Surviving vulcans

Discussion of the new run of Star Trek XI+ movies and any spinoffs
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Re: Surviving vulcans

Post by Tyyr »

It would be far from the first time the writers intended something for Trek that just didn't make any damn sense.
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Re: Surviving vulcans

Post by IanKennedy »

Granitehewer wrote:ok i don't mean to be stupid but if/when the romulans just after the events of star trek (2009) whether from spock or the immense explosions (lol)find out about nero and the future fate of romulus, do you think that they'd start to take precautionary measures now like warming relations with the federation whilst moving from their homeworld, or would they arrogantly believe that the future can be averted in the future by others?
Given it's a new timeline there's nothing to say that that will happen again this time around. After all it could have been a direct or indirect cause of some event that will now never happen.
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Re: Surviving vulcans

Post by Tyyr »

It would be far from the first time the writers intended something for Trek that just didn't make any damn sense.
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Re: Surviving vulcans

Post by Graham Kennedy »

Well new timeline or not, you have to assume the stars will do what they did before!

But hey, with all that time to prepare the Federation should be able to make the red matter a little early and go save the day this time. For that matter the Romulans will probably manage it themselves.

Interesting that the large bulk of the Vulcan race are now Romulans...
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Re: Surviving vulcans

Post by IanKennedy »

GrahamKennedy wrote:Well new timeline or not, you have to assume the stars will do what they did before!

But hey, with all that time to prepare the Federation should be able to make the red matter a little early and go save the day this time. For that matter the Romulans will probably manage it themselves.

Interesting that the large bulk of the Vulcan race are now Romulans...
Well butterfly effect and all that, plus it could have been a result of some other event that caused a whole chain of reactions that lead to the "Supernova" in the first place.
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Re: Surviving vulcans

Post by SomosFuga »

GrahamKennedy wrote:
Though that doesn't really square with his "endangered species" line.
But it does.
If we take actual earth/human race with 6 billion people; lets say tomorrow there is a megadisaster, you name it, and sudenly there are only 4-5 millions survivers, most of them coul be concentrated in a ralative small are untouched by the disaster or they could be scatered all arround the world.
Would not you say humanity is an endangered species?
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Re: Surviving vulcans

Post by IanKennedy »

SomosFuga wrote:
GrahamKennedy wrote:
Though that doesn't really square with his "endangered species" line.
But it does.
If we take actual earth/human race with 6 billion people; lets say tomorrow there is a megadisaster, you name it, and sudenly there are only 4-5 millions survivers, most of them coul be concentrated in a ralative small are untouched by the disaster or they could be scatered all arround the world.
Would not you say humanity is an endangered species?
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Re: Surviving vulcans

Post by SomosFuga »

IanKennedy wrote:There's no way there are more than 10,000 Vulcans left total. Vulcans are just not the kind of people to get figures wrong or exaggerate while making a log entry, the endangered species line doesn't jibe with that either.
I agree with you, if Spok said it, i am pretty sure 10 000 it´s a pretty accurate number (come on he is Spock!!!) but i still do not like it because it does not make sense to me all vulcan population being on Vulcan "pon frat party" or not.
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Re: Surviving vulcans

Post by Graham Kennedy »

SomosFuga wrote:If we take actual earth/human race with 6 billion people; lets say tomorrow there is a megadisaster, you name it, and sudenly there are only 4-5 millions survivers, most of them coul be concentrated in a ralative small are untouched by the disaster or they could be scatered all arround the world.
Would not you say humanity is an endangered species?
No. Not even remotely.
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Re: Surviving vulcans

Post by Aaron »

SomosFuga wrote:
But it does.
If we take actual earth/human race with 6 billion people; lets say tomorrow there is a megadisaster, you name it, and sudenly there are only 4-5 millions survivers, most of them coul be concentrated in a ralative small are untouched by the disaster or they could be scatered all arround the world.
Would not you say humanity is an endangered species?
4-5 million? That was humanities population for hundreds of years at least, it only ballooned to the billions recently.
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Re: Surviving vulcans

Post by thelordharry »

Cpl Kendall wrote:4-5 million? That was humanities population for hundreds of years at least, it only ballooned to the billions recently.
It's all guess work but here's a good guide:

"How many people have ever lived?"

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Re: Surviving vulcans

Post by Aaron »

thelordharry wrote:
It's all guess work but here's a good guide:

"How many people have ever lived?"

I guess I should clarify that I meant at one time but that's pretty fragging impressive.
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Re: Surviving vulcans

Post by Lazar »

That's a hell of a lot of people. Should we have a prize ready for the hundred billionth baby? ;)
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Re: Surviving vulcans

Post by thelordharry »

Lazar wrote:That's a hell of a lot of people. Should we have a prize ready for the hundred billionth baby? ;)
Congratulations Mrs Smith, it's a girl! The hundred billionth human ever born! Here's your prize, an appallingly polluted planet, now mostly under water since the ice caps melted.

Oop, bit of social comment there ladies and gentleman...
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Re: Surviving vulcans

Post by Mark »

Could the surviving Vulcans even form a viable long term genetic pool with only 10,000 survivors? And to be honest, I AM a little dubious about Spock's numbers. They couldn't have had time for more than a cursory headcount, right? They way I understood it, 10,000 Vulcans survived the destruction of Vulcan.....the event. What about those spacefaring Vulcans, those living off planet such as on embassies and such?

Even so, is 10,000 enough to repopulate? We don't know enough about the Vulcan genome to be able to guess when inbreeding would do to them, so I guess we'll have to wait and see.
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