Mikey wrote:Nick - somewhat like our SAT's or ACT's, I'm guessing.
I don't think so. GCSEs are real qualifications not just testing for the sake of testing. You get a certificate listing all the ones you pass and the grades you get. The grades run from A (best) to G (worst). They are kinda the equivalent to a school diploma, however, they are subject based. You could for example have 5 C's and three A's. Or even one A, one B, one C, one D, one E etc... It's quite possible if you're not very bright to just end up with a single G grade. In this case you still get the certificate, it's just not worth very much. The exams are taken when you are about 15-16.
There are further exams after that, if you choose to stay on. These are called A levels (Advances level exams). Again these are subject based and have grades, this time from A to E (A being the best. although there are A* grades which are even better). These you take at 18 and are kinda an equivalent to a Highschool certificate. Universities use these for entrance requirements. For example you may be offered a place on a course if you get two As and a B or better.
There are no grade point averages, in our certificates, but I think something similar is used internally within the schools.
After that you are into University degrees, then MSCs and PHD/DPhils.