We now interrupt your daily lives for this not-so-important advertisement:
since I know that most regular posters post in this thread I thought it would be a good place to advertise the two new massive DITL battles.
For those of you who are familiar with it, there are currently two I am thinking about: A US Civil War take 2 in the stars, basically for the US posters (though depending on the numbers we get, we might open it up to everyone), there are two teams (yanks and grey), if your from one of the original states, you fight for that side, however a border state or an original non-combatant state can choose/be assigned a side, assuming we're able to keep roughly equal numbers. The other one is the National Team Battle, which is where you are on a team with the other posters from your country, and are going against all the other countries (based on the interests, some countries might have to be collapsed into regians and/or we may have some defectors)
For those of you who haven't been a part of the DITL battles, either old or new, they are really very fun games, and I would encourage you to get in. You can join one/both of the above battles, and/or just challenge someone.
Thank you, and have a good night.
In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.