Yeah, it is both fascinating and sad reading about such stupidity.
Well here are two articles about the Enterprise. ... ise-class/ ... x-systems/
and a few quotes I found interesting. The first is about why Enterprise is shoot so dark, the B&B logic beeing that the viewer shouldn't be distracted from the characters be a shiny ship and bright universe.......... . Well I have to say giving your flagship as much personality as possible sure never worked out and I am also sure I am the only person who took Spocks death in a stride but winced when the E went down over genesis.
.....seething kinetic look there like TOS. It was not to the taste of our bosses. I found (and all due respect), that during the Berman years, anything brassy, meaning what they perceived as loud, was pushed into the background. The musical score became wallpaper, and colors were desaturated. One day I came into the living room, and Enterprise was on Hey! What's wrong with the TV? There's no color! Then someone walked onto the scene in the blue uniform. Oh! The color IS on! It's just that Enterprise was shot in all blues and greys. Very monochromatic. Anything colorful was crushed out of the picture.
"As a matter of fact, we were told to just plain use the Akira for the NX. How would that have been?"
>>I doubt that TPTB scrutinized it as much as that. If I had to guess, I'd say that they though the Akira was both "kewl," and that they didn't think the fans would notice a background ship from the 24th century <<
But there was more we had a basic configuration for another ship that was very close to the 1701, although still too futuristic to my mind. Apparently someone walked into Mr. Berman's office and said, "Cool! It looks just like Kirk's ship!", and that was the end of that. That was a real beating. "Use the Akira!" came the order. They really thought no one would notice. - Doug
Yes, The chain of command was heavy on Enterprise. Herman Zimmerman, our stalwart production designer was once balled out because I labeled a nacelle as a nacelle on a framed blueprint in the drydock observation room. He was told that it wasn't a nacelle until the front office said it was.
Now and those to the creative professionals who already mad TNG and DS9 a success, I can only imagine how fun it must have been working for THIS show

On the bright side, here a few EYE CANDY shots of the Lakota for Mr. Deepcrush. ... b-details/
I'm Commander Shepard and this is my favorite store on the Citadel.