sat Dec 22, 2007 1:56 am, edited 1 time in total.
There is not a problem in this world that can't be solved without the proper application of a sufficient number of thermonuclear ordnance.
- Lieutenant Commander
- Posts: 1186
- Joined: Sat Jul 14, 2007 5:53 am
- Location: Somewhere in the universe
All right then, I'll correct that error, sorry.Mikey wrote:Right, but that was an obsolete model. Class names may be re-used; but I don't believe a class (and therefore, a ship) would use the name of another currently-commissioned ship.
There is not a problem in this world that can't be solved without the proper application of a sufficient number of thermonuclear ordnance.
Again, you should probably credit the creator of those pics you are using. As someone who has done a fair bit of modeling myself, I know how much work goes into one, especially one as well done as this.
see!! those guys even gave props to the kennedy's on the bottom of the page for using the DITL indecies system
see!! those guys even gave props to the kennedy's on the bottom of the page for using the DITL indecies system

- Lieutenant Commander
- Posts: 1186
- Joined: Sat Jul 14, 2007 5:53 am
- Location: Somewhere in the universe
Confederation Class
Role: Heavy Cruiser
Affiliation: United Earth Starfleet
Comissioned: 2155-2176
Crew: 147
Length: 257m
Width: 136m
Height: 52m
Decks: 10
16 Pulsed Phase Cannons
8 Pulse Plasma Cannons: 56 Terawatt output
4 Mod 3 Photonic Torpedo Tubes with 80 rounds
12cm Enhanced Polarised Armor
Medium Monotanium Single Hull
Andorian Shields: 56,000 TJ capacity(first batch)
Earth Shields: 56,000 TJ capacity(second batch)
Low Power SIF
Warp Speeds
Normal Cruise: 4.3
Maximum Cruise: 4.7
Maximum Rated: 5.2
History: The Confederation class was a project to build a ship that was more combat oriented than the NX. Most of the technology was from the NX class Refits to be up to date with the latest technology. This class sported NX main hulls with an engineering hull. It also recieved shields from the Andorians as help for preventing a Vulcan/Andorian war. The shields took a long time to get to Earth mainly because the Andorian govt. fiercely debated giving Earth shields since they were friends of the Vulcans. When they finally decided on giving them shields, the Confederation was complete and ready to go. They installed the shields on the Confederation class only so that they wouldn't have to take the time constantly deliver Earth shields all the time. This class first saw combat when 2 Orion cruisers attacked it. Both Orion ships chased off. In 2157, Earth developed shield technology of their own. New Confederation class ships recieved earth shields. During the Earth-Romulan War. Several Confederation Class ships served in the fleet that beat the Romulans at Cheron. This class served with distinction until the 2210s when they started being phased out by newer ships such as the Churchill and the Missouri classes.
Venator Class
Role: Battleship
Affiliation: Romulan Star Empire
Crew: 479
Comissioned: 2287-2334
Length: 448m
Width: 242m
Height: 75m
9 Medium Power Pulse Disruptor Cannons: 18,000 TW output
3 S2 Photon Torpedo Tubes: 140 rounds
1 Heavy Plasma Torpedo Launcher: 20 rounds
Standard Shield System: 1,152,000 TJ capacity
Medium Duranium Single Hull
Cloaking Device
Warp Speeds
Normal Cruise: 6
Maximum Cruise: 7.6
Maximum Rated: 8.5
History: The Venator was a Romulan project to create a ship designed to fight the Federation Excelsior and Klingon Ravenous classes. It was designed around the same time as the Heavy Defender class tactical cruiser. The Venator utilized numerous new technology to make it just as capable as the Excelsior and Ravenous classes. This ship first launched the same year as the Excelsior alongside the Heavy Defender. This ship fought at several border conflicts like the Tomed Incident and raid of the H'Atoria. These ships stopped production in 2334 after the Melak became more numerous. These ships continued to serve in the Romulan Star Empire until several age related issues became serious problems. These ships were decomissioned in 2376 after the Dominion War because of those problems. The Venator Class is expected to no longer be in service by 2378.
Role: Heavy Cruiser
Affiliation: United Earth Starfleet
Comissioned: 2155-2176
Crew: 147
Length: 257m
Width: 136m
Height: 52m
Decks: 10
16 Pulsed Phase Cannons
8 Pulse Plasma Cannons: 56 Terawatt output
4 Mod 3 Photonic Torpedo Tubes with 80 rounds
12cm Enhanced Polarised Armor
Medium Monotanium Single Hull
Andorian Shields: 56,000 TJ capacity(first batch)
Earth Shields: 56,000 TJ capacity(second batch)
Low Power SIF
Warp Speeds
Normal Cruise: 4.3
Maximum Cruise: 4.7
Maximum Rated: 5.2
History: The Confederation class was a project to build a ship that was more combat oriented than the NX. Most of the technology was from the NX class Refits to be up to date with the latest technology. This class sported NX main hulls with an engineering hull. It also recieved shields from the Andorians as help for preventing a Vulcan/Andorian war. The shields took a long time to get to Earth mainly because the Andorian govt. fiercely debated giving Earth shields since they were friends of the Vulcans. When they finally decided on giving them shields, the Confederation was complete and ready to go. They installed the shields on the Confederation class only so that they wouldn't have to take the time constantly deliver Earth shields all the time. This class first saw combat when 2 Orion cruisers attacked it. Both Orion ships chased off. In 2157, Earth developed shield technology of their own. New Confederation class ships recieved earth shields. During the Earth-Romulan War. Several Confederation Class ships served in the fleet that beat the Romulans at Cheron. This class served with distinction until the 2210s when they started being phased out by newer ships such as the Churchill and the Missouri classes.
Venator Class
Role: Battleship
Affiliation: Romulan Star Empire
Crew: 479
Comissioned: 2287-2334
Length: 448m
Width: 242m
Height: 75m
9 Medium Power Pulse Disruptor Cannons: 18,000 TW output
3 S2 Photon Torpedo Tubes: 140 rounds
1 Heavy Plasma Torpedo Launcher: 20 rounds
Standard Shield System: 1,152,000 TJ capacity
Medium Duranium Single Hull
Cloaking Device
Warp Speeds
Normal Cruise: 6
Maximum Cruise: 7.6
Maximum Rated: 8.5
History: The Venator was a Romulan project to create a ship designed to fight the Federation Excelsior and Klingon Ravenous classes. It was designed around the same time as the Heavy Defender class tactical cruiser. The Venator utilized numerous new technology to make it just as capable as the Excelsior and Ravenous classes. This ship first launched the same year as the Excelsior alongside the Heavy Defender. This ship fought at several border conflicts like the Tomed Incident and raid of the H'Atoria. These ships stopped production in 2334 after the Melak became more numerous. These ships continued to serve in the Romulan Star Empire until several age related issues became serious problems. These ships were decomissioned in 2376 after the Dominion War because of those problems. The Venator Class is expected to no longer be in service by 2378.
There is not a problem in this world that can't be solved without the proper application of a sufficient number of thermonuclear ordnance.