So's Stephen Hawking. Would he know how to win a submarine battle?
Being a genius is all well and good, provided you're in a situation where your genius applies. Khan's military genius would have been ground based.
Achually I would be suprised if you could find a human alive who knows more about 3 dimensional space than Stephen Hawking...
So yeah, I'd expect him to... you know, think of the Z axis.
But thats hardly the point, Khan had slightly more experience with war than Hawking.
Correct in some ways. In space you don't have to worry about gravity, or stalling if you go too slow or if you climb too steeply.
The air battle, sub battle comparison was just to show that we use the Z axis a lot now a days and someone over looking it is space is retarded, pure and simple.
And how does that translate into him having a good tactical knowledge of space combat?
Submarines are obviously around now. Does that mean a general from the US Marine Corps could beat a seasoned sub captain in a sub battle, even with a few days to practice?
Beat? Probably not, to look up and down? Yeah I would expect that.
Katefan got it right, he was going slightly mad at this stage, that is his excuse. And a damn good one considering all that happened to him.
Doesnt stop it being fucking stupid.
Infact I put it right in the same league as having your ship ripped across the universe, having the majority of your crew killed, absorbing former enemies into your crew so that it can function, and forgetting about a timer.