Captain Seafort wrote:DSG2k wrote:
Either you're very liberal, or else you don't watch the news much.
Our media's been liberal for a long time. It shouldn't be surprising. Even the BBC has been coming forward confessing its leftward bias to some extent, albeit with prodding.
Ah, so FOX and CNN are liberal are they? Got any evidence or are you just making unsupporting assertions. How is the political stance of the BBC at all relevent to a discussion of US broadcasters?
It's entrenched in most journalism. Fox News breaks right, obviously, but CNN could never be considered a conservative news source. Ted Turner certainly doesn't think it is . . . his statement regarding Fox News at some event was that it was okay for the conservatives to have their own news channel, since "we have ours", or words to that effect. I listened to it on the radio.
They might be slightly right of the AP, for instance, but that isn't saying anything at all.
The first time I noticed it was during one of the Clinton elections when a commentator said, as election results seemed to be pointing toward a Clinton win, that "this is a great day for America".
Do you have a source for this? If so please provide it and demonstrate why this demonstrates "liberal bias".
It was Tim Russert, sitting with Brokaw as I recall, on NBC. As for why it demonstrates liberal bias, one hardly has to ask. Heck, just compare his ebullient mood during the Clinton victories with his somber mood during the Bush victories. It was quite telling.
Just keep an eye out for it, and you can't fail to miss it. Just note how many times pejorative terms are applied to Republicans and the President versus how that doesn't happen with the Democrats.
More unsupported assetions I see.
Watch the freakin' news.
Please provide specific examples rather than vague assertions such as "it shouldn't be surprising" and "you can't fail to miss it"
You can start
with something like this, which is simply the first catalog site I found.
Here's a little more.
This too.
The presence of Jonathan Alter and Keith Olbermann as news commentators and anchors certainly doesn't disprove liberal bias, since those two break pretty far left.
Heck, just recall Chris Matthews in the Republican presidential debate asking “Jack Abramoff, Mark Foley, Duke Cunningham in prison for bribes, just last month FBI raids of two Republican members of congress – what’s with your party and all this corruption?”
As if William Jefferson, Harry Reid, Feinstein, and the others don't exist. You just don't hear about them much. Guess why?
Zogby pollsters, commonly leaning left in their political questions, nevertheless
found that Americans view the media as liberally biased by a ratio of more than 2 to 1, meaning that your assertions to the contrary probably put you in the minority, as I suggested.
(the latter of which is a double-negative BTW).
No, it isn't. But even if it were, complaining about grammar is hardly the way to win debate points.