Ship of the Week: Excelsior
- Deepcrush
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Some of this is cannon, some of it is thoery and some just old fashion guess work. But in the end take what you know and match it to what you have seen. Then you'll have a basis to build from, its not hard but don't be afraid to just throw it out there and see if it works.
Jinsei wa cho no yume, shi no tsubasa no bitodesu
Yes, but you claimed it was fact, saying it would wipe the floor with the Galaxy.Deepcrush wrote:Well then it comes to what do you 'think' with what we know.
Obviously the Defiant is a better warship, - in that it's smaller, more manoeuvrable, higher firepower:mass ratio - but it doesn't mean overall it's more powerful.
- Deepcrush
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If a ship can win then it is more powerful. Maybe not in part but as a whole. The defiant was built to face the borg so we know it is stronger then the GCS. The lakota dueled and pared with the defiant. The dominion used its battle cruiser when ever dealing with the defiant but we never got to see them go at it. From this mix of cannon then add theory and you can deduce where those ships stand to one another.
Jinsei wa cho no yume, shi no tsubasa no bitodesu
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Jeez, I go away for a few hours and look what happens....
What? I hadn't even replied for two whole pages.

Eh? I don't think poorly of it. It's a highly effective ship, where did I state otherwise?Deepcrush wrote:Rochey! Give me a reason as to why you think so poorly of my ship!
Mikey wrote:Rochey, time to take off the rose-colored glasses...

What? I hadn't even replied for two whole pages.
I know they're stupid. Where did I ever state the Connie was a smart design?those ridiculously long nacelle struts and connecting neck of the Connie are MUCH more egregious examples of style over practicality than those of the Excelsior.
Federation ships were stupidly designed since TOS first began. The Excelsior simply started the 'aerodynamic' shapes of later Starfleet designs, all of which are pointless and in some cases impede the ship's effectiveness. That's all I was pointing out. Both the Connie and the Excelsior are insane designs, I never stated otherwise.I know you're going to put up an emoticon of someone shooting someone else for talking about your Connie, but you made the claim of the Excelsior starting the "form over function" trend. Don't start none, won't be none.
"You've all been selected for this mission because you each have a special skill. Professor Hawking, John Leslie, Phil Neville, the Wu-Tang Clan, Usher, the Sugar Puffs Monster and Daniel Day-Lewis! Welcome to Operation MindFuck!"
What?!Deepcrush wrote:If a ship can win then it is more powerful. Maybe not in part but as a whole. The defiant was built to face the borg so we know it is stronger then the GCS.
I don't even need to offer a counter to that. That reasoning is utterly stupid!
Yes. From adding theory you can deduce anything. If I add theory to the strength of the Sovereign then I could say it could take on the entire Borg Collective by itself.The lakota dueled and pared with the defiant. The dominion used its battle cruiser when ever dealing with the defiant but we never got to see them go at it. From this mix of cannon then add theory and you can deduce where those ships stand to one another.
- Deepcrush
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So now you're just trying to be a moron. Congrads, you've succeeded. With flying colors I would add.
I said add "theory" (an idea built from what we know to fill in gaps in the story or cannon) to what you "know" (this is the part called cannon, Duh!) though for you that wouldn't seem to be very much if your retort is that Sov bs.
They built a ship that was to be faster and more combat capable then the GCS, enter defiant.
The lakota took a draw from the battle with defiant. This would say to those with any sense that they are either equal or close to.
The defiant was ready and able to knock off bugs 3 or 4 at a time, yet never did we see it so happy to face a dominion BC.
This isn't hard to put together so i'm not sure why this slips past you so easily that you came out with a Sov vs the whole of the borg.
I said add "theory" (an idea built from what we know to fill in gaps in the story or cannon) to what you "know" (this is the part called cannon, Duh!) though for you that wouldn't seem to be very much if your retort is that Sov bs.
They built a ship that was to be faster and more combat capable then the GCS, enter defiant.
The lakota took a draw from the battle with defiant. This would say to those with any sense that they are either equal or close to.
The defiant was ready and able to knock off bugs 3 or 4 at a time, yet never did we see it so happy to face a dominion BC.
This isn't hard to put together so i'm not sure why this slips past you so easily that you came out with a Sov vs the whole of the borg.
Jinsei wa cho no yume, shi no tsubasa no bitodesu
Coming from someone who thinks because the Defiant was built to face the Borg it is stronger than the Galaxy Class. From that reasoning... Because something is built to face something doesn't make it more powerful than something else. It just means it's built to face something. The end.Deepcrush wrote:So now you're just trying to be a moron. Congrads, you've succeeded. With flying colors I would add.
You're adding theory into gaps that simply are too big. There is no cannon for theory to crystalise around - where is there anything even remotely describing a Galaxy/Lakota 'battle'?I said add "theory" (an idea built from what we know to fill in gaps in the story or cannon) to what you "know" (this is the part called cannon, Duh!) though for you that wouldn't seem to be very much if your retort is that Sov bs.
The Galaxy class is faster than the Defiant.They built a ship that was to be faster and more combat capable then the GCS, enter defiant.
Maybe.The lakota took a draw from the battle with defiant. This would say to those with any sense that they are either equal or close to.
Having absolutely no relevance what so ever...The defiant was ready and able to knock off bugs 3 or 4 at a time, yet never did we see it so happy to face a dominion BC.
No, it really isn't hard to put together. You're adding theory to non-existant cannon. Because the Lakota may be equal to the Defiant, which may be equal to a Dominion Battlecruiser, which may or may not be equal to a Galaxy class ship, all proves that the Lakota would wipe the floor with a Galaxy...This isn't hard to put together so i'm not sure why this slips past you so easily that you came out with a Sov vs the whole of the borg.

- Deepcrush
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The defiant was built to apply force in a way in which it was to be better then any ship in the fleet at that time. Go watch ds9 season 2 again if you need more help. You are about as quick as a frenchman with this, I mean really!
Are you trying to just not think or does it come naturally for you? The defiant is "Applied Force" where the GCS is "Allowed Force". The GCS has more over all fire power but lacks the small fire arc in which to concentrate it. This is what makes the defiant so good for what she does. It isn't more powerful in terawatts but in over all use. You seem to be comparing a 20 pound cannon round from the 1812 war to a howitzer. It isn't just the size or payload but how and where it is used. This is what makes the defiant a more powerful ship, because it can pick a target and lay all of its power against that one spot.
Some how I would think that the defiant would have a far better impulse then the GCS. Let me know if you can prove other wise or if you just want to cry some more.

Some how I would think that the defiant would have a far better impulse then the GCS. Let me know if you can prove other wise or if you just want to cry some more.
Jinsei wa cho no yume, shi no tsubasa no bitodesu
- Captain Seafort
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Deep, me and Thorin agree about as often as Rochey and Teaos, but in this case he's absolutely right and you're being an idiot. We cannot determine whether ship A is superior to ship B purely by guesswork -there has to be evidence to base this guesswork on. In this case we can safely say that a Defiant and a Lakota-type Excelsior are roughly equal, given that had the "Paradise Lost" battle continued victory would have been a question of who fired first.
We do not, however, have any clear evidence of the capabilities of the Defiant relative to the Galaxy. The circumstantial evidence from "Valiant" suggests that the Galaxy is regarded as a benchmark for powerful ships. If it were noticably weaker than a Defiant, then Jake would not have used a comparison with it to emphasise the strength of the Dominion Battleship.
We do not, however, have any clear evidence of the capabilities of the Defiant relative to the Galaxy. The circumstantial evidence from "Valiant" suggests that the Galaxy is regarded as a benchmark for powerful ships. If it were noticably weaker than a Defiant, then Jake would not have used a comparison with it to emphasise the strength of the Dominion Battleship.
Only two things are infinite - the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the universe: Albert Einstein.
- Deepcrush
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Welcome back Seafort, long time.
First off as I keep having to tell thorin, its not PURELY guesswork. I still don't understand why this is slipping past everyone? Its like being on a SW forum. You take cannon (facts as they are atleast) and add theory (try to use those facts to make a guess that fits the facts). Have you never made an educated guess in your life? The galaxy is also known far more, plus they may have just been reading it that way since the weapons on the galaxy class are better known. Again saying that because someone said the word galaxy in an episode is about as proven as thorin's Sov-Borg comment. I think you didn't read far enough back as I'm starting to think the same is true of thorin. Let me help those involed who are catching up.
"I said add "theory" (an idea built from what we know to fill in gaps in the story or cannon) to what you "know" (this is the part called cannon, Duh!) though for you that wouldn't seem to be very much if your retort is that Sov bs. "
This should have been made more clear or maybe I just need some neon lights on it. (see above)
"If a ship can win then it is more powerful. Maybe not in part but as a whole. The defiant was built to face the borg so we know it is stronger then the GCS. The lakota dueled and pared with the defiant. The dominion used its battle cruiser when ever dealing with the defiant but we never got to see them go at it. From this mix of cannon then add theory and you can deduce where those ships stand to one another."
This was meant to be takin in general without throwing to much detail and I thought that everyone would understand on their own. You have my apologies if I was mistaken to make that judgement. (see above)
If you have any questions or would like details please say to which part and we'll get into that. As for the rest you're just on your own.
First off as I keep having to tell thorin, its not PURELY guesswork. I still don't understand why this is slipping past everyone? Its like being on a SW forum. You take cannon (facts as they are atleast) and add theory (try to use those facts to make a guess that fits the facts). Have you never made an educated guess in your life? The galaxy is also known far more, plus they may have just been reading it that way since the weapons on the galaxy class are better known. Again saying that because someone said the word galaxy in an episode is about as proven as thorin's Sov-Borg comment. I think you didn't read far enough back as I'm starting to think the same is true of thorin. Let me help those involed who are catching up.
"I said add "theory" (an idea built from what we know to fill in gaps in the story or cannon) to what you "know" (this is the part called cannon, Duh!) though for you that wouldn't seem to be very much if your retort is that Sov bs. "
This should have been made more clear or maybe I just need some neon lights on it. (see above)
"If a ship can win then it is more powerful. Maybe not in part but as a whole. The defiant was built to face the borg so we know it is stronger then the GCS. The lakota dueled and pared with the defiant. The dominion used its battle cruiser when ever dealing with the defiant but we never got to see them go at it. From this mix of cannon then add theory and you can deduce where those ships stand to one another."
This was meant to be takin in general without throwing to much detail and I thought that everyone would understand on their own. You have my apologies if I was mistaken to make that judgement. (see above)
If you have any questions or would like details please say to which part and we'll get into that. As for the rest you're just on your own.
Jinsei wa cho no yume, shi no tsubasa no bitodesu
- Captain Seafort
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The big problems I have are with these quotes:
The Dominion deployed their battlecruisers as part of major fleets, not against individual ships. The only ships we've seen the Defiant fight one-on-one were the bugs.
Bollocks. More powerful per unit mass certainly, but we know that because of Sisko's statement that it's "overpowered and overgunned for a ship its size", not because of its intended opponents. The fact that the Galaxy was used as a yardstick to compare the Dominion Battleship to strongly implies it is the most powerful series-production ship the Federation has. What would be the point of describing any enemy battleship's power as "3 times as strong as a xyz-class heavy cruiser" when you've got battleships to compare it to?Deepcrush wrote:The defiant was built to face the borg so we know it is stronger then the GCS.
The dominion used its battle cruiser when ever dealing with the defiant but we never got to see them go at it.
The Dominion deployed their battlecruisers as part of major fleets, not against individual ships. The only ships we've seen the Defiant fight one-on-one were the bugs.
Only two things are infinite - the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the universe: Albert Einstein.
Insults are always the way to go on a loosing side.Deepcrush wrote:The defiant was built to apply force in a way in which it was to be better then any ship in the fleet at that time. Go watch ds9 season 2 again if you need more help. You are about as quick as a frenchman with this, I mean really!Are you trying to just not think or does it come naturally for you? The defiant is "Applied Force" where the GCS is "Allowed Force". The GCS has more over all fire power but lacks the small fire arc in which to concentrate it. This is what makes the defiant so good for what she does. It isn't more powerful in terawatts but in over all use. You seem to be comparing a 20 pound cannon round from the 1812 war to a howitzer. It isn't just the size or payload but how and where it is used. This is what makes the defiant a more powerful ship, because it can pick a target and lay all of its power against that one spot.
Some how I would think that the defiant would have a far better impulse then the GCS. Let me know if you can prove other wise or if you just want to cry some more.
As I have said, which you seem to have not bothered reading - the Defiant has a far greater firepower:mass ratio. I have never disputed this fact and it is completely obvious. But you are claiming that even though you have just admitted the Galaxy class has more overall power, the Lakota (which roughly equals the Defiant) would be more powerful than the Galaxy, even though you have just said the Defiant is weaker than the Galaxy. Whether it is smaller is irrelevant. We are talking overall. Just because it has a higher firepower:mass ratio means nothing - "1% of something is better than 100% of nothing".
My Sov-Borg comment is virtually what you have done - just made a guess out of thin air. We cannot say that one is more powerful than the other. We can say one has more evidence, or something similar - but there isn't even that. We just don't know.
Adding theory (guesswork) to what we know (which is nothing) is useless. There is as much evidence for the Sov taking on the Borg collective as there is for the Lakota being more powerful than the Galaxy - zilch. Nothing. Zero. Nought. You claimed that the Lakota is more powerful than a Galaxy class ship (by some margin, I might add). To make such a claim, you need proof.
The fact you are unable to write correct English (if we're resorting to insults, now) and then to say we can't understand it is pretty ridiculous. You said that the Defiant is more powerful than the Galaxy class ship because it was designed to fight the Borg. Absolute rubish. You don't understand that at all.
- Teaos
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That statement makes no sense.The defiant was built to face the borg so we know it is stronger then the GCS.
It was made to combat the Borg in the sense they needed a small ship they could make a lot of that had good fire power FOR ITS SIZE.
The Galaxys shields are just to strong for the defieant to win. It would take a good few minutes for them to make a hole in them and by that time the GCS type X phasers would have ripped the defiant apart.
What does defeat mean to you?
Nothing it will never come. Death before defeat. I don’t bend or break. I end, if I meet a foe capable of it. Victory is in forcing the opponent to back down. I do not. There is no defeat.
Nothing it will never come. Death before defeat. I don’t bend or break. I end, if I meet a foe capable of it. Victory is in forcing the opponent to back down. I do not. There is no defeat.