Now you're talking about missions which wouldn't call for a Defiant-class at all. And again you're talking about sending multiple assets, instead of one asset which is capable of the job.katefan wrote:And like I said, with a support vessel you can fix this. A support vessel would allow crew turnover, crew recreation, and resupply of equipment. Enhanced replicators would allow replacement of parts, much like we saw Voyager do on repeated occasions.
And again, you're talking about creating a ship designed to help another ship do a job which neither are capable of doing well; instead of creating a ship that can do the job on its own.katefan wrote:And again, by creating a support vessel you are eliminating these problems. A Norway class cruiser, for example, or a Steamrunner would both suit the role perfectly if you were looking for later era ships than the Excelsior.
And I repeat that it would make far more sense to have the Defiant fill the role it was designed for; another ship fulfill its role; a third fulfill a third role; etc.katefan wrote:And I never said otherwise. As I said above (and I really wish people would read what I write, which would eliminate the need for me to repeat myself) the Defiant would be part of a team of vessels, each one providing a different function.
And what? Manpower sure hasn't ever seemed to be an issue for Starfleet. And in your example, your making three assets unavailable instead of one.katefan wrote:But my entire point here-which I think you and everyone else is missing-is the Defiant, Intrepid and support vessel combined have a crew of half that of a Galaxy class at a fraction of the tonnage.
Great - the Intrepid beats everybody else to the problem site and can sit and wait for the vessels which are capable of doing something to catch up.katefan wrote:In some cases, yes. I do not deny my solution may have flaws. However, in the case of a humanitarian aid, for example, a faster ship like the Intrepid could easily provide it while her sisters ships caught up. But in terms of combat my idea would be especially ideal as it seems a tri-angled attack proposed by the new Prometheus class supports the theory that three ships are more effective than one in an attack.
In terms of sheer tonnage and personnel I fail to see how my solution lacks logistical sense.
The lack of logistical sense comes in where (for the umpteenth time) you tie up three vessels in order to do what should be the job of one.
Perhaps they like to put on cocktail dresses and have tea parties. I haven't seen any evidence that Starfleet brass was anti-Defiant; I have, however seen the evidence that once O'Brien fixed the design, they were pro-Defiant. That evidence is the presence of subsequent ships of the same class.katefan wrote:It would if it flies in the face of older doctrine. You have a point where the Hummer and F-4 are concerned, I grant you. In both cases, however, the brass was wrong. Perhaps Starfleet brass is more conservative than the modern United States military.
If the Defiant didn't have any fans higher up, there wouldn't have been more than one.katefan wrote:You said it yourself, it takes a while for production to ramp up. And if the Defiant does not have any real fans higher up then you aren't going to see dry docks dedictated towards building Galaxy and Akiras given over to Defiants.
Now, you're either ignorant or you're intentionally playing dumb to prove your point. If the latter, quit being a dick; if the former, let me explain:katefan wrote:And you just called the Defiant an escort, the perfect ship to escort two other vessels; a support craft and scout ship. There, thank you for supporting my argument. I appreciate it.
"Escort" in the context of a class of warships is shorthand for "destroyer-escort," q.v. Now, obviously these ships weren't always used to escort merchant convoys; however, they were used as warships to fill a particular niche of war-fighting. "The perfect ship to escort two other vessels; a support craft and scout ship" is both incorrect supposition and evidence that you don't really have an idea what you're discussing.
In addition to being absolutely incorrect, as shown above, now you're just being facile; which leads one to believe you're attempting to dodge a point rather than buttress it. I won't ask you for any type of "concession" if you're out of ammo; but I will certainly ask you to not make incorrect references to things I've said.katefan wrote:There, thank you for supporting my argument. I appreciate it.