Awe shuks, I love you guys, really I do. Preston and I both, are hella lucky to have such an awesome group of guys on our side.
Woo-hoo I can breathe again!!! Sh*t man, who would of thought I'd go outta town for a funeral only to almost have one myself
twice. First the car wreck; then the first hospital I was sent to, had to transfer me to Bryan for the lack of proper facilities. Then, they find out in Bryan, that Navasota hospital just stabbed me in the chest with a 1/2in by 10in long tube for fun, 'cause they didn't even hit the mark.

All in all, I was stabbed in the chest 3 frickn' times man. Whew, thank my lucky stars for morphine.
Tsukiyumi wrote:I talked to her at noon for a minute or two. She said she managed to walk around the ward twice. Of course, right after we talked for a moment, I heard the morphine drip go on twice, and she went all groggy. I told her to take a nap.
I wish that were true Tzu, unfortunately it was the lack of oxygen. All is going well though, and I hope to be at home in three to four days, K Tzu?
Looks like I'll be having to take care of you for a couple of days, before you can start helping me out yeah?
They are gonna keep me on the morphine for the rest of the day n' night. Then they will put me on some pills before sending me home with a script. Yes, they do send you home with meds. You just have to pay for them, witch means I won't get my full script, due to me loosing my job I guess huh Press?
Any way thank you all for your positive thoughts, and prayers. You all are wonderful people, it's so good to be back on the forum.
Now I can get back to Lot......
P.S. You do look stoned kiddo

Mind over matter. If you don't mind, it don't matter. - Anonymous