Dare I ask why?
Then prove it.
have proven it, as anyone who's been reading this thread can easily see. It's not our problem if you can't grasp that.
What you have pointed out is just incorrect. I have explained how they are different, you have just repeated that they are.
Yes, they're different.
But not different enough as to make the analogy worthless.
....not all of the weapons will come into play and the number advantage is reduced of goes away.
Incorrect, because they'll still have a larger amount of guns on (say) the forward arc of the ship than a smaller one due to the increased surface area.
Proof please. Were is there proof in canon that the same type of phasers would do more damage on a large ship then a small one?
Bigger ship = bigger reactors = more power available = more power per gun. It's simple logic.
True, but photon torpedoes will still do damage.
Of course they will, no one's contested that. Just not as much, and they'd be a far greater threat to smaller ships than larger ones.
1. More weapons only a advantage if it can bring them to bear, you need maneuverability for that.
Wrong. All you need is a good design.
2. More powerful, it might, but you have not proven that larger ships always have more powerful weapons. A type X phaser on a large ship may very well do the same amount of damage as on a small ship.
Bigger ship = bigger reactors = more power available = more power per gun. It's simple logic.
3. Stronger defenses, yes, but a more maneuverable ship get to control were it hits its opponent and were it opponent hit it.
Which is still not a large enough advantage to swing the battle in its favour.
Individual weapons need time to recharge, they also can get damages in battle. 2 of any type of phaser is going to be better then 1 of the same type.
And a larger ship can mount more guns. Ergo, better.
Yes they have. What is not irrelevant is that you need all three and there importance is different for different types of warfare.
That they're all important factors does not mean you need all three to triumph in battle.
You have pointed it out, but not proved it. Unless you can prove weapons of the same type do more damage from larger ships then maneuverability is still a factor.
Bigger ship = bigger reactors = more power available = more power per gun. It's simple logic.
And just why are you assuming the larger ship will have the exact same types of weapons as the smaller ship? It won't, it will have bigger and more advanced weapons systems. So this whole tangent is a red herring.
I have, I see a lot of small ship in those large battles. They must be there for some reason.......
They're there for the same reason there were plenty of destroyers around in WWI despite the overwhelming power of the battleship.
....and had the battle continued who would have won? We don't know.
We don't know because we didn't see the end. We
did see DS9 unleash an asswhooping on a Klingon fleet at one point, however, which would suggest that the station would have triumphed in the end.
A better balance of offensive capability, defensive capability and maneuverability.
Exactly how is a ship loaded with civilian quarters, amenities and science equipment going to have "A better balance of offensive capability, defensive capability and maneuverability" than a ship with all its internal space devoted to military equipment?
citation needed
You and reality should get in touch. You'll find the answer there. Seriously, it's basic logic.
1. Would not have to dodge in the Intrepid could stay out the the GCS firing arcs.
That'd be rather hard to do given that the GCS would have greater range and
does not have any blindspots.
2. True, but it was not designed as a battleship, nor was the Intrepid. That is why I'm using them as the examples.
So you're attempting to rebute the fact that in military terms a bigger ship is always better......by using non-military ships as an example?
I'm pretty sure there's a saying about apples and oranges that covers this.
No, I want proof that the normal maximum output of phasers are dependent on the reactors. Or more to the point a small
Where do the phasers get their power from?
The reactor.
So what determines how much power a phaser has available to fire?
The reactor.
The battle in FC.
You accept that larger ships are more effective then. Thank you.
WTF? That's what we've been saying all along! Larger ship = better. If you're in agreement with that, then why the fuck have you been arguing the opposite?
Bigger weapons fine. But if two ships have the same weapons the larger ships weapons will not be stronger.
Bigger ship = bigger reactors = more power available = more power per gun. It's simple logic.
....and they would only be useful if able to be brought to bear. Don't know how many more time I need to say it.
And the larger surface area available would allow them to mount more guns in each arc. Don't know how many more times I need to say it.
Not really.
Yeah, keep telling yourself that.
I have been providing reasoning why. It is you that has been trying to make the argument that with the same tech level a larger ship will always beat a smaller one. You have yet to provide evidence that;
1. Weapons of the same type would do more damage on a larger ship.
2. Shields strength is based on the size of the generators. We know the Sov has stronger shields then a GCS but we do not have proof that the Sov generators are larger.
1) Bigger ship = bigger reactors = more power available = more power per gun. It's simple logic.
2) Bigger ship = bigger reactors = more power available = more power for the shields. It's simple logic.
Far from, naval = 2d battle, naval = cannons that fire heavy shells, naval ships can't bank back and forth, naval ships don;t have phaser of shields.
Which are not large enough differences as to make comparisons worthless. Seriously, you've not explained how they're so dissimilar that we can't make comparisons. All you've done is keep repeating "well, they're not identical" while ignoring the fact that
they are still similar enough to allow analogies to be made.
That is the point. A smaller more maneuverable ship would be able to sweep in and then turn exposing its opponent to more of its weapons. While the larger ship could only use the weapons in the firing arc the smaller ship is in. It would depend of the designs of the ships.
And with its more powerful and more numerous guns and superior cooling units, the larger ship would still be able to smack down the more maneouverable ship.
Could have. I chose these two because nether were dedicated war ships.
Which, again, is ignoring the whole point of this bloody debate in the first place.
Not being able to bring torpedoes to bear is irrelevant?
This may shock you, but torpedoes can
And just what's to stop them shoving a minimum of one tube on each fire arc? Oh yeah, nothing.
Only being able to use one of two arrays that could be damaged, could over heat, have to recharge between shots is irrelevant?
Yes, it is irrelevant, because even with
one array available the battleship would still be more than capable of blasting a smaller ship apart due to its superior power reserves, armour, ability to absorb damage, redundancy and shielding.
The Sov was smaller then the Scimitar and it did not take it out that quick. The Lokata was larger then the Defiant and it did not go down that quick.
What part of
similar tech levels did you miss? The
Scimitar is a completely alien ship, and we know nothing about it, and the Excelsior class was close to a century old at that point.
Oh, and the
Scimitar actualy
won the fight. So thanks for proving my point.
....you forget that we are also discussing maneuverability, and the straight of energy weapons, phaser to be exact on different size ships.
Well whoop-de-fracking-doo. Care to point out how this invalidates the analogy of bigger = better using naval vessels when discussing size?
Far more powerful weapons? you have provided mo proof. Provide evidence that the type X phaser on a GCS is any more powerful than on a Defiant, or a Type XII phaser on a Sov is more powerful then on a Prometheus. Also prove that shield straight is directly connect to generator size.
How about no? How about
you explain why the battleship suddenly has the exact same type of armament as a smaller ship, despite being able to mount bigger and more powerful guns? In case you've missed it, neither me nor Seafort has stated the battleship would have identical guns to the smaller ship. That was tangent of your own creation, which you're now dishonestly trying to pretend was the subject all along in a desperate attempt to change the subject.
.....really I'm still waiting for you to provide proof of your assumptions regarding weapons straights when monted on different size ships.
Hello, McFly? Bigger ship = bigger reactors = more power available = more power per gun. It's simple logic.
The Sov and the Prometheus both have type XII phasers, so did the Lokata. The Sov and the Defiant both have quantum torpedoes.
Well good for them. Care to explain what's stopping Starfleet slapping a Type XIII phaser on a battleship? Oh, yeah, nothing. The battleship would have ample power to work such a hypothetical weapon, while a smaller ship would not.
What great logic, I say the bigger ships with the same tech always win. Since the smaller ships wins they must have better tech.
Correct, that's simple fucking logic. Refute it or shut the hell up. I'm getting fed up with your "I refuse to accept your answer" BS. Either start debating properly or get lost.
The only problem is that you have not proven your stance and you have not provided proof that the Federation had a tech advantage over the Dominion.
Smaller UFP ships were capable of destroying larger Dominion ships. If they were of the same tech level, that would not have happened. The logical answer is that the Dominion ships were inferior to the Federation ships.
Get it yet? I could use smaller words if you'd like.
Wow.......I know the generator provides the power, what I'm saying is that the amount of power that generator puts out may not control the top power out put of the phasers. An example, if a type X phaser array max out put is 10GW and the generator powering it puts out 30GW the phaser will still only be able to put out 10GW.
Prove it.
Plug you computer into a power source more powerful then your outlet and see what happens. Just because you can generate more power does not mean your phasers can make use of it.
False analogy, and prove it.
I have give you many examples and you have shot passed them off based soley on assumptions that you have not provided any proof of.
Bullshit. You've yet to give any
valid examples.
Here, I'll make it easy for you:
Show us one instance of a small warship beating a large warship of similar tech level and age.
If your stance is correct, you should have no problem doing that.
. Plus you are defending the original argument that that with the same tech and designed for war the larger ship will always win, but have not provided proof. Just assumptions that larger generator mean phasers of the same type can fire more powerful bursts and that shield straight is dependent on generator size. If you cannot prove those you cannot prove that a larger ship will always when over a smaller one when the tech and purpose of design are the same.
have proven that. That you've refused to accept those answers does not refute that.
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