So, for starters, I was wondering what people have said about Cardassian warp travel. Cardassian ships tend to break away from the established "2 pylon" rule, so the placement of their systems can be a little more... improvised. I personally always imagined the "spine" out the back as a single, large warp nacelle that takes up most of the structure's space. Think of it as "shaft alley" for anyone that's been on a ship, and if you haven't, imagine this...

... but bigger.
Impulse engines would be on the "fins" of the larger half saucer while the bridge would be the smaller one (or maybe that would be a conning tower). Crew quarters and other ammenaties would be in the "belly" and weapons would be stuck in any empty spaces (with appropriate space left for the BFG on the front). Sensors and other pieces of equipment would be placed appropriately.
That's for the Galor and the Keldon.
The Freighter and Hideki might be easier to start with cause they're smaller, so I'll probably begin their... but I was wondering what rules and "understandings" the community has maybe come to. I know I can do what I want, but I'd rather have this discussion before I (eventually) start, just to see what others say. Afterall, just cause I listen to your input doesn't mean I'll impliment it