Sure, but even just getting one souped up quantum torpedo inside the cube's vulnerable interior would do some mondo damage. Even if it only worked once, given how hard it is for Federation fleets to destroy a single cube, it would be worth it, no matter how difficult.Teaos wrote:I believe transporting into a ship is generally very hard especially when in combat.
Thus you need to get into the right situation to achive it. Get their sheilds down and any jamming device.
I also imagin if the Federation is seen to use this in combat the other powers would find ways to block it. Just like the Federation finding ways around the cloak.
And I believe Torpedoes class as kenetic weapons.
But yes the whole point of this is to skip the armor and do damage right to the places that will criple the ship.
And I don't pay much attention to Voyager's dealings with the Borg, because they made me sick:
"Captain, Borg cube approaching!"
"Quick, activate the super polaron psychic feedback beam!"
"It worked, Captain, Borg cube destroyed!"