Here's my first crack at Trek writing...what do you think?
USS Germany - Continental Class Starship
CO: Captain James D. Hood
XO: Commander Nicola Zarckozh
CTO: Lt. Commander Ezer Fyine
CSO: Lt. Commander Ezer Fyine
CMO: Lieutenant Olivia J. Hood
CEO: Lt. Commander Tals Paslery
CHO: Lt. [jg] Jessica Gowl
COO: Lieutenant Cazariy Joransch
MCO: Major Travis Manning
CoFO (Chief of Fighter Operations): Senior Chief Petty Officer/ Master Sergeant w/ First Sergeant Status T'lair W'tong
Chapter 1
Captain Hood watched from the observation port as his future ship returned from its post repair shakedown. The long design of the Continental Class slid into space dock, where it was linked back up to the station in preparation to make the final modifications.
"Ah, I figured you'd be here." Said a voice behind Hood with the familiar swish of the doors opening and closing.
Hood turned around to see a man standing with admiral pips on his color. Hood acknowledged the man before turning back to the window.
"USS Germany, she's a fine ship. I was her first captain you know." The man continued, and then finally introducing himself, "I'm Admiral Zhorn."
"Nice to meet you Admiral, and yes, I've always liked this Class." Hood replied. "Is there something I can help you with?"
"No, not right now. I'm just here to inform you that there will be an informal briefing tonight at 2000 hours on the ship to transfer command to you and allow your senior staff to get to know each other. We tried to reach you on your communicator, but you didn't reply." The Admiral answered.
"No, I left it in my quarters on the planet." James answered looking at the ship. "When will we be leaving?"
"Well assuming all the repairs are finished by their scheduled times, you're scheduled for departure at 1000 hours tomorrow. Until then, the ship is open for the crew to begin moving their things aboard. I'll let you get acquainted." The Admiral finished.
There was a small pause then the familiar swooshing of the doors was heard again.
Captain Hood stood for a moment looking at the ship before leaving the observation lounge bound for the nearest Transporter.
"To the Germany" He said stepping onto one of the pads.
The familiar blue streaks enveloped the captain, and the transporter room disappeared to be replaced by a new one within a couple seconds.
"Welcome aboard sir, do you need any help finding your way?" Greeted the crewman stationed in the Transporter room.
"No, I think I'll be alright." The Captain replied stepping down and out the door.
James walked through the halls for a few minutes before finding a turbolift, and entering.
[Destination] the computer prompted
"Deck 1, Main Bridge." The Captain spoke.
[Error, invalid response.]
what in the world
"Computer locate Main Bridge" The captain spoke again.
[The main bridge is located in the aft section of the saucer on Deck 4]
"Take me there." The captain said rubbing his temple.
New generation of ships, a new generation of rules
The turbolift instantly began to move, a second later the lift stopped and the doors opened onto the main bridge. The captain stepped out onto the bridge, and immediately one of the fresh ensigns conducting control tests on the helm called "Captain on the Bridge."
James waved off the salutes then began to move around the Bridge. The Turbolift he entered out of was in the middle of the back of the Main Bridge. The bridge was separated into four levels with the turbo lift being on the highest. To his immediate right and left as he exited the lift was the Ops and Engineering Consoles. Directly ahead of him, coming off the back of the rail separating the highest and second highest levels was the tactical consol. On the walls of the Bridge were two more consoles, one appearing to be sciences, the other a multi-purpose. The Second level was the command center. The Captains chair was directly in the middle flanked on either side by the executive officers chair and Mission Specialist chair. Descending one more level was the Conn, directly between the view screen and the Captains chair. Lastly the fourth level was slightly above the third and supported the holographic view screen.
The Captain looked around at the three other pairs of doors on leading off the Bridge. One was at the front of the bridge to his right, which he figured was the secondary Turbolift. The other two were at the back, between the main consoles flanking the turbolifts and the side consoles. With a quick glance at the door markings Hood recognized the one on his right as the one leading to his ready room, meaning the left one led to the conference room.
Hood turned to his right nodding at the Lieutenant monitoring the Ops station, and then entered his ready room. The Room was still bare as the previous captain had cleaned his things out long ago and he had yet to move in. Directly in front of him as he entered were two visitor chairs sitting in front of his new desk. He moved to his right to get around his desk. As he moved he saw a new extension to the room, which held the cabinets and shelves he would later use to hold all of his decorations. There was also a door on the back wall of the room. Curious, James walked over to it and stuck his head through as it opened and found himself in the Observation lounge.
direct access, that's definitely a plus.
Retrieving back into his Ready room Hood sat down behind his desk and called up the deck plans of the Germany and began reviewing them. The Captain was undisturbed while he examined the ship, as he knew he would be, other than the Ops lieutenant, no one knew he was in there. Hood looked at the chronometer on his desk computer and was surprised to discover it was already 1850 hours; he only had about another hour till the briefing.
James decided it was time to start unpacking his belongings and left his ready room, passing the engineering consol and walking past the same lieutenant monitoring the ops station, and entered the main turbo lift.
"Captains Quarters." Hood spoke.
As the lift opened, Hood walked quickly down the hall reaching his quarters in a few minutes. He'd already arranged for all of his belongings to be transported from his planet side quarters to his new ones. For the rest of the hour, James went through his belongings, hanging up his various paintings: one of Earth, one of Trill, and one of Vulcan. He put away the few other possessions he had, keeping out a few items for the ready room: a model of the USS Continent, a holo-projector of a large shuttle he designed and built at the academy, a second painting of Earth, this one with the moon in it, and lastly, shrapnel from a Jem'Hadar mine he'd had pulled out of his shoulder back when he was an Ensign.
Collecting the few items, Hood walked out of his quarters and back to the turbolift, which took him back to the main bridge at his command. Walking out of the turbo lift, James saw that the bridge was deserted except for a fresh ensign underneath the helm consol working on something. Hood walked into his ready room, deposited the things on his desk for later arrangement and walked into the observation lounge through his private entrance just on time. He made quick work of the few strides he had to his chair, at the head of the table and directly in front of his entrance. The rest of his senior staff was already assembled, most of them, Hood had never met before and only knew by the pictures on their profiles.
Sitting immediately to the Captains right was the executive officer, and his first officer, Commander Nicola Zarckozh a human with a several small scars on his face, from a troubled past. Sitting across from him and immediately to the captains left was Lt. Commander Ezer Fyine the Chief Tactical officer and Chief of Security, a handsome rather young human officer who was somewhat mysterious as he had a high level security clearance around his pre-Starfleet history. Sitting to Nicola's right was the Chief operations officer, Lieutenant Cazariy Joransch, a short Dazen officer; Hood had met the man only once before at a Starfleet Command function, he was a good officer. Across from him was the tall Shintoan Engineer, Lieutenant Commander Tals Paslery. The Shintoan had learned more about interstellar propulsion by the time he finished grade school than Hoods other two candidates knew when they left the Academy. Immediately to his right was the Helms Officer, Lt. [jg] Jessica Gowl, a very pretty young woman, with a quite interesting facial design, she was half human, and the appearance seemed to dominate, however she also possessed some of the mystic beauty of the Dazen, of which she was one quarter. Her remaining ancestry was Trill, and this manifested itself in the way her Dazen strip formed, it followed the normal trill design. Across from her was the Marine Commanding Officer, Major Travis Manning.
They all looked up when Hood entered, after looking at each of them and greeting them he realized that he was missing a member of his senior staff, and she was the one he knew best.
"Where is the CMO?" Hood asked sitting.
"Lieutenant Hood hasn't arranged to have anything beamed aboard, I do not believe she is on the planet." Lt. Joransch replied. Looking up from a PADD he was studying.
James was surprised, as far as he knew all his senior staff was to have reported to earth. It was even more surprising that the one member of his staff that didn't make it was his little sister.
Just then Admiral Zhorn walked into the Observation lounge from the Bridge entrance.
"Sorry I'm a little late, I had another meeting to get through. Welcome aboard the Germany." He began. "I am Admiral Zhorn, I'm in command of the fleet the Germany is fitted with. The first thing we need to address is the first thing many of you may have noticed. Lieutenant Hood isn't present. She was required to stay behind on Starbase 12 en route to Earth when a sudden surprise breakout of Yettin flu. The outbreak has been treated, so your first task is to rendezvous with the station to retrieve your CMO. After this you are to set a course for the Romulan boarder. Donatra and her faction are loosing, and the Tal'shiar faction is increasing raids on the border colonies. Your mission is simple deterrence. We have several other patrol vessels to fill the gaps between the ten Continental ships. We have also assigned the USS Roosevelt, and the USS Lincoln battle cruisers to warp into any hotspots, you will need to keep in communication with them as well as the other patrol vessels. What questions do you have?"
"What is our objective if we discover a Romulan ship in Federation Space?" Commander Zarckozh asked.
"Against the wishes of some of the other Admirals, you are to stop them from completing the raid and from thinking about doing it again." The Admiral explained. " Capture them, destroy them, I don't care, but they have to stop, the Neutral Zone is still in effect and they are violating that by entering Federation Space. If the Tal'shiar wants to start a war, we will be more than happy to join Danatra's side."
"What ship classes have the Tal'shiar been using to raid?" Lt. Commander Fyine asked.
"All of them, it appears to be the move of individual captains as opposed to a scheme by the faction. We have several reports of attacks from D'Deridex, Norexean, and even a few Devroar Class ships so be ready for anything." The Admiral answered.
After the Admiral finished the rest of the crew looked around to see if anyone had any more questions, when no one else spoke up, the Admiral stood and said, "Well, if that's it, I'll be leaving, I have yet another meeting to get to, do yourselves a favor, don't take the promotion. Oh, and before I forget. Computer transfer Command USS Germany from Admiral Zhorn to Captain Hood effective immediately authorization Zhorn Zeta, Xi, Omicron."
[Transfer Complete, Captain Hood is now in command of the USS Germany.]
"Captain, I leave it to you." The Admiral said, and then he walked through the doors leading back to the Bridge.
"Everyone report to your duty station at 0900 tomorrow and prepare, we leave space dock at 1000 hours. Dismissed." James said making his first command to his new Crew.
Star Trek: A New Crew
- 2 Star Admiral
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Star Trek: A New Crew
Last edited by Lt. Staplic on Sun Apr 12, 2009 4:14 am, edited 1 time in total.
In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.
Re: Star Trek: A New Crew
Well, some spacing would make it easier to read............ 

They say that in the Army,
the women are mighty fine.
They look like Phyllis Diller,
and walk like Frankenstein.
the women are mighty fine.
They look like Phyllis Diller,
and walk like Frankenstein.
- 2 Star Admiral
- Posts: 8094
- Joined: Sat Sep 06, 2008 3:25 am
- Commendations: Cochrane Medal of Excellence
- Location: Somewhere Among the Stars
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Re: Star Trek: A New Crew
stupid word processor, I have the new one which automaticly insets the extra space btw paragraphs but it doesn't copy over here 

In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.