I still have two decades to go, but I decided to go ahead and post what I have now.
Real World Enterprise History, WWI, WWII
Star Trek Source 1, Source 2, Source 3
Babylon 5 Source 1, Source 2
Stargate Source
Star Wars Source 1, Source 2
Galaxy Voyagers (My Universe)
FarScape Source
Transformers Source
Other Forrest Gump
- Ida Galaxy:
-- The Asgard discover deactivated Replicator blocks, during a study of the mechanism, they accidently reactivate them. The Replicator begins assimilating Asgard technology. Thus, begins the Asgard-Replicator War. (SG1: "Nemesis"; date conjectured)
- Andromeda Galaxy:
-- The Zargon and Zirquin cybernetic factions from the Triangulum Galaxy bring their struggle to this galaxy.
- Milky Way Galaxy:
-- Norcz
--- The Norseen drive their Humanoid oppressors from their world. The invaders leave behind much of their technology, which the Norseen begin to reverse engineer. The Norseen Confederation is founded.
-- Maytii:
--- With their world nearly devastated by war, the Malcons end the hostilities with one another. They begin looking for ways to save their world.
-- Sol System:
--- Earth:
---- Pennsylvania, US: Sean O'Brien leads the Anthracite Strike. (DS9: "Bar Association")
---- Missouri, US: Sherman T. Potter is born. (MASH)
---- Dinotopia: Arthur Dennison and William Crabb defy Dinotopian laws and journey to the "World Beneath" and find the Sunstone Cave. Upon returning, Dennison gives a small sunstone to the Matriarch. Crabb attempts to publish is journal of the account, but it is ordered destroyed by the authorities, who view the World Beneath as sacred ground. Dennison hides away his own journal. (Dinotopia)
September 15
---- England: The survey sloop HMS Enterprise (9) is sold.
December 17
---- Kitty Hawk, NC, US: The Wright Brothers build and fly the first motorized airplane.

---- Germany: Albert Einstein introduces his special theory of relativity and quantum theory, introducing the idea of space-time. Einstein also predicts that the speed of light is the absolute velocity in the universe and that mass and energy are equivalent and transposable.

---- Berlin, Germany: The SOS signal is first proposed at the International Conference on Wireless Communications at Sea.
---- Giza, Egypt: A German archeological dig uncovers a mysterious device - later to be identified as a DHD. (SG1: "Watergate")
---- Bloomington, Illinois, US: Henry Blake is born. (MASH: "Henry in Love")
---- Manchester, Britain: Ernest Ritherford takes the chair of physics at the University of Manchester. While there, he, along with Hans Geiger and Ernest Marsden, carry out an experiment demonstrating the nuclear nature of atoms.
---- The SOS signal is ratified by the international community and shortly becomes widely used.
---- United States: The Von Brauns arrive in Hill Valley. (Back to the Future, Part III)
---- An asteroid the size of a 10-story building breaks up and explodes over Siberia with the force of a hydrogen bomb, killing reindeer but no Humans.
October 1
---- United States: The screw sloop USS Enterprise (5) is sold.
-- On Cronus' order, Ro'nak leads an attack against a rival Goa'uld. The battle is unwinnable. Ro'nak orders a retreat. Cronus executes him by crushing his symbiote and banishes Teal'c and his mother to Chu'lak. Teal'c vows to one day become the strongest Jaffa and be appointed First Prime of Apophis. (dc, when Teal'c was "but a child"; SG1: "Fair Game", "Crossroads")

-- Sol System
--- Earth:
---- Hill Valley, CA, US: Sam Baines is born, future father of Loraine (mother of Marty McFly). (Back to the Future)
April 21
---- The day following Halley's Comet return, Samuel Clemens (Mark Twain) dies.
May 31
---- Belfast, Northern Ireland: Olympic-class passenger liner RMS Titanic launches from Harland & Wolff shipyards.
April 10
---- Southampton, England: RMS Titanic sets out on her maiden voyage under command of the Captain Edward J. Smith. As Titanic leaves her berth, her wake causes the liner SS New York, docked nearby, to break away from her moorings. The two vessels narrowly avoid collision.

---- Cherbourg, France: RMS Titanic stops by and takes aboard additional passengers, including "unsinkable" Molly Brown. (Titanic)
April 11
---- Queenstown, Ireland: RMS Titanic stops again. She takes aboard yet more passengers, who come aboard via smaller boats (called tenders) since Queenstown's harbor facilities are inadequate. During the transfer, 23-year-old Titanic crewman John Coffey jumps ship.
---- North Atlantic: RMS Titanic sets course for New York City, United States.
April 12
---- Aboard Titanic, 3rd-class passenger Jack Dawson meets 1st-class passenger Rose DeWitt Bukater. (Ti)
April 14
---- RMS Titanic strikes an iceberg.
April 15
---- RMS Titanic goes under. Over 1500 lives are lost.
---- Utah, US: Graverobbers uncover the Cross of Coronado. Indiana Jones, having separated from his boy scout troop, steals it and leads the robbers on chase. He encounters snakes, acquires a bullwhip and a fedora, but loses the cross. (Indiana Jones: The Last Crusade)
---- Southampton, England: RMS King George departs on her maiden voyage. (SQ: "Knight of Shadows")
---- Lisbon, Portugal: RMS King George stops by and picks up three stowaways.
---- North Atlantic: Five days out of Lisbon, the ship mysteriously begins to sink. All 900 crew and passengers are saved except the captain, the chief engineer, the three stowaways, and Lilian--the nanny of the ship's owner.
---- Colorado, US: The All Spark is discovered. (Transformers)
---- Archeologist Milo Thatch unwittingly leads a band of mercenaries to discover Atlantis. When the expedition team attempts to steal the city's life source, Milo leads a fight to save Atlantis. (Atlantis: The Lost Empire)
---- The last passenger pigeon dies. The species is now extinct due to over-hunting.
June 28
---- Sarajevo, Bosnia: Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne, and his wife are assassinated.

July 28
---- Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia.
July 29 - December 9
---- Austria-Hungary repeatedly invades Serbia, but is repulsed every time.
August 1
---- Austria-Hungary's declaration of war results in the activation of a series of alliances throughout Europe. Because of the global empires that many of the nations own, the war spreads worldwide. Thus, "The Great War" begins, fought using such revolutionary technologies as telephones, wireless communications, armored cars, tanks, aircraft, submarines, and machine guns, inflicting devastation never before witnessed in previous centuries.
Aug. 4
---- United States: President Woodrow Wilson declares United States' neutrality in the War.
August - December
---- Europe: An auxillary patrol anti-submarine net drifter named Enterprise (12) serves the British Royal Navy with Harwich Local Forces.
---- Though the United States remains neutral, many Americans volunteer their services to Allied Powers, specifically, France and Britain.
---- North Atlantic: A German submarine sinks the British liner Lusitania, with 128 Americans aboard. President Woodrow Wilson keeps the United States out of the war, but demands an end to attacks on passenger ships. Germany agrees.

---- United States: Stella (later Stella Baines), mother to Lorraine and grandmother to Marty McFly, is born. (BttF)
---- Hill Valley, CA: The Von Brauns change their surname to Brown. (BttF3)
---- Europe: Enterprise II (13), another drifter, serves with the Royal Navy in Italian waters.
---- Germany: Albert Einstein introduces his Theory of General Relativity, describing gravity as the curvature of four-dimensional spacetime in the presence of matter or energy.
---- Europe: Enterprise II (13) strikes a naval mine off Brindisi, Italy and sinks with eight casualties.
April 20
---- France: The Escadrille Lafayette is established as a squadron of Americans who have volunteered their services in the Allied war effort.
July 16
---- Russia: In a famous speech, Vladimir Lenin states his belief that imperialism is caused by capitalism.
September 15
---- Armored tanks are introduced for the first time by the British at the Battle of the Somme.

---- Lenin is assassinated by a participant of the Temporal War, preventing his role in helping to organize the Bolshevik Revolution. (ENT: "Storm Front")
February 1
---- Germany resumes unrestricted submarine warfare.
Feb. 3
---- United States severs diplomatic ties with Germany
Feb. 24
---- Britain passes Zimmermann Telegram to the United States, detailing a German alliance proposal with Mexico against the US.
March 12
---- After failing to win approval from Congress, President Wilson, by executive order, announces the arming of US merchantmen.
April 6
---- United States declares war on Germany.
---- United States: The non-commissioned motor yacht Enterprise SP-790 (6) serves the United States Navy.
---- Sherman Potter lies about his age to enter the US Army. (MASH)
September 13
---- England: George stops his time machine and learns that his friend, David Filby, was killed in The Great War. (The Time Machine)
November 7
---- Russia: The Bolshevik Revolution results in Communist government under Lenin taking office.
---- With the assassination of Lenin and no one to take his place, the Bolshevik Revolution does not occur and Russia never becomes Communist. As a result, Russia never becomes a serious threat to Germany. (ENT: "SF")
---- The Spanish Influenza pandemic breaks out, spreading worldwide over the next two years.
---- Germany and Austria send peace notes to President Wilson requesting a truce.
November 3
---- Austria-Hungary concludes a truce with the Allies.
Nov. 7 - 11
---- Germany negotiates a truce with the Allies.
Nov. 11
---- A truce is settled. All fighting ceases, ending The Great War with over 16,000,000 dead and 21,000,000 more wounded, including military personnel and civilians.
---- Manchester, Britain: Physicist Ernest Rutherford achieves the first transmutation of one element into another when he converts nitrogen into oxygen through nuclear reaction. Thus, he becomes the first person to intentionally "split the atom".
Jan. 18 - May 6
---- Paris, France: A peace conference is held to conclude a peace treaty.
Jan. 25
---- The proposal to create a League of Nations is approved by the Paris Peace Conference.
May 29
---- During a total solar eclipse, Einstein's theory of general relativity is tested for the first time.
June 28
---- The Treaty of Versailles is signed, officially ending the War. The Treaty declares Germany responsible for the War and deprives it of all overseas possessions, much of its pre-war territory, and severe restrictions placed on its military. Its people are required to pay enormous war reparations, which, over the next decade, causes enormous bitterness in the German people.

---- United States: Enterprise SP-790 (6) finishes her tour with the United States Navy.
---- England: The tugboat Enterprise (11) is renamed Emprise.
---- Milo Thatch, with Princess Kidagakash and former teammates, find the Spear of Destiny and return the City of Atlantis to the surface. (Atlantis: Milo's Return)
December 23
---- England: Emerald-class light cruiser (one of two) HMS Enterprise D52 (14) is launched.

- Andromeda Galaxy:
-- A half-dozen races found the Dromin Alliance to combat the Zirquin. Over the next century, other races are admitted into the Alliance.
Milky Way Galaxy:
-- Sol System:
--- Earth:
---- Catherine Langford is born
---- Hill Valley, CA, US: Emmett L. Brown is born. (BttF3)
February 24
---- Germany: The Nazi Party is formed.

---- The Spanish Influenza pandemic is cured after having killed 20-100,000,000 worldwide.
---- Geneva, Switzerland: The new headquarters for the League of Nations is established. Its goal: to prevent another world war.

---- Catherine Langford is born. (SG1: "The Torment of Tantalus")
---- United States: Gray's, future publishers of a Sports Almanac, is founded. (BttF2)
---- New Mexico, US: A Folsom Point, a type of carved rock that was used for a spear- or arrowhead, is discovered. (TOS: "The Galileo Seven")
---- China: Short Round is born. (IJ: The Temple of Doom)
-- Cardassia Prime:
--- The Cardassians achieve warp flight.
-- Sol System:
--- Earth:
---- United States: Indiana Jones last speaks with Professor Abner Ravenwood. They break up over a situation involving the latters daughter, Marion. Abner moves to Napal. (IJ: Raiders of the Lost Ark)
March 17
---- Aubum, MA, US: The first flight of a liquid-fueled rocket when Robert Goddard's assemblage lifts itself 41 feet.
April 7
---- England: The Emerald-class HMS Enterprise D52 (14) is commissioned.
May 20 - 21
---- Aviator Charles Lindbergh makes the first nonstop solo transatlantic airplane flight in the Spirit of St. Louis, galvanizing world interest in avionics. From Roosevelt Field in New York City to Le Bourget Field in Paris.

---- Giza, Egypt: An archaeological expedition led by Professor Paul Langford uncovers a coverstone with unfamiliar symbols. Beneath it, they find a ring-shaped device (a stargate) along with the fossilized remains of an alien. They also discover several small artifacts, including a gold pendant of the Eye of Ra. Langford's daughter, Catherine, is given the necklace. She will always wear it as a good luck charm. (Stargate)

---- Chicago, IL, US: The Graystone Hotel begins operation. (VOY: "Course: Oblivion")
-- Chu'lak:
--- Teal'c begins training under Master Bra'tac. Bra'tac warns him against blind faith in Apophis, that only one's skill as a warrior can protect one in battle. (SG1: "Threshold"; dc)

-- Sol System:
--- Earth:
---- United States: President Herbert Hoover first convenes Section 7 in secracy. He orders the Cube moved to a more secure location in Arizona, and a dam built around it. (Transformers)
---- Egypt: Colonel Cameron Mitchell arrives from an alternate future where Baal had prevented the stargate from reaching the United States. Mitchell follows the stargate in attempt to keep Baal from succeeding. (SG: Continuum)
October 29
---- The collapse of the New York Stock Exchange, beginning the Great Depression.
February 18
---- Flagstaff, AZ, US: Clyde Tombaugh at the Lowell Observatory discovers Pluto.
---- New York City, NY: Kirk and Spock arrive, following McCoy through the Guardian of Forever. They arrive before McCoy and are given a job by Edith Keeler. A psychotic McCoy arrives a week later and is also taken in by Keeler. Kirk and Spock succeed in preventing McCoy from saving Keeler, who is killed in an automobile accident. (TOS: "The City on the Edge of Forever")

---- San Francisco, CA: Miles O'Brien and Kira Nerys briefly appear while attempting to locate the time-trapped Benjamin Sisko, Jadzia Dax, and Julian Bashir. (DS9: "Past Tense, Part 2")

---- Charles Lindbergh manages to secure money from the Guggenheim Foundation to fund Robert Goddard's rocket research.
---- New York City, NY: A psychotic Dr. Leonard McCoy arrives via the Guardian of Forever and is taken in by Edith Keeler. A few days later, McCoy prevents her death in an automobile accident. (TOS: "CotEoF")
---- Cairo, Egypt: The Stuart Expedition discovers a small pyramid temple several miles from the city. They uncover several artifacts, including two 10,000-year-old canopic jars in which Osiris and Isis had been banished. (SG1: "The Curse")
---- North Atlantic: Six months after the Stuart Expedition discover their artifacts, the ship transporting them to the United States sinks off the coast of New Jersey. Isis' jar is damaged in the wreck and she dies. Osiris' jar, however, remains intact. (SG1: "TCu")
---- United States: The film Frankenstein is released starring Colin Clive. The film will one day be viewed during "movie night" on Enterprise NX-01 220 years from now. (ENT: "Horizon")
---- Hill Valley, CA: At 11 years of age, Emmett Brown first reads 10,000 Leagues Under the Sea. (BttF3)
-- Aegis:
--- Gary Seven is born. He is a genetically-enhanced offspring of Humans taken from Earth roughly 6,000 years earlier. (TOS: "Assignment: Earth"; Star Trek: The Eugenics Wars, Vol. 1)
---- China: Japan bombs Shanghai, killing Short Round's parents. (IJ: TToD)
---- Redjac ("Jack the Ripper") kills seven women. (TOS: "Wolf in the Fold")
---- United States: Having been exposed to mold spores when they uncovered the tomb outside Cairo, Egypt, the members of the Stuart Expedition all die. (SG1: "TCu")
---- New York City, NY: Roxy Theater: The comic duo of Burns and Allen first perform a classic comedy routine. At the close of the show, Burns said, "Say good night, Gracie", and Gracie replied, "Good night, Gracie". (TNG: "The Outrageous Okona")
---- Switzerland: Carl Jung develops his active imagination technique (vision quest), not realizing that Native Americans have been performing such for centuries prior. (TNG: "Frame of Mind", VOY: "The Cloud")
January 30
---- Germany: Adolf Hitler is appointed Chancellor by President Paul von Hindenburg.

February 27
---- The German Reichstag burns down. The disaster is blamed on four communists, who are tried and executed. President Von Hindenburg issues the Reichstag Fire Decree, suspending various civil liberties.
---- Scotland: Angus MacMorrow is born. (The Water Horse; dc)
March 12
---- The first Concentration Camp opens at Oranienburg, outside Berlin.

March 23
---- Hindenburg signs the Enabling Act, allowing Hitler to assume dictatorial powers.
July 14
---- The Nazi Party is declared the official party of Germany. All other parties are banned.
---- Germany withdraws from the League of Nations.
-- Xindus:
--- A war breaks out among the six Xindi subspecies. The war will last for nearly 100 years. (ENT: "The Shipment")
-- Vala Mal Doran is born. (date conjectured)

January 26
-- Sol System:
--- Earth:
---- Europe: The German-Polish Non-Aggression Pact is signed, ending an economically-damaging border dispute that has existed during the past decade.
February - June
---- United States: Project Iceman: Megatron (known only as NBE-1) is brought to Section 7's Research Facility in Arizona and is kept in cryostasis. (Transformers)
---- The short story "The Big Good-Bye" is published in the pulp magazine Amazing Detective Stories. (TNG: "The Big Goodbye")
---- India: Pankot Palace: The Kali Thuggee Cult reawakens. (IJ: TToD)
June 30
---- Germany: "Night of the Long Knives": Hitler orders the elimination of much of his political and military opposition. More than a thousand people are assassinated and others removed from positions of influence within the government and military.
July 25
---- Austria: Nazis murder Austrian Chancellor Dollfuss.
August 2
---- Germany: President Von Hindenburg dies. Hitler's cabinet passes a law proclaiming the presidency dormant. The role and powers of the head of state are passed to Hitler. Hitler is now supreme commander of the armed forces. The loyalty oath that the soldiers and sailors traditionally swear is changed to an oath of personal loyalty to Hitler. These acts are in violation of the Constitution and the Enabling Act, but no one dares to object.
August 19
---- Hitler combines the offices of president and chancellor and assumes the title of Fuhrer.
September 10
---- Marseille, France: French Foreign Minister Barthou and Yugoslavian King Alexander are killed by Croatian terrorists.
March 16
---- Europe: Hitler openly rejects the disarmament clauses of the Treaty of Versailles. He announces Germany's intention to introduce compulsory military service, thereby creating an army of 36 divisions. He also announces Germany's possession of an air force, which is also forbidden under the Treaty. Britain, France, Italy, and the League of Nations condemns this, but none take action to stop this development after Hitler reassures them that Germany is only interested in peace.
---- Shanghai, China: Indiana Jones catches Short Round trying to pick his pocket. He allows the young Chinese boy to tag along with him for a time. (IJ: TToD)
---- Indiana escapes Chinese gangsters and flees China with Short Round and an unwilling performer Wilhelmina "Willie" Scott in a freight plane. While in flight, however, the pilots sabotage the vehicle and plane goes down over the Tibetian Plateau. Indiana, Short Round, and Willie survive by jumping plane in a raft.
---- India: Indiana, Short Round, and Willie become involved in the Thuggee Cult's plot. They successfully defeat it.
---- Astoria, OR, US: Chester Copperpot claims to have found the key to One-Eyed Willy. He sets off in search of the infamous pirate, but is not heard from again. (The Goonies)
October 3
---- Italy, desiring to be a great power in the Mediterranean, invades Abyssinia (present-day Ethiopia). In response, the League of Nations imposes economic sanctions against Italy.
-- New Heather:
--- Rylani Jeema, unwilling future mother of Scorpius, is born. ("Incubator")

-- Sol System:
--- Earth:
---- United States: Indiana finds a home for Short Round before heading off to Peru in search of the Hovito idol. (IJ)
---- Dixon Hill's second story "The Long Dark Tunnel" is published. (TNG: "TBG")
October 3
---- The sixth aircraft carrier of the United States Navy, Yorktown-class USS Enterprise CV-6 (7), is launched.

October 25
---- Hitler forms an alliance with Mussolini of Italy.

---- Peru: Indiana obtains the Hovito idol after bracing a number of traps, but it is quickly stolen away by rival Rene Belloq. (IJ:RotLA)
Nov. 23
---- Germany signs an Anti-Comintern Pact with Japan, which commits them to cooperate in defense against international Communism.
---- Indiana Jones reunites with Marion Ravenwood and races against the Nazis, helped by Rene Belloq, to discover the Ark of the Covenant. They work to prevent the Nazis from succeeding in gaining control of the Ark and employ it as a weapon. (IJ:RotLA)
---- After the Ark kills Belloq and the Nazi Company, Indiana takes it back to the United States, where it is sealed away in a warehouse in Nevada.
February 23
---- United States: Edith Keeler meets with President Roosevelt to confer on her plan of action for assisting the needy. (TOS: "TCotEoF")
---- United States: Henry "Mutt" is born, son of Indiana Jones and Raven Marionwood. (IJ: Kingdom of the Crystal Skull)
March 26
---- Hill Valley, CA: Biff Tannen is born. (BttF2)
July 2
---- During her attempt to circumnavigate the globe, Amelia Earhart, with navigator Frederick Noonan, disappear over the Pacific Ocean off Howland Island, abducted by the Briori along with 300 other Humans around the world. (VOY: "The 37's")

-- Delta Quadrant:
--- The Briori take their Human abductees to their homeworld and employ most of them as slaves, but leave some, including Earhart, in stasis. The slaves eventually overthrow their masters and build a new Human community.
November 6
-- Sol System:
--- Earth:
---- Italy joins Germany and Japan in signing the Anti-Comintern Pact
---- Germany: Adolf Hitler forces the resignation of his War Minister, Werner von Blomberg, after evidence surfaces that Blomberg's new wife holds a criminal past. He replaces the Ministry of War with the High Command of the Armed Forces. He assumes personal command of the armed forces and takes over Blomberg's other post of Commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces. Thus, neutering the last group strong enough to overthrow him.
---- United States: Patrick Sheppard, future father of John Sheppard, is born. (SGA: "Outcast")
---- Hill Valley, CA, US: Lorraine Baines is born. (BttF2)
---- Germany: Hitler terminates Germany's alliance with China in favor of the more modern and powerful Japan.
---- Europe: Hitler demands of Austrian Chancellor Kurt von Schuschnigg that Austria become a protectorate of Germany, governed by him. Schuschnigg signs the agreement.
---- Germany occupies Austria.
---- Henry Jones, Sr. heads a project to uncover the three markers that had been put in place leading to the Holy Grail, and, ultimately, uncover the Grail itself. Before he is able to uncover the second marker, however, Henry is captured by the Nazis. (IJ:TLC)
---- Portugese Coast: Indiana finds and retrieves the Cross of Coronado, which he had lost nearly 30 years earlier.
---- On returning to the United States, Indiana learns of his father's mission and that he has gone missing. He sets off to Europe to continue the mission and to rescue his father from the Nazis.
---- Indiana and his father race the Nazis to the Canyon of the Crescent Moon, the resting place of the Holy Grail.
---- The Von Trapp Family flee Nazi-occupied Austria.
April 1
---- Hill Valley, CA: George McFly is born. (BttF2)
May 12
---- Yorktown-class aircraft carrier USS Enterprise CV-6 is commissioned.
August 13
---- Archibald Witwicky dies. (Transformers)
---- Europe: Germany prepares to invade Czechoslovakia, but warnings from Britain, Hitler's foreign allies, and his own advisors force him to change his mind. Hitler, Chamberlain of Britain, Daladier of France, and Mussolini of Italy settle the situation at a conference in Munich. Hitler proclaims: "...we need breathing room." But, as the threat of war is averted, with a portion of Czechoslovakia annexed to Germany, Chamberlain claims to have secured "peace in our time".
---- Hitler, upset over Britain's interference in his attempt to start a war, makes Britain his primary target.
November 9
---- Night of Broken Glass: Following the murder of German diplomat Ernst von Rath by French Jew Herschel Grynszpan in the German Embassy in Paris, Nazi authorities orchestrate a nationwide program against the Jews in Germany and Austria. Jewish homes, businesses, and synagogues are looted and burned. 91 are killed and 20,000 are taken to concentration camps.
Nov. 10
---- Germany: Hitler sets the press the task of preparing the German people for war, which includes beginning a Propaganda War against Britain.
Nov. 28
---- Laws are passed that prevent Jews in Germany from obtaining driving licenses or visiting theaters, concerts, and cinemas.
---- United States: Marcus Brody is made Dean of Students at Marshall College. (IJ:KotCS)
---- Germany: Nazis force Jews to hand over all gold and silver items.
---- Europe: German troops occupy all of Czechoslovakia, violating the Munich Agreement of the previous year. Hitler demands of Poland that Danzig and the "Polish Corridor" be ceded to Germany. Poland refuses.
---- Britain and France declare that they will stand by Poland against the German threat.
---- United States: Ralph Offenhouse is born. (TNG: "The Neutral Zone")
---- Germany: Hitler orders preparations for attack on Poland, Fall Weiss (Case White), to be implemented by September 1.
---- Europe: Britain and Poland sign a mutual-assistance pact.
---- Mussolini of Italy, jealous of Hitler's successes, sends troops into Albania, which had been under Italian influence since the Civil War of 1925, in which Italy intervened.
---- Britain and France pledge their support to Romania and Greece should they be attacked.
---- The Soviet Union proposes a 10-year alliance with Britain and France.
---- Germany: Jews lose rights as tenants and are relocated into Jewish houses.
---- Germany and Italy sign a 10-year political and military alliance, the "Pact of Steel", which guarantees support from the other in the event of war.
---- Britain: Winston Churchill writes in Collier's magazine: "Unless some change of heart or change of regime takes place in Germany, she will deem it in her interest to make war, and this is more likely to happen in the present year than later on."
---- Germany: Jews are denied the right to hold government jobs.
---- Britain: Winston Churchill urges the British government to form a military alliance with the Soviet Union.
---- Europe: Poland gives Britain and France each a German Enigma machine, whose codes they have broken.
---- Poland rejects the USSR's demand for permission for the Red Army to enter Poland.
---- Egypt: Indian troops arrive to reinforce British forces around the Suez Canal.
---- Europe: Captain Bertrand of the French Signals Intelligence gives to a British Secret Service Liaison officer a Polish-built copy of the German Enigma coding machine.
---- Germany and Russia sign a trade treaty.
---- North Atlantic: 14 German U-boats are sent to patrol the North Atlantic Ocean.
---- The artifacts (including the stargate) discovered at Giza, Egypt by Dr. Langford are transported to the United States aboard the Achilles away from the Germans. Captain Mitchell plots an indirect course to Boston to avoid German U-boats. Cameron Mitchell from the future altered by Baal stowsaway and prevents the System Lord from succeeding in his plan. (SG: Co)
Alternate Cameron Mitchell taking a shot at Baal
---- Asia: Soviet forces under Georgi Zhukov attack the Japanese at Nomanhan in the Mongolian People's Republic on the border with Manchukuo.
---- Germany: Hitler authorizes the killing "without pity or mercy, all men, women and children of Polish descent or language."
---- Moscow, Russia: Germany and USSR sign a non-aggression agreement. This is a severe blow to the hopes of Britain and France, since one of the clauses agreed a split of Poland between Germany and the USSR. It also gives Russia a free hand in the Baltic states and Bessarabia.
---- Europe: The Polish-British Common Defense Pact against Germany is signed.
---- Hitler guarantees the neutrality of Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg, Denmark, and Switzerland.
---- Britain: The British Royal Navy is put on full alert. Army and navy mobilization commences, censorship of all communications to and from the British Isles is imposed. The Stock Exchange is closed and civil airplanes are banned from flying over half of Britain.
September 1
---- Europe: 4:45 am: Germany begins the invasion of Poland, beginning World War II.

---- Norway, Finland, and Denmark declare their neutrality.
---- France: General mobilization is declared.
---- Britain: General mobilization is declared.
---- Lewis Mowbray enlists into the Royal Navy. (TWH)
Sept. 2
---- Europe: Germany rejects the Anglo-French ultimatum, which calls for the withdrawal of all German forces from Poland.
---- Sweden declares neutrality. German ministers in Sweden and Norway give declarations that Germany would respect the integrity of Sweden and Norway.
Sept. 3
---- 11:00 am: Britain and France declare war on Germany. Australia also joins the war against Germany.
Sept. 5
---- United States: President Franklin Roosevelt declares his country's neutrality in the war.
Sept. 6
---- South Africa declares war on Germany.
Sept. 10
---- Canada: After a formal parliamentary debate, Canada declares war on Germany.
Sept. 14
---- North Atlantic: German U-39 attacks a battle group led by Aircraft Carrier HMS Ark Royal, firing torpedoes at the carrier. These miss, and the U-39 is destroyed by depth charges from 3 destroyers in the Ark Royal's escort. The U-39 is the first U-boat to be sunk in the war.
Sept. 17
---- Europe: As Poland suffer heavy losses, Russia's Red Army invades from the east on the pretext of "protecting Poland's Byelorussian and Ukranian population." The Polish government seeks asylum in Romania, where it is interned.

Russian tanks invading Poland
---- United States: Aviation hero Charles Lindbergh makes his first anti-intervention radio speech. The non-intervention movement is supported by former President Hoover, Theodore Roosevelt, Jr., Henry Ford, and a number of senators and congressmen.
Sept. 27
---- Paris, France: Polish government-in-exile is set up.
Sept. 29
---- A month into the war, Poland falls to the Germans and the Russians.
October 6
---- Germany: With the Polish campaign concluded, Hitler calls upon Britain and France to cease hostilities and come to terms with Germany. British and French governments both reject this.
Oct. 11
---- Finland: Negotiations begin between with the Soviet Union concerning the establishment of Soviet air bases on Finnish soil as well as the ceding of Finnish territory in exchange for a chunk of desolate land.
Oct. 14
---- Britain: Polish Submarine Orzel arrives, having escaped internment in Estonia.
Oct. 22
---- Poland: In Soviet-occupied territories, Poles are fired from their jobs and thrown into jails. Factories, hospitals, and schools are dismantled and shipped to the USSR. Polish education and language is phased out; libraries are closed and books are burned.
November 4
---- United States: Although neutral in the war, President Roosevelt signs a Neutrality Act that allows the US to send arms and other aid to Britain and France.
Nov. 12
---- Finland: Negotiations with Russia over territory reaches a deadlock.
Nov. 13
---- German bombers attack British territory for the first time, with a bombing raid on the Shetland Islands. No serious damage is done.
Nov. 30
---- Russia attacks Finland by land and air without warning. Only 91 civilians are killed during the air raid on Helsinki due to the capital's excellent air defense system.
---- Fighting over territory rages between Russia and Finland.
Dec. 7
---- Italy reaffirms neutrality.
Dec. 12
---- Britain: Two more Polish submarines, having escaped from the Baltic Sea, join the Royal Navy.
Dec. 14
---- The Soviet Union is expelled from the League of Nations.
---- North Atlantic: The Achilles transports the stargate to the United States to get it away from the Nazis. Baal comes through the stargate and prevents the ship from reaching its destination. The crew is killed, and the ship is left to drift into the Arctic. (SG: Co)
-- Baal begins working to rally the other System Lords in preparation to conquer the Tau'ri.