GrahamKennedy wrote:
Spocks rotating ship is called the Jellyfish, and it was designed and built by Geordi.
Picard is an Admiral/Ambassador type.
Nero's plan was to destroy Earth, Vulcan and Kronos in the present; with Borg weapons the Narada is essentially invincible. The Klingons attack, led y General Worf, and are defeated. When Nero does his "come aboard" thing Worf leads a group of warriors who kill many of Nero's crew, before Worf is impaled on a big spike. He survives and is rescued by the Enterprise.
Geordi is retired from starfleet now and the Jellyfish is specially designed to withstand atmospheres that would tear most ships apart.
In the comic Picard is called ambassador but he is wearing what looks like a Starfleet's gala uniform.
I must remark Worf was never defeated in battle, he fell into a trap. I´m talking about general Worf, not his fleet, the fleet was crushed.