The important bit is bolded - the key word is IF.Atekimogus wrote:600metres per second? That is 0,8 % Impulse speed if we accept the 25% speed of light for full impulse.
Why should we accept that figure? Quite apart from the fact that acceleration, not absolute speed, would be the critical factor in space combat, why should a number that's never appeared in canon Star Trek be allowed to overrule the speeds we see on screen?
Or we stick to canon and WYSIWYG. If we hear someone order (or state) a given fraction of impulse, and the see the ship accelerating at a calculable rate, then that rate is that fraction of impulse.I mean where should we draw the line when what we see and what we hear does not match? If for example the captain orders half impulse ahead out of space dock and what we see onscreen is a ship moving roughly with 200km/h? Maybe we should treat such scenes just for what they are, eyecandy and not references for what exactly happened?