Tyyr wrote:Tsukiyumi wrote:I still think it's possible, if unlikely.
And I find it impossible. Frankly the whole idea that it just got ignored is laughable.
Agreed. In an age where probably over half the population is carrying around a cell phone with a camera in it, where anyone can upload pics and video to a world wide network of computers, in a country with a free press and freedom of speech, the idea that such a battle could take place in the middle of a major city, and then be completely hushed up, is beyond absurd. Unless they were pulling out MIB neuralizers and wiping memories, and deleting all cell phone pics and vids, and grabbing memory cards and film from cameras and cam-corders, there's just no way. Plus there's all that damage, which would look nothing like any sort of natural disaster. Giant sized foot prints in the street, thousands upon thousands of bullet holes, craters from energy and ballistic explosions. Yes, not everyone would know what they were looking at, but in a city of hundreds of thousands, there would be enough people who would know what kind of damage they were seeing, battle damage. There is no way you could suppress that kind of event. It'd be as likely as supressing the 9/11 events. Word of that was getting out before the second plane even hit, and there were hundreds of videos and photos of it.