Week Two we decided that it would live off decay and consumption
Week Three we decided it would use ganglion- brains spread throughout its body in clusters.
Week Four we decided it would use spores in an asexual form of reproduction.
Week Five we decided that the creature was 'type D' meaning long lived but had very few offspring.
Week Six we decided that the species would live in large hives.
Week Seven we decided that the species natural habitat would be a primordial tropical swamp... leaning towards swamp.
Week Eight we decided that the species would have dominant traits of an expansive and industrious nation. But the nation is also protective- but not overly so, and slightly Imperialistic in its foreign policy and operations.
Week Nine we decided that the species would have a tech level on par with the Cardasians.
Week ten we decided the species would have a medium sized Empire.
Week Eleven we decided the species has a supreme communist party. However government owned corporations are making headway to seizing power. There are a series of communist scientists who believe that they have perfected an artificial AI capable of running the state. The original hives of the world still have some say in a quasi-feudal way. And there's a tradition of older fungus rules that some say is best.
Week Twelve we vote on looks!

The younglings would start off as the depictes plants, but would start developing paws to walk on after some years of growing.


My addition to this choice is they crawl on the ground similar to a snake. However they have several small tentacles allowing them to manipulate the environment around them.




When I went to post this one it wouldn't show up on the original thread no matter how many times I hit refresh. So in case this one doesn't show up its the snake thing Mycoloth or some such.

Unlike other polls I'm tentatively keeping this open for two weeks. Since this might be the most important of the polls as when these creatures appear in our RPs we need to have an idea of what they look like. Revoting is allowed though.
Also if anyone has a name they want to throw out there go for it.
You may now close the other thread