Setting: Year: 2238
Time:0900 hours
Location: Off coast of San Francisco, California, at Starfleet academy
The Klaxon began ringing loudly as I awoke. There had been a mysterious ship lingering in Klingon space, we we're sent to investigate it and hopefully it wouldn't be too hard to handle, then I could quickly get back to my much needed rest.
"Today is going to be a real life test of your skill, Cadets" the commander yelled, I grimaced at the sound of his voice he time a word exited his mouth, "there has been an attack on a Klingon outpost based near our borders, it seems that we are much closer than their fleet is, and so they need us to help them, each one of you will receive your orders and be sent on your way. Once you get to your stations, be prepare to be under way, these are all new ships, try not to scratch the paint too much." The Commander released us all. All of us got into uniform and were sent on our way to our assignments.
"I sure hope that this is nothing too bad," one of the older cadets said, He was 19, whereas I was 17. "If it was too bad do you think they would be sending us?" I responded, "Maybe it's because it was such a threat that they needed someone to be there immediately." He said excitedly, as he quickly turned off to his assignment. "They needed cannon fodder, that's what they need" I mumbled under my breath as he walked away.
I was assigned as a tactical officer to be aboard the U.S.S. Condor. "Permission to come aboard acting Captain Jenkins" "Permission granted, welcome aboard, your seat awaits. Engage the warp drive, prepare for light speed. And engage!" The room flashed with light as we entered light speed. "ETA to our destination helm?" "About 8 hours sir." "Comm. inform the crew to prepare for battle stations. We don't know what we're getting into"
8 hours later
"Prepare to drop out of light speed"
"Aye, aye sir, dropping out of light speed now"
As we entered the remains of the Klingon outpost we say through the rubble a large ship, "Scan that ship, what is it? It must be at least 50 kilometers long"
"Sir, it is massive, it has mostly pulse cannons, as well as about 60 torpedo bays, I suggest we steer clear of it, our whole fleet has no chance against this thing."
"We could always be a distraction til we have some experienced fleet commanders coming in." I responded
"We are just as good as any ship in Starfleet, we may not have a huge armament, but we don't need it, we need to outthink them, not outgun them, prepare to meet the fleet in battle."
As we approached the ship I realized that there was little help we could be, but we kept on going, hoping that our newly outfitted torpedo launcher would come to good use. "Arm the torpedoes, all hands, battle stations!" The captain screamed trying to maintain an image of calmness in the face of obvious defeat.
Our fleet was heavily outgunned, the Alien ship was too massive for us to do much damage, our only real hope was getting under the hood of this ship. There was one way to do this; it seemed from the sensor readings that it had 2 massive generators. If we took out even one of them we would be able to get to their other systems much easier. "Captain, I have an idea, it will work, but we need to work quickly " as I was about to inform the captain the ship shook violently with a shot from a pulse cannon, "Take it away, cadet Brinks" "Ok, if we get under their upper platform we should be able to take out their power generator " and another shot shook us about throwing me against the floor.
I got up in an attempt to man the tactical station yet again. The ship shook again, and all I saw was a flash of light
Re: Timelapse
Part II
Year: 2009
Time: 0650
Location: A New York suburb.
"Wake up Jeremy you'll be late for school, again!"
"Ugh, my head hurts, can I just stay home mom, seriously, I feel like a car just hit me."
Suddenly my mind was racing, going every which way until I finally looked at where I was, it was my old house in New York, why was I going to school, why wasn't I going to the academy. I got up and headed downstairs when I looked at a calendar outside my sister's room. January 31, 2009 was the only circled date on it. I didn't care enough to see what it said.
"What's today mom?" I asked hoping not to sound too stupid.
"It's the 21st, why?"
"Just making sure of something." I went down into our pantry to look for some good food to eat but I didn't really find much, then I turned around and realized I had triggered something, A light blue hue filled the area behind the freezer, I looked around the freezer to see how I could get to it, finally, it just moved and there was a doorway. That was lined with blue lights all the way down it. I stepped into the doorway and I was quickly whisked down to the other end. There I found a huge room, it had 3 mounted pulse cannon turrets, as well as a missile turret, it was all controlled by a panel on the far side of the room. In front of that panel was a very comfortable looking chair, on the chair was a remote of some sort, I grabbed it and started pressing buttons. The first button I pressed turned out to open the roof, when it opened, a lot of dirt began to fall, so I closed it.
Then I realized my mom was going to wonder where I was, so I looked around trying to find the exit, it was a staircase going up to the surface. So I went up and it brought me to the field right outside my house, so now I knew where my secret lab was, now, why was it there?
So I then ran back into the house and told my mom I couldn't find anything to eat, she tossed me a granola bar. I went to my car; not sure how I knew it was my car, I just knew it was somehow. I headed off to school; for the first time ever I felt utterly confused, and hoped that I could get out of this situation. When I got there everyone knew me, I just didn't know anyone.
Nothing interesting happened during the school day, but after school, that was the interesting part. I was in the guidance office to get a new schedule for classes, and then I saw four guys in military attire. I figured that they were just recruiters, but then one of them said, "We're looking for Jeremy Brinks. I walked out into the corridor to try and escape their sight, it worked, but then I saw another 2 walking my way, so I quickly turned around and walked out of the main doors, I jogged to my car and started it up, trying not to look suspicious. I also turned on a police scanner that I had for some reason; apparently I was wanted for arms dealing, and there was a military roadblock between the school and my house. So I drove off, thinking of a way to get around it as I drove. There was a creek right by my house, well, close enough, so I decided I was going to swim to my house, or walk along the edge of it if I didn't get spotted.
I got to an intersection, stopped my car on the side of the road and got out. I started walking towards the creek; once I got to the edge of the creek I heard a loud voice screaming at the top of their lungs. I got a glance of his face, and then thought he looked familiar just not sure where from. So I began walking along the creek, stopping every once in a while to catch my breath. I then saw up on the road a man with a gun of some sort, obviously military make. So I just kept walking and hoped I wasn't spotted, of course that didn't work. He saw me and motioned for me to come up there, so I slowly walked up the hill to the road, not sure why I was listening and not running, they thought of basic combat training in Starfleet. Once I got to him he asked for ID, so I reached for my wallet, he of course held his gun on me as I reached for it. I pulled out my wallet and handed it to him; as he was looking at it, I grabbed his gun with my left arm, and thrusted it into his face, he stumbled backwards at which point I hit him again with the butt of the gun and ran. I ran back down to the creek.
I clutched the gun like it was a lifeline, and then realized that it would be better for me not to have it, they know I took it by now, so if I kept it, it would be obvious as to who I was. So I tossed it into the water.
Then as I was getting close to my house I heard a loud whirring sound, like a really big saw cutting down the creek bed. I then saw what it was, a helicopter. An Apache to be exact, the officer manning the turret saw me quickly, I knew I had no choice but to get wet; I jumped into the water as far in as I could, and dived as often as possible and only surfaced to get a breath every so often. I then saw the bridge that led off to my house, and also saw my escape. I got to the bridge and stopped and got out once the Apache passed over the bridge; I then climbed the bridge to the road, and ran as fast as I could, and remembered the remote, I hoped and prayed it still worked. I clicked it once, nothing happened, then frantically pressing the buttons it opened the roof of the lab, the Apache by then realized I wasn't in the water anymore and got over to the road. The bullets started flying by as if they were warning me. I started running to the field and where the opening was, I made a running leap and made it to the edge, I then realized it was about 15 feet to the ground, and realized I was committed to the jump, and had no choice but to continue it. I then hit something, but it wasn't the ground, it wasn't even there, it was empty space, but it slowed me enough not to hurt me.
Now in there I closed the roof as military officers began running to the edge. I ran to the weapon control platform and activated all four turrets. They lifted off the ground and went through holes in the roof made just for them. At first I was manually targeting officers until I realized it would auto target, so I let it do that. For one of them I kept it on manual so I could pick off the ones that were real nuisances. The turrets had physical shields that blocked the bullets, so they weren't receiving damage. Then they brought in a tank, and it targeted the closest turret, I activated a thicker shield for it and the tank round dented that severely, I then took out the tank with 2 missiles from the missile launcher. This blockage made it very difficult for the other tank to get through. I then decided I would just put up all the metal shields and let them shoot it up, I just needed a way to live.
I then heard a loud knocking on the door to the basement of my house, they must have found the passageway, I knew I had no chance. I just sat there and let them blow through the door and awaited my doom, the door blew open, I welcomed the officers by saying, "well, hello all of you, would you like a drink?" They all raised their weapons, and the room began to zoom past me as if at light speed.
Year: 2009
Time: 0650
Location: A New York suburb.
"Wake up Jeremy you'll be late for school, again!"
"Ugh, my head hurts, can I just stay home mom, seriously, I feel like a car just hit me."
Suddenly my mind was racing, going every which way until I finally looked at where I was, it was my old house in New York, why was I going to school, why wasn't I going to the academy. I got up and headed downstairs when I looked at a calendar outside my sister's room. January 31, 2009 was the only circled date on it. I didn't care enough to see what it said.
"What's today mom?" I asked hoping not to sound too stupid.
"It's the 21st, why?"
"Just making sure of something." I went down into our pantry to look for some good food to eat but I didn't really find much, then I turned around and realized I had triggered something, A light blue hue filled the area behind the freezer, I looked around the freezer to see how I could get to it, finally, it just moved and there was a doorway. That was lined with blue lights all the way down it. I stepped into the doorway and I was quickly whisked down to the other end. There I found a huge room, it had 3 mounted pulse cannon turrets, as well as a missile turret, it was all controlled by a panel on the far side of the room. In front of that panel was a very comfortable looking chair, on the chair was a remote of some sort, I grabbed it and started pressing buttons. The first button I pressed turned out to open the roof, when it opened, a lot of dirt began to fall, so I closed it.
Then I realized my mom was going to wonder where I was, so I looked around trying to find the exit, it was a staircase going up to the surface. So I went up and it brought me to the field right outside my house, so now I knew where my secret lab was, now, why was it there?
So I then ran back into the house and told my mom I couldn't find anything to eat, she tossed me a granola bar. I went to my car; not sure how I knew it was my car, I just knew it was somehow. I headed off to school; for the first time ever I felt utterly confused, and hoped that I could get out of this situation. When I got there everyone knew me, I just didn't know anyone.
Nothing interesting happened during the school day, but after school, that was the interesting part. I was in the guidance office to get a new schedule for classes, and then I saw four guys in military attire. I figured that they were just recruiters, but then one of them said, "We're looking for Jeremy Brinks. I walked out into the corridor to try and escape their sight, it worked, but then I saw another 2 walking my way, so I quickly turned around and walked out of the main doors, I jogged to my car and started it up, trying not to look suspicious. I also turned on a police scanner that I had for some reason; apparently I was wanted for arms dealing, and there was a military roadblock between the school and my house. So I drove off, thinking of a way to get around it as I drove. There was a creek right by my house, well, close enough, so I decided I was going to swim to my house, or walk along the edge of it if I didn't get spotted.
I got to an intersection, stopped my car on the side of the road and got out. I started walking towards the creek; once I got to the edge of the creek I heard a loud voice screaming at the top of their lungs. I got a glance of his face, and then thought he looked familiar just not sure where from. So I began walking along the creek, stopping every once in a while to catch my breath. I then saw up on the road a man with a gun of some sort, obviously military make. So I just kept walking and hoped I wasn't spotted, of course that didn't work. He saw me and motioned for me to come up there, so I slowly walked up the hill to the road, not sure why I was listening and not running, they thought of basic combat training in Starfleet. Once I got to him he asked for ID, so I reached for my wallet, he of course held his gun on me as I reached for it. I pulled out my wallet and handed it to him; as he was looking at it, I grabbed his gun with my left arm, and thrusted it into his face, he stumbled backwards at which point I hit him again with the butt of the gun and ran. I ran back down to the creek.
I clutched the gun like it was a lifeline, and then realized that it would be better for me not to have it, they know I took it by now, so if I kept it, it would be obvious as to who I was. So I tossed it into the water.
Then as I was getting close to my house I heard a loud whirring sound, like a really big saw cutting down the creek bed. I then saw what it was, a helicopter. An Apache to be exact, the officer manning the turret saw me quickly, I knew I had no choice but to get wet; I jumped into the water as far in as I could, and dived as often as possible and only surfaced to get a breath every so often. I then saw the bridge that led off to my house, and also saw my escape. I got to the bridge and stopped and got out once the Apache passed over the bridge; I then climbed the bridge to the road, and ran as fast as I could, and remembered the remote, I hoped and prayed it still worked. I clicked it once, nothing happened, then frantically pressing the buttons it opened the roof of the lab, the Apache by then realized I wasn't in the water anymore and got over to the road. The bullets started flying by as if they were warning me. I started running to the field and where the opening was, I made a running leap and made it to the edge, I then realized it was about 15 feet to the ground, and realized I was committed to the jump, and had no choice but to continue it. I then hit something, but it wasn't the ground, it wasn't even there, it was empty space, but it slowed me enough not to hurt me.
Now in there I closed the roof as military officers began running to the edge. I ran to the weapon control platform and activated all four turrets. They lifted off the ground and went through holes in the roof made just for them. At first I was manually targeting officers until I realized it would auto target, so I let it do that. For one of them I kept it on manual so I could pick off the ones that were real nuisances. The turrets had physical shields that blocked the bullets, so they weren't receiving damage. Then they brought in a tank, and it targeted the closest turret, I activated a thicker shield for it and the tank round dented that severely, I then took out the tank with 2 missiles from the missile launcher. This blockage made it very difficult for the other tank to get through. I then decided I would just put up all the metal shields and let them shoot it up, I just needed a way to live.
I then heard a loud knocking on the door to the basement of my house, they must have found the passageway, I knew I had no chance. I just sat there and let them blow through the door and awaited my doom, the door blew open, I welcomed the officers by saying, "well, hello all of you, would you like a drink?" They all raised their weapons, and the room began to zoom past me as if at light speed.
Re: Timelapse
Part III
My eyes opened and the first thing I saw was a bright observation light over me. I was in sickbay.
"Doctor, I need to report to the bridge, it's urgent."
"Your health is more important, once your cleared I'll release you, until then you're my patient, and you're not going anywhere."
"Good bye doctor, I'll report back once I'm finished"
"Get back here Cadet!"
I walked briskly towards the turbolift. The door to the bridge opened and I realized just what had happened while I was out. We were now over the overhang of the enemy vessel.
"Captain, we need two shuttles" he looked back at me.
"Back already Cadet, good, we can use you at the weapons console"
I relieved the Cadet that was stationed at the weapons station.
"So, Cadet, what was your plan?"
"We have to take out their power, otherwise they can easily over power us, all we have to do is pilot a shuttle with a torpedo or two in each one to each of the power generators. We then set them to detonate at the same time at high yield and hopefully destroy the power generators or damage them to the point that they can't repair or fire weapons."
The Captain accepted the idea well, and so everything was set into play. We got two weapons experts to go on the shuttles; they would be transported out before the torpedoes detonate.
The shuttles were moved into position. As they were moved there the weapon fire intensified, we were losing our shields quickly.
"This is the Captain speaking, we're in for a shaky ride, be prepared for severe causalities, the medical bays may be overfilled, be prepared to give up your quarters for medical needs. Your efforts are greatly required, battle stations, and brace for impact."
Our Captain was very sure we weren't going to make it out of here. It didn't surprise me, I wasn't expecting to survive this either.
"Hail the fleet, tell them to cover our shuttles, we need them to survive for us to survive. Tell them we are taking heavy damage, and will need some cover for repairs as well"
"Sir, we have three fighter squadrons coming it at high speeds, they're ours."
"Tell them to cover the shuttles, we can hold off the phasers for now."
"The shuttles are approaching the detonation point, the pilots are calling in"
"Open the hailing frequencies with them."
"They say that that they are ready to detonate the torpedoes"
"Tell them to go ahead, we have their backs, inform the fleet to prepare for light speed travel once we have the pilots onboard, that explosion is going to be big, and very damaging. Tell the fighters to stick around as long as possible."
The pilots were transported onboard, I hoped that my plan would work; the ship was unable to reach where the shuttles were located because of lack of phaser coverage, so it should work. All of the ships prepared for a light speed jump.
"Sir, our reactors are failing quickly, we won't be able to go to warp in about five minutes" The Chief engineer reported to us.
"Can we go now?"
"Yes, but only for a short distance."
"Go for it, it's our only chance."
We suddenly jumped to light speed, stars flying by us quickly. We then dropped out of warp, still able to see the battle going on, just then everything stopped. No more ships were firing or being fired at, it became like a graveyard in the dead of space. The dual detonations put some life into it. They were large enough that even from almost 3000Kilometers away we could feel the shockwave. It did its job hopefully. A fighter reported into us. "They stopped firing at us, our scans indicate they have minimal power left over, enough for life support I'd assume."
"Tell the fleet to come on back for negotiations with them. We have the upper ground now. Good idea Cadet Brinks. A commendation will be coming your way."
I looked around the damaged bridge, it seemed as if we had an earthquake, everyone and everything was strewn around. We called in a warp tow from a larger vessel.
When we arrived back at Starfleet headquarters we received a hero's welcome. The enemy vessel was towed back to Starfleet to be reverse engineered by over two hundred ships. It was immense even to the Starbase being constructed.
My eyes opened and the first thing I saw was a bright observation light over me. I was in sickbay.
"Doctor, I need to report to the bridge, it's urgent."
"Your health is more important, once your cleared I'll release you, until then you're my patient, and you're not going anywhere."
"Good bye doctor, I'll report back once I'm finished"
"Get back here Cadet!"
I walked briskly towards the turbolift. The door to the bridge opened and I realized just what had happened while I was out. We were now over the overhang of the enemy vessel.
"Captain, we need two shuttles" he looked back at me.
"Back already Cadet, good, we can use you at the weapons console"
I relieved the Cadet that was stationed at the weapons station.
"So, Cadet, what was your plan?"
"We have to take out their power, otherwise they can easily over power us, all we have to do is pilot a shuttle with a torpedo or two in each one to each of the power generators. We then set them to detonate at the same time at high yield and hopefully destroy the power generators or damage them to the point that they can't repair or fire weapons."
The Captain accepted the idea well, and so everything was set into play. We got two weapons experts to go on the shuttles; they would be transported out before the torpedoes detonate.
The shuttles were moved into position. As they were moved there the weapon fire intensified, we were losing our shields quickly.
"This is the Captain speaking, we're in for a shaky ride, be prepared for severe causalities, the medical bays may be overfilled, be prepared to give up your quarters for medical needs. Your efforts are greatly required, battle stations, and brace for impact."
Our Captain was very sure we weren't going to make it out of here. It didn't surprise me, I wasn't expecting to survive this either.
"Hail the fleet, tell them to cover our shuttles, we need them to survive for us to survive. Tell them we are taking heavy damage, and will need some cover for repairs as well"
"Sir, we have three fighter squadrons coming it at high speeds, they're ours."
"Tell them to cover the shuttles, we can hold off the phasers for now."
"The shuttles are approaching the detonation point, the pilots are calling in"
"Open the hailing frequencies with them."
"They say that that they are ready to detonate the torpedoes"
"Tell them to go ahead, we have their backs, inform the fleet to prepare for light speed travel once we have the pilots onboard, that explosion is going to be big, and very damaging. Tell the fighters to stick around as long as possible."
The pilots were transported onboard, I hoped that my plan would work; the ship was unable to reach where the shuttles were located because of lack of phaser coverage, so it should work. All of the ships prepared for a light speed jump.
"Sir, our reactors are failing quickly, we won't be able to go to warp in about five minutes" The Chief engineer reported to us.
"Can we go now?"
"Yes, but only for a short distance."
"Go for it, it's our only chance."
We suddenly jumped to light speed, stars flying by us quickly. We then dropped out of warp, still able to see the battle going on, just then everything stopped. No more ships were firing or being fired at, it became like a graveyard in the dead of space. The dual detonations put some life into it. They were large enough that even from almost 3000Kilometers away we could feel the shockwave. It did its job hopefully. A fighter reported into us. "They stopped firing at us, our scans indicate they have minimal power left over, enough for life support I'd assume."
"Tell the fleet to come on back for negotiations with them. We have the upper ground now. Good idea Cadet Brinks. A commendation will be coming your way."
I looked around the damaged bridge, it seemed as if we had an earthquake, everyone and everything was strewn around. We called in a warp tow from a larger vessel.
When we arrived back at Starfleet headquarters we received a hero's welcome. The enemy vessel was towed back to Starfleet to be reverse engineered by over two hundred ships. It was immense even to the Starbase being constructed.
Re: Timelapse
Part IV
Year: 2239
Time: 1500
Location: Starfleet Academy Medical Facility
"So you say that you traveled back in time to another time and were intercepted by the Secret Society of the day?" The nurse asked me, looking between her notes and I like I was a nut about to be tossed into a cell at the mental ward.
"Yeah, that's the basic story, but it was all to familiar, like I had been there before, like it was instinctually there, like I had seen it before, even though it also " I continued on for about an hour, hoping that the nurse would interject about something, anything, she didn't she just giving me that look, like I was insane. Once I finished the story she just wrote some notes and told me the doctor would be in in about ten minutes. I waited for at least 20, but that wasn't even my biggest qualm, the most notable neuroscientist in the galaxy, and he couldn't give me an ounce of advice I couldn't find anywhere else.
"You seem to have very low blood pressure, but that can easily be fixed with a simple injection, besides that your chemistry seems fine. My only other concern is your neurochemistry, I'll run some brain scans in a couple of minutes, once they get the machine in here. Ok, so, how would you describe what you felt before you 'went back in time'?"
"Um let's see, I got my face half blown off by a console, I don't know what it felt like, I was knocked out"
"Ok well, here comes the exam cart" 'Thank you nurse' He slowly took off the unnecessary components of the cart, and pulled up the basic scanner. "This may tingle a little bit as I attach this to you brain stem to check some basic signals. I may be able to reproduce the shock on your neural pathways, and then we may be able to see what's causing your problem." I felt a jolt go up and down my spine as I slowly drifted off into a state of unconsciousness.
I slowly awakened expecting fully to be waiting in Starfleet Medical when I awoke; instead I lifted my sore neck of a cold metal table. "Sir, he's waking up" "Stand your stations, don't let him move, he's always got a trick up his sleeve" I lifted my head finally, and saw myself staring down the barrel of a loaded semi-automatic machine gun, when I tried to lift my arm to push it away, I realized my arm was bolted to the table, both of them. "Why am I being confined here?" I asked shortly.
"You not only were deemed a danger to the United States of America but you also dismembered an entire CIA special enforcement team, in about 3 seconds. We would have confiscated your 'lab' but it seems that after our team was killed you exited and locked the door behind you, and seem to have locked us out completely somehow. We will release you on one condition, and only one condition, you bring us to your lab, and allow us to examine all equipment and conditions to make sure they are safe for use."
"Bullshit, you want me to open my lab to you so you can kill me and take everything inside the lab, I'm not going to let that happen, however, I will let you in on one condition, you do not touch a single thing in there, and anything you find in there you will not use for anything, anything at all."
"Excuse me sir, but I happen to be holding the cards here, not you, I suggest you comply." He said, slightly disgruntled, obviously annoyed by my smart comments.
"Well, goodnight then." I lowered my head to the table and closed my eyes, waiting for the General to make a snide comment.
"Get him up and bring him into interrogation chamber 4B" They quickly unlocked my arm bands and leg bands, and picked me up off the table "Cooperate or we'll make you"
"Really, I think I may want to see that." I said as I dropped my body back into the chair. One put the barrel to the back of my head "I know you can't pull that trigger, if you did your general wouldn't be very pleased with you. He wants me in that interrogation chamber alive, not dead" I stayed in the seat, and refused to move my body. "Come on, you can't move a 17 year old out of a seat, weaklings" Then the one younger one, about 25, tried to lift me, and failed at it. Then they both tried and got me at about a foot out of the chair when the General walked back in.
"Why the hell are you not in there!"
"He's being quite uncooperative. Sir."
"How hard can it be to make him cooperate?"
"Very sir"
"Yes, see, I was trained to be your nuisance, nothing else really, just how to piss you off as much as I can, so, I can be very hard to control" The General, now fed up with my nonsense, walked over to me and smashed my head on the table to knock me out.
Yet again I woke up in Starfleet Medical. I was surrounded by about ten doctors all scanning me with different instruments. "His vitals are back up Dr. Roschev, he seems to be fine now" Dr. Roschev my attending physician began speaking incoherently at first, and then I understood some of what he was saying. "You died seems like your breathing heart stopped administered CPR, but it didn't do anything, what happened, are you alright?"
"Yeah, I'm fine actually, I just went back in time again."
Comments anyone?
Year: 2239
Time: 1500
Location: Starfleet Academy Medical Facility
"So you say that you traveled back in time to another time and were intercepted by the Secret Society of the day?" The nurse asked me, looking between her notes and I like I was a nut about to be tossed into a cell at the mental ward.
"Yeah, that's the basic story, but it was all to familiar, like I had been there before, like it was instinctually there, like I had seen it before, even though it also " I continued on for about an hour, hoping that the nurse would interject about something, anything, she didn't she just giving me that look, like I was insane. Once I finished the story she just wrote some notes and told me the doctor would be in in about ten minutes. I waited for at least 20, but that wasn't even my biggest qualm, the most notable neuroscientist in the galaxy, and he couldn't give me an ounce of advice I couldn't find anywhere else.
"You seem to have very low blood pressure, but that can easily be fixed with a simple injection, besides that your chemistry seems fine. My only other concern is your neurochemistry, I'll run some brain scans in a couple of minutes, once they get the machine in here. Ok, so, how would you describe what you felt before you 'went back in time'?"
"Um let's see, I got my face half blown off by a console, I don't know what it felt like, I was knocked out"
"Ok well, here comes the exam cart" 'Thank you nurse' He slowly took off the unnecessary components of the cart, and pulled up the basic scanner. "This may tingle a little bit as I attach this to you brain stem to check some basic signals. I may be able to reproduce the shock on your neural pathways, and then we may be able to see what's causing your problem." I felt a jolt go up and down my spine as I slowly drifted off into a state of unconsciousness.
I slowly awakened expecting fully to be waiting in Starfleet Medical when I awoke; instead I lifted my sore neck of a cold metal table. "Sir, he's waking up" "Stand your stations, don't let him move, he's always got a trick up his sleeve" I lifted my head finally, and saw myself staring down the barrel of a loaded semi-automatic machine gun, when I tried to lift my arm to push it away, I realized my arm was bolted to the table, both of them. "Why am I being confined here?" I asked shortly.
"You not only were deemed a danger to the United States of America but you also dismembered an entire CIA special enforcement team, in about 3 seconds. We would have confiscated your 'lab' but it seems that after our team was killed you exited and locked the door behind you, and seem to have locked us out completely somehow. We will release you on one condition, and only one condition, you bring us to your lab, and allow us to examine all equipment and conditions to make sure they are safe for use."
"Bullshit, you want me to open my lab to you so you can kill me and take everything inside the lab, I'm not going to let that happen, however, I will let you in on one condition, you do not touch a single thing in there, and anything you find in there you will not use for anything, anything at all."
"Excuse me sir, but I happen to be holding the cards here, not you, I suggest you comply." He said, slightly disgruntled, obviously annoyed by my smart comments.
"Well, goodnight then." I lowered my head to the table and closed my eyes, waiting for the General to make a snide comment.
"Get him up and bring him into interrogation chamber 4B" They quickly unlocked my arm bands and leg bands, and picked me up off the table "Cooperate or we'll make you"
"Really, I think I may want to see that." I said as I dropped my body back into the chair. One put the barrel to the back of my head "I know you can't pull that trigger, if you did your general wouldn't be very pleased with you. He wants me in that interrogation chamber alive, not dead" I stayed in the seat, and refused to move my body. "Come on, you can't move a 17 year old out of a seat, weaklings" Then the one younger one, about 25, tried to lift me, and failed at it. Then they both tried and got me at about a foot out of the chair when the General walked back in.
"Why the hell are you not in there!"
"He's being quite uncooperative. Sir."
"How hard can it be to make him cooperate?"
"Very sir"
"Yes, see, I was trained to be your nuisance, nothing else really, just how to piss you off as much as I can, so, I can be very hard to control" The General, now fed up with my nonsense, walked over to me and smashed my head on the table to knock me out.
Yet again I woke up in Starfleet Medical. I was surrounded by about ten doctors all scanning me with different instruments. "His vitals are back up Dr. Roschev, he seems to be fine now" Dr. Roschev my attending physician began speaking incoherently at first, and then I understood some of what he was saying. "You died seems like your breathing heart stopped administered CPR, but it didn't do anything, what happened, are you alright?"
"Yeah, I'm fine actually, I just went back in time again."
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