Whats new in my life? I just popped the biggest effing pimple ever... I'm not even sure this thing was a pimple. It was right on my spine at the base of my neck, and bugger me was it big, I noticed it about 2 weeks ago but it was kind of just there and under the surface, but its just been growing and growing, but I can hardly reach it and not see it at all, I was kind of worried about what it was since it was so huge, but my friend looked at it and said it looked normal.
So there is was, this 4cm round spot at the base of my neck that had been growing for at least 2 weeks (probably more), it was getting kind of painful when ever I'd knock it or move my neck back.
Then about 30 minutes ago I managed to pop the sucker... and bugger me. the amount of puss and blood pooring out of the thing... I feel light headed almost. It has soaked three hankies with its life juices! I think if I had just milked the sucked it would have filled one of those old film canister holders.
So thats my disgusting story
So I sit here now, with a forth hankie on the back of my neck soaking up the last of the sucker... good times.