You do realize, this is the same group of people who needed a multi-page debate over the best way to drive a half-track down a dirt road. You really want to put us in charge of a ship?Cpl Kendall wrote:You guys, or rather the crew will do what their told. If someone needs to pose as an actual Captain, one of the Void Borns can cram himself in a suit. The ships er...first mate will handle the day to day running of it.
Well I doubt many places have anything near as nice as what Mars puts out. Still, if I should come across or purchase an implant or artificial limb/organ, I could get it installed on the ship?Replacements yes, new ones may not be the same quality that you get from Mars.
So we're armed enough to take someone by surprise or to hold them off so we can run.PD weapons mainly, the standard for a merchant ship. Two concealed torpedo tubes in the bow, along with two Naval Lances amidships. So no Exterminatus but enough to fry a small settlement.