This crossover has an attempted invasion of the Milky Way by the Empire two years after the SGA Episode: "Enemy at the Gate". i also diverge from the regular SW timeline and have the Empire destroyed the Rebel Alliance over Endor. Captain Needa is also alive and well as opposed to being dead in the movies.
Earth Orbit
October 22, 2010
The USAF Hyperion was Earth's newest Daedalus-class Battlecruiser. It was launched earlier that month under the command of the recently promoted Lieutenant Colonel Kevin Marks. "Colonel, welcome aboard the Hyperion, we are ready to deliver supplies to the newly constructer Delta Site sir", said Major Graham Kennedy. Major Kennedy was head of a company of RAF pilots that were being sent to the Delta Site to pilot the F-302 fighters there. Marks replied, "Alright then, Captain Kleinman, take us out." In orbit, the Hyperion's gun metal grey hull lurched foreward and accelerated away from the cerulean marble that was Earth.
The Rebel ships were taking heavy from the Imperial Star Destroyers. Several of the ships' shields failed and were quickly eradicated by a spray of green bolts of concentrated plasma. Many of the Rebel capital ships had already been destroyed by ISD fire while the TIEs held off the rebel fighters. "Admiral, we just lost the Defiance, Independence, and Reef Home. Liberty just lost weapons. Admiral, the Falcon is heading towards the shield generator at .74c and accelerating rapidly.", said the person at the communications terminal. Ackbar watched as the Falcon was heading to the planet's surface.
Onboard the Executor, one of the bridge personnel reported, "Admiral Needa, the bridge deflector shields have failed". Needa replied, "Divert power from non essential systems to the bridge shields". The bridge deflector shields came back online seconds before one of the fighters impacted the shields with no damage.
In the Millenium Falcon, Lando decided that the best option for destroying the Death Star was to have himself crash the Falcon into the shield generator so that Wedge could lead several squadrons of fighters to destroy the Death Star from the inside. Nien Nunb protested, "This is madness, how do we know this will work? Why can't we just fire at the generator?" Lando replied, "Firing at the generator would do nothing, the shield it's creating can withstand the most powerful of Rebel assaults based on our sensor data. However, a 2,000+ ton ship impacting it at a high fraction of c would do the trick." Nien replied, "Okay then preparing for collision". The Falcon changed course away from the enemy fleet and accelerated to relatavistic speeds on a collision course. Lando himself sighed and closed his eyes just before the Falcon impacted the shield generator. From geosynchronis orbit, everyone could see the multigigaton explosion where shield generator used to be.
"Alright then all remaining fighters follow me", ordered Wedge Antilles. Wedge's X-Wing and 32 other starfighters headed towards the Death Star and entered the giant metal sphere. Following the Rebel fighters, were different types of TIE Fighters. The TIEs began firing at the rebel fightes destroying several of them, but several shots missed and ruptured some of the fuel pipes vaporising most of the TIEs. In orbit, Home One exploded in a blazing white flash from a reactor overload caused by the loss of the reactor coolant. Back in the core, the rebel fighters fired their weapons at the core causing it to explode. The explosion vaporised the fighters and the Death Star as well as several weakly shielded rebel ships.
SSD Executor
"Admiral Needa, the Emperor and Lord Vader are dead and the Death Star Mark II has been destroyed. What are your orders?", asked the XO. "Destroy the remaining Rebels for the thousands of lives they extinguished", responded Admiral Needa in an enraged tone. The Imperial fleet then cut loose on the remaining rebel ships easily destroying them. Needa suppressed the urged to mourn the death of his oldest son who was posted on the Death Star at the time.
What do you think of the prologue?
updated the prologue.
SG/SW Crossover
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SG/SW Crossover
There is not a problem in this world that can't be solved without the proper application of a sufficient number of thermonuclear ordnance.
- Lieutenant Commander
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Re: SG/SW Crossover
Chapter One
3 Days after the Battle of Endor
"What, the Death Star II is gone? Good thing I wasn't there, but how the f**k could those damn rebels destroy it?", asked Emperor Palpatine. "Apparently, the ship known as the Millennium Falcon rammed the power core underground, and vaporized everything in the blast radius. The fighters then went into the Death Star's reactor core and destroyed it using missiles filled with 200 tons of antimatter. That is what the telemetry from the death Star's flight recorder is telling us sir. The good news sir is that the Rebels have been destroyed though.", said Admiral Needa. With that, the channel cut and Palpatine began to reconsider building a new Death Star. Palpatine was glad he couldn't make the trip the Death Star because he had to attend a more important financial meeting on the state of the Imperial economy.
Interstellar Space
October 23, 2010
"Dropping out of hyperspace sir.", responded Captain Kleinman. The Hyperion decelerated as it exited hyperspace in orbit of the Delta Site. "Alright then beam down the new personnel and supplies" ordered Marks. Major Emma Cooper responded, "supplies and personnel beamed down sir." Marks then ordered, "Set in a course back to ...What the hell is that?" Marks pointed toward the indigo anomaly ahead of them. "I haven't a clue sir, we've never encountered anything like that", responded Major Cooper. The bridge personnel looked in awe at the anomaly.
SSD Devastator
3 Days after Endor
Admiral Piett was jealous of Needa for getting assigned to lead the fleet at Endor while he himself was assigned to overseeing the production of a newer, more advanced form of hyperdrive. "an idiotic assignment only fit for a low rank grunt. i should've been leading the attack on the Rebels, not Needa." Piett clenched his fist and punched one of the computer screens in anger only to yell out in severe pain. Piett assigned his XO to watch over the project while he was in the Devastator's infirmary. Five hours later, Piett was called by his XO to report to the bridge.
"What is it you called me to the bridge...", said Piett before he saw the indigo anomaly ahead of them. "What is that?", asked Piett. "The person looking at the sensors responded, "I don't know sir, this has never been encountered before. Maybe the scientists determine that". Piett was glad that Imperial ships had scientists aboard his ship at the time. One of the scientists came up to the bridge and asked, "What do you need me for admiral?" "I need you to tell me what that is." replied Admiral Piett point at the anomaly. The scientist looked the sensor reading of the anomaly and replied, "It's might be some kind of wormhole, judging by the sensor data, but I'll have to cross reference this data with the theoretical data to confirm whether or not it's a wormhole." with that the scientist sat at an empty terminal and began comparing the data.
"Launch a probe droid at the anomaly, we might get better readings that way", ordered Admiral Piett. One of the bridge personnel then launched the probe droid into the anomaly.
Delta Site
USAF Hyperion
"Sir, something is exiting the anomaly, it's a probe of some sort", said Major Cooper. Marks saw the probe as it flew past the bridge and headed for the planet's surface. "Do something about it, we can't let it find the Delta Site.", ordered Marks. "Aye sir, firing railguns at it", responded Captain Kleinman. From the Hyperion several railgun shots headed towards the probe. The probe was destroyed. "Target destroyed sir". With that the Hyperion contacted Stargate Command.
"Yes sir, we might have some form of naturally occuring wormhole 450,000 kilometers away from the planet", said Marks. "Well then stay there of anything else comes through. By the way, if something comes through, don't fire at it unless it fires at you nex time. Landry out".
SSD Devastator
"It is most definitely a wormhole, but...". The scientist was cut off and Piett looked at the telemetry from the probe droid. He saw a ship and the a few seconds later, a few missed railgun rounds followed by static. "Contact the emperor, let him know what we found. And also contact Grand Admiral Thrawn".
3 Days after the Battle of Endor
"What, the Death Star II is gone? Good thing I wasn't there, but how the f**k could those damn rebels destroy it?", asked Emperor Palpatine. "Apparently, the ship known as the Millennium Falcon rammed the power core underground, and vaporized everything in the blast radius. The fighters then went into the Death Star's reactor core and destroyed it using missiles filled with 200 tons of antimatter. That is what the telemetry from the death Star's flight recorder is telling us sir. The good news sir is that the Rebels have been destroyed though.", said Admiral Needa. With that, the channel cut and Palpatine began to reconsider building a new Death Star. Palpatine was glad he couldn't make the trip the Death Star because he had to attend a more important financial meeting on the state of the Imperial economy.
Interstellar Space
October 23, 2010
"Dropping out of hyperspace sir.", responded Captain Kleinman. The Hyperion decelerated as it exited hyperspace in orbit of the Delta Site. "Alright then beam down the new personnel and supplies" ordered Marks. Major Emma Cooper responded, "supplies and personnel beamed down sir." Marks then ordered, "Set in a course back to ...What the hell is that?" Marks pointed toward the indigo anomaly ahead of them. "I haven't a clue sir, we've never encountered anything like that", responded Major Cooper. The bridge personnel looked in awe at the anomaly.
SSD Devastator
3 Days after Endor
Admiral Piett was jealous of Needa for getting assigned to lead the fleet at Endor while he himself was assigned to overseeing the production of a newer, more advanced form of hyperdrive. "an idiotic assignment only fit for a low rank grunt. i should've been leading the attack on the Rebels, not Needa." Piett clenched his fist and punched one of the computer screens in anger only to yell out in severe pain. Piett assigned his XO to watch over the project while he was in the Devastator's infirmary. Five hours later, Piett was called by his XO to report to the bridge.
"What is it you called me to the bridge...", said Piett before he saw the indigo anomaly ahead of them. "What is that?", asked Piett. "The person looking at the sensors responded, "I don't know sir, this has never been encountered before. Maybe the scientists determine that". Piett was glad that Imperial ships had scientists aboard his ship at the time. One of the scientists came up to the bridge and asked, "What do you need me for admiral?" "I need you to tell me what that is." replied Admiral Piett point at the anomaly. The scientist looked the sensor reading of the anomaly and replied, "It's might be some kind of wormhole, judging by the sensor data, but I'll have to cross reference this data with the theoretical data to confirm whether or not it's a wormhole." with that the scientist sat at an empty terminal and began comparing the data.
"Launch a probe droid at the anomaly, we might get better readings that way", ordered Admiral Piett. One of the bridge personnel then launched the probe droid into the anomaly.
Delta Site
USAF Hyperion
"Sir, something is exiting the anomaly, it's a probe of some sort", said Major Cooper. Marks saw the probe as it flew past the bridge and headed for the planet's surface. "Do something about it, we can't let it find the Delta Site.", ordered Marks. "Aye sir, firing railguns at it", responded Captain Kleinman. From the Hyperion several railgun shots headed towards the probe. The probe was destroyed. "Target destroyed sir". With that the Hyperion contacted Stargate Command.
"Yes sir, we might have some form of naturally occuring wormhole 450,000 kilometers away from the planet", said Marks. "Well then stay there of anything else comes through. By the way, if something comes through, don't fire at it unless it fires at you nex time. Landry out".
SSD Devastator
"It is most definitely a wormhole, but...". The scientist was cut off and Piett looked at the telemetry from the probe droid. He saw a ship and the a few seconds later, a few missed railgun rounds followed by static. "Contact the emperor, let him know what we found. And also contact Grand Admiral Thrawn".
There is not a problem in this world that can't be solved without the proper application of a sufficient number of thermonuclear ordnance.
- Lieutenant Commander
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- Location: Somewhere in the universe
Re: SG/SW Crossover
"What, a wormhole to somewhere else?", inquired Emperor Palpatine. The emperor was quite amused at the prospect of more conquest and resources as well as the perfect location for hidden facilities. "Yes my lord. This is indeed a wormhole that leads somewhere, but we don't know where yet. We going to send a probe droid through as an advance scout before heading in there ourselves.", replied Admiral Piett. The emperor mused at the idea of building more ships to combat the Vong which were a potential threat. "Well then, you have authorization to do what you must. Send anothr", said Palpatine. "Piett out". The Holocom deactivated and Palpatine started laughing maniacally at the secret facilities he could build there.
USAF Hyperion
Delta Site
October 23, 2010
The Hyperion was hovering over the Delta Site's main compound. "General Landry, we have discovered a probe come through the wormhole, we destroyed it when it started heading towards the Delta Site to make sure no one finds out. We now intend to explore the other side, but don't know if it will collapse when we go through, so we'd like to send a probe through it", said Lt. Col. Marks. Landry replied, "We'll send you a probe as soon as we build it. Stay in orbit in case something comes though," replied General Hank Landry. The screen shut off and everyone looked back at their consoles. "All right then lets head back to orbit, Kleinman take us away", ordered Marks. "Yes sir", replied Captain Kleinman. The Hyperion started accelerating from the delta site into geosynchronous orbit.
SSD Devastator
"Admiral, the second Probe droid has been prepped for the trip through the wormhole.", reported the Devastator's head of engineering. Piett looked his head of engineering from the recliner he had installed on the bridge. "Good, now send it through. I don't want to keep the emperor waiting very long", said Piett. A few minutes later the probe droid launched from the Devastator. It quickly cruised through the wormhole at a velocity of 890 m/s. Many of the bridge crew wondered what would be found on the other site. The Devastator's holographic screen activated and the crew saw the inside of the wormhole for 20 seconds before it exited the wormhole. On the other side, Piett saw a ship he didn't recognize. The probe did a tactical scan of the unknown vessel and Piett couldn't help but laugh at most of the weapons. "Railguns, nukes, missiles? Who the hell has those kinds of weapons these days". Piett then saw some of the other technology detected aboard the unknown vessel.
USAF Hyperion
"Get that probe, maybe we can study it and send it back with a message. I don't want this one destroyed, that was a foolish mistake on my part', said Marks. Major Cooper responded, "Maneuvering to capture target...Target captured". Some scientists came down to the starboard cargo bay where the second probe droid was being held in a force field. When the shield surrounding the probe deacivated, it began shooting at the scientists, who immediately hid behind the packing crates. The reactivated around the probe to contain it and prevent it from doing any further damage to the ship. "Sir, Dr. Novak is contacting us from engineering. They're ready to head to the starboard cargo bay with a naquadah generator and an Electromagnetic Pulse Generator", said Captain Kleinman. "Good, we can't have that thing firing at us while we study it", replied Col. Marks.
"What, a wormhole to somewhere else?", inquired Emperor Palpatine. The emperor was quite amused at the prospect of more conquest and resources as well as the perfect location for hidden facilities. "Yes my lord. This is indeed a wormhole that leads somewhere, but we don't know where yet. We going to send a probe droid through as an advance scout before heading in there ourselves.", replied Admiral Piett. The emperor mused at the idea of building more ships to combat the Vong which were a potential threat. "Well then, you have authorization to do what you must. Send anothr", said Palpatine. "Piett out". The Holocom deactivated and Palpatine started laughing maniacally at the secret facilities he could build there.
USAF Hyperion
Delta Site
October 23, 2010
The Hyperion was hovering over the Delta Site's main compound. "General Landry, we have discovered a probe come through the wormhole, we destroyed it when it started heading towards the Delta Site to make sure no one finds out. We now intend to explore the other side, but don't know if it will collapse when we go through, so we'd like to send a probe through it", said Lt. Col. Marks. Landry replied, "We'll send you a probe as soon as we build it. Stay in orbit in case something comes though," replied General Hank Landry. The screen shut off and everyone looked back at their consoles. "All right then lets head back to orbit, Kleinman take us away", ordered Marks. "Yes sir", replied Captain Kleinman. The Hyperion started accelerating from the delta site into geosynchronous orbit.
SSD Devastator
"Admiral, the second Probe droid has been prepped for the trip through the wormhole.", reported the Devastator's head of engineering. Piett looked his head of engineering from the recliner he had installed on the bridge. "Good, now send it through. I don't want to keep the emperor waiting very long", said Piett. A few minutes later the probe droid launched from the Devastator. It quickly cruised through the wormhole at a velocity of 890 m/s. Many of the bridge crew wondered what would be found on the other site. The Devastator's holographic screen activated and the crew saw the inside of the wormhole for 20 seconds before it exited the wormhole. On the other side, Piett saw a ship he didn't recognize. The probe did a tactical scan of the unknown vessel and Piett couldn't help but laugh at most of the weapons. "Railguns, nukes, missiles? Who the hell has those kinds of weapons these days". Piett then saw some of the other technology detected aboard the unknown vessel.
USAF Hyperion
"Get that probe, maybe we can study it and send it back with a message. I don't want this one destroyed, that was a foolish mistake on my part', said Marks. Major Cooper responded, "Maneuvering to capture target...Target captured". Some scientists came down to the starboard cargo bay where the second probe droid was being held in a force field. When the shield surrounding the probe deacivated, it began shooting at the scientists, who immediately hid behind the packing crates. The reactivated around the probe to contain it and prevent it from doing any further damage to the ship. "Sir, Dr. Novak is contacting us from engineering. They're ready to head to the starboard cargo bay with a naquadah generator and an Electromagnetic Pulse Generator", said Captain Kleinman. "Good, we can't have that thing firing at us while we study it", replied Col. Marks.
There is not a problem in this world that can't be solved without the proper application of a sufficient number of thermonuclear ordnance.
- Lieutenant Commander
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- Location: Somewhere in the universe
Re: SG/SW Crossover
Chapter Two
Delta Site Orbit
Numerous fighters were shooting at each other. Major Kennedy fired a missile at a TIE Bomber destroying it. "Major, this is Warstrike, we are out of ammo, several other fighters are also out of ammo. We have to get out her...". Kennedy then heard static. One TIE Advanced got behind Kennedy's fighter, but was destroyed by another 302. Of the 40 F-302s stationed at the Delta Site, 16 were already out of ammo and 14 were destroyed. He then targetted another TIE Advanced and fired his fighter's railgun at it, destroying it.
"Delta Site, we recommend that you begin large scale evacuation of the base and get back to Earth. Half of the 302s are already out of ammo", said Kennedy in a semi distressed tone. "All remaining 302s, dock with the Hyperion, this battle is unwinnable". The 302s disengaged and began moving towards the Hyperion. Several of the TIEs started heading down to the planet to bombard the base. Many were destroyed by a hail of railgun fire.
The Hyperion was firing its plasma beams at the Devastator while having dozens of turbolaser blasts firing at it. Both ships had scorch marks and minor hull breaches. As the Devastator fired on the Hyperion, it fired several Mark VIII Tacticals at it and turned around to do an attack on the 19 kilometer long Executor-class ship's sublights.
SSD Devastator bridge
"Fire forward turbo lasers at the ship", ordered Piett. One of the crew members heading towards the bridge was killed instantly by a stream of high pressure liquid nitrogen. "Seal that coolant leak", yelled Piett. "Sir, the ship is firing has gotten behind us and is firing at our engines", yelled another bridge officer. Piett ordered, "bring our other weapons to bare on them, we need that ship. Piett also wondered why there weren't any
Piett looked on as the Devastator did a 180 degree turn and started firing in its other firing arcs. "Sir, their sensors have been disabled", said the Combat Information Controller. Piett asked, "Then why the hell are they still firing their nukes at us?" "The nuclear missiles must have their own sensors sir, or it might have something to do with the fact that they're right under us", replied the Combat Info Controller. Piett felt like shooting his CIC for the stupid he gave, but buried the thought.
Delta Site
The Delta Site personnel were evacuatig back to Earth in the face of a highly possible enemy takeover of the base. The CO of the base went to the self destruct device to blow up twenty minutes after the Delta Site personnel had left. Many were already evecauted by the time the base CO got to the gateroom. A few minutes, the Delta Site was empty and the bases Mark IX nuke began its countdown. Several Imperial dropships made it through while the TIE fighters distracted the railguns so that troops could take the Delta Site.
USAF Hyperion
Engineering was in disarray while Dr. Novak was busy working on repairing the sensors so that the Hyperion could get back to firing the plasma beams. "There, our sensors are back online", said Novak. She then ordered one of the other engineering crew to begin working on other damaged systems. On the bridge, Cooper reported, "We have sensors back sir. We can go back to to firing, sir numerous other ships are exiting the wormhole." Marks responded, "Let's get the hell ot of here now, we can't win again that many ships". The Hyperion zoomed off to the Delta Site. "Sir, the remaining 302s want to dock with us sir", said Captain Kleinman. "Lower forward shields and open the 302 and cargo bays", ordered Marks. "Sir, their fighters might fire on us", responded Captain Kleinman. "Well then, fire rail guns to prevent them from firing at us", replied Marks. The 302s entered the bays while the Hyperion covered them with rail gun fire. "All the 302s are in, raising forward shields. Sir, the Devastator's shields are down", said Kleinman.
"Beam a nuke onboard their ship", yelled Marks. The bridge crew watched as the Devastator exploded in a blinding white flash. "Get us out of here, maximum sublight. We have to get out of their weapons range so that they aren't firing at us", ordered Marks. "Aft shields down to 22%, full sublight, yes sir", responded Major Cooper. The Hyperion then began to quickly accelerate away from the large Imperial fleet. Several of Thrawn's ships began firing on the Hyperion as it escaped to try and disable the engines. "Transfer power from the beam weapons to the shields.", ordered Marks.
Delta Site
Imperial troops that had landed near the Delta Site began infiltrating the base to what technology they could take to be reverse engineered by Imperial scientists and engineers. One of them found the self destruct device (a Mark IX) and. He saw it was active and ordered an explosive expert to try and disarm at. The explosives expert opened the control panel and the nuke exploded vaporizing the mountain, base, and Imperial troops.
Thrawn watched as the Devastator exploded in a white hot fireball and lamented that an Executor-class ship was destroyed. "Admiral, the ship identified as the Hyperion is plotting an escape course, what shall we do sir", asked one of Chimaera's bridge crew. Don't bother, their sublight capabilities are superior to our own, they'll be out of out weapon range in 30 seconds. But, we do have schematics of some of their technology that was downloads from their ship. If we send a distress call, we might attract some ships here. Have the rest of the fleet cloak, we'll turn off all systems but life support and make it look like we're in need of assistance", ordered Thrawn.
"We've cleared their weapons range sir, entering hyperspace", said Captain Kleinman. The Hyperion entered hyperspace and began heading back to Earth. Marks thought, "Great, just great first three days in command and I've just started an invasion. I'll probably be assigned elsewhere for this huge blunder". He facepalmed at what had happened. Major Kennedy went to the bridge and asked, "Colonel, what went wrong, that caused this situation?". "Admiral Piett had some of his men try and sabotage the Hyperion when we beamed them aboard to begin talks. We beamed them back to their ship, and they attacked us. We attacked them in return and you remember the rest. I'll get everyone some dinner, I here its chicken fried steak tonight", replied Marks. Marks got out of his chair and walked down to the mess hall.
Here is the first part of Chapter Two. The next part will have the flashback and Thrawn capturing a Lucian Alliance Ha'tak to get its star maps.
For those of you who don't know who some the Hyperion crew are, here they are:
Major Emma Cooper
Captain Dave Kleinman
Doctor Lindsey Novak
Delta Site Orbit
Numerous fighters were shooting at each other. Major Kennedy fired a missile at a TIE Bomber destroying it. "Major, this is Warstrike, we are out of ammo, several other fighters are also out of ammo. We have to get out her...". Kennedy then heard static. One TIE Advanced got behind Kennedy's fighter, but was destroyed by another 302. Of the 40 F-302s stationed at the Delta Site, 16 were already out of ammo and 14 were destroyed. He then targetted another TIE Advanced and fired his fighter's railgun at it, destroying it.
"Delta Site, we recommend that you begin large scale evacuation of the base and get back to Earth. Half of the 302s are already out of ammo", said Kennedy in a semi distressed tone. "All remaining 302s, dock with the Hyperion, this battle is unwinnable". The 302s disengaged and began moving towards the Hyperion. Several of the TIEs started heading down to the planet to bombard the base. Many were destroyed by a hail of railgun fire.
The Hyperion was firing its plasma beams at the Devastator while having dozens of turbolaser blasts firing at it. Both ships had scorch marks and minor hull breaches. As the Devastator fired on the Hyperion, it fired several Mark VIII Tacticals at it and turned around to do an attack on the 19 kilometer long Executor-class ship's sublights.
SSD Devastator bridge
"Fire forward turbo lasers at the ship", ordered Piett. One of the crew members heading towards the bridge was killed instantly by a stream of high pressure liquid nitrogen. "Seal that coolant leak", yelled Piett. "Sir, the ship is firing has gotten behind us and is firing at our engines", yelled another bridge officer. Piett ordered, "bring our other weapons to bare on them, we need that ship. Piett also wondered why there weren't any
Piett looked on as the Devastator did a 180 degree turn and started firing in its other firing arcs. "Sir, their sensors have been disabled", said the Combat Information Controller. Piett asked, "Then why the hell are they still firing their nukes at us?" "The nuclear missiles must have their own sensors sir, or it might have something to do with the fact that they're right under us", replied the Combat Info Controller. Piett felt like shooting his CIC for the stupid he gave, but buried the thought.
Delta Site
The Delta Site personnel were evacuatig back to Earth in the face of a highly possible enemy takeover of the base. The CO of the base went to the self destruct device to blow up twenty minutes after the Delta Site personnel had left. Many were already evecauted by the time the base CO got to the gateroom. A few minutes, the Delta Site was empty and the bases Mark IX nuke began its countdown. Several Imperial dropships made it through while the TIE fighters distracted the railguns so that troops could take the Delta Site.
USAF Hyperion
Engineering was in disarray while Dr. Novak was busy working on repairing the sensors so that the Hyperion could get back to firing the plasma beams. "There, our sensors are back online", said Novak. She then ordered one of the other engineering crew to begin working on other damaged systems. On the bridge, Cooper reported, "We have sensors back sir. We can go back to to firing, sir numerous other ships are exiting the wormhole." Marks responded, "Let's get the hell ot of here now, we can't win again that many ships". The Hyperion zoomed off to the Delta Site. "Sir, the remaining 302s want to dock with us sir", said Captain Kleinman. "Lower forward shields and open the 302 and cargo bays", ordered Marks. "Sir, their fighters might fire on us", responded Captain Kleinman. "Well then, fire rail guns to prevent them from firing at us", replied Marks. The 302s entered the bays while the Hyperion covered them with rail gun fire. "All the 302s are in, raising forward shields. Sir, the Devastator's shields are down", said Kleinman.
"Beam a nuke onboard their ship", yelled Marks. The bridge crew watched as the Devastator exploded in a blinding white flash. "Get us out of here, maximum sublight. We have to get out of their weapons range so that they aren't firing at us", ordered Marks. "Aft shields down to 22%, full sublight, yes sir", responded Major Cooper. The Hyperion then began to quickly accelerate away from the large Imperial fleet. Several of Thrawn's ships began firing on the Hyperion as it escaped to try and disable the engines. "Transfer power from the beam weapons to the shields.", ordered Marks.
Delta Site
Imperial troops that had landed near the Delta Site began infiltrating the base to what technology they could take to be reverse engineered by Imperial scientists and engineers. One of them found the self destruct device (a Mark IX) and. He saw it was active and ordered an explosive expert to try and disarm at. The explosives expert opened the control panel and the nuke exploded vaporizing the mountain, base, and Imperial troops.
Thrawn watched as the Devastator exploded in a white hot fireball and lamented that an Executor-class ship was destroyed. "Admiral, the ship identified as the Hyperion is plotting an escape course, what shall we do sir", asked one of Chimaera's bridge crew. Don't bother, their sublight capabilities are superior to our own, they'll be out of out weapon range in 30 seconds. But, we do have schematics of some of their technology that was downloads from their ship. If we send a distress call, we might attract some ships here. Have the rest of the fleet cloak, we'll turn off all systems but life support and make it look like we're in need of assistance", ordered Thrawn.
"We've cleared their weapons range sir, entering hyperspace", said Captain Kleinman. The Hyperion entered hyperspace and began heading back to Earth. Marks thought, "Great, just great first three days in command and I've just started an invasion. I'll probably be assigned elsewhere for this huge blunder". He facepalmed at what had happened. Major Kennedy went to the bridge and asked, "Colonel, what went wrong, that caused this situation?". "Admiral Piett had some of his men try and sabotage the Hyperion when we beamed them aboard to begin talks. We beamed them back to their ship, and they attacked us. We attacked them in return and you remember the rest. I'll get everyone some dinner, I here its chicken fried steak tonight", replied Marks. Marks got out of his chair and walked down to the mess hall.
Here is the first part of Chapter Two. The next part will have the flashback and Thrawn capturing a Lucian Alliance Ha'tak to get its star maps.
For those of you who don't know who some the Hyperion crew are, here they are:
Major Emma Cooper
Captain Dave Kleinman
Doctor Lindsey Novak
There is not a problem in this world that can't be solved without the proper application of a sufficient number of thermonuclear ordnance.
- 4 Star Admiral
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Re: SG/SW Crossover
I fixed your links.
"You've all been selected for this mission because you each have a special skill. Professor Hawking, John Leslie, Phil Neville, the Wu-Tang Clan, Usher, the Sugar Puffs Monster and Daniel Day-Lewis! Welcome to Operation MindFuck!"
- Lieutenant Commander
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Re: SG/SW Crossover
ThanksRochey wrote:I fixed your links.
There is not a problem in this world that can't be solved without the proper application of a sufficient number of thermonuclear ordnance.
- Lieutenant Commander
- Posts: 1186
- Joined: Sat Jul 14, 2007 5:53 am
- Location: Somewhere in the universe
I've decided to rewrite the SG/SW Crossover. Here is the 2nd Version.
Earth Orbit
March 14, 2011
"This is the Hyperion, we're ready to move out and head to Atlantis", stated Lieutenant Colonel Kevin Marks. General Landry replied, "Good, ever since the Wraith began uniting against us, we've needed more ships to reinforce Atlantis. The Daedalus and Apollo are in Pegasus right now in orbit of M35-117 along with the Travelers' fleet and Todd's Hive Ship. The Wraith recently destroyed most of Todd's fleet except for his Hive. Your job will be to start several surprise attacks on the Wraith fleet." "Yes sir, we are indeed ready to begin our mission," replied Marks. The new promoted Colonel was on very unsure of himself in many situations. His crew had been chosen from other experienced personnel, many of which he'd worked with before. Marks himself had been promoted to full bird colonel five weeks prior and was given command of the new 304 that was being finished at the time.
Ever since late 2009, the Wraith began uniting to fight the Atlantis Expedition and Todd. It started five weeks after Atlantis returned to M35-117. The Wraith had been building several new Hive ships and been growing an army of warriors and commanders to fight. The travelers also decided to settle down on Atlantis and provide defense of the city. Five months later, Todd's alliance was defeated and his ship was the only one to escape. Over the course of next eleven months, the Wraith had tried to attack Atlantis several times only to be defeated each time. Eventually, Homeworld Security decided to go on the offensive and sent the Hyperion to go begin weakening the Wraith.
The Hyperion itself was testing several new technologies including a newer, more powerful reactor and higher caliber rail guns for use against Wraith Hive Ships for destroying certain systems. "Supplies have been loaded and we're ready to go", stated Major Megan Cooper. "All systems register green across the board and the new reactor is working well within limits." Marks ordered, "Well then, take us out." Major Cooper responded, "With pleasure sir." The Hyperion lurched forward and entered into hyperspace.
The battle was not going well for the Rebel Alliance who had already lost half their forces to the 48 refitted Imperial II-class Star Destroyers and the Executor-class Star Destroyers that were hiding in preparation for the ambush. On the surface, Imperial troops of the 269th Battalion were using heavy artillery to blast the area and crush the Ewoks and rebel forces on the planet. In space, many of the rebel ships had already been destroyed by the newly refitted turbolaser cannons of that Imperial fleet.
Home One
"Admiral Ackbar, we have a coolant leak near the reactor core that's growing. Damage control teams are attempting to reroute the flow elsewhere, but the reactor is overheating at a rate that will cause the the ship to be destroyed", stated Lt. Haresh. "Well then, set a collision course for the Executor. We'll take it with u...". Ackbar was cut off by the searing heat of hundreds of turbolaser bolts impacting the bridge microseconds after the shields failed. Soon afterwords, Home One was split in two at the neck by 20 Mark XVIII Concussion Missiles. The aft section soon exploded taking the forward section with it. Three Mon Cal Cruisers soon destroyed by 300 TIE "Warbird" Fighters which had been recently produced to phase out the old TIE fighters firing turbolasers and proton torpedoes.
Millennium Falcon
"We are getting our asses handed to us!", yelled General Lando Calrissian. The Millennium Falcon had taken moderate damage against several of the new TIE Fighters. "We have to destroy the shield generation on the planet somehow." Lando thought for a second and then came up with a plan. The Falcon then sped away from the battle area to a distance of 960,000 kilometers and made a sharp 180 degree turn and began diverting all power from weapons to the sublight engines. it quickly accelerated to near light speed and set a course to strike Endor. The Falcon impacted the close to the shield generator exploding and destroying everything in a few kilometers.
Death Star
On the Death Star II, Luke easily saw the flash of the Falcon and generator exploding in a multi-gigaton explosion. Luke grew enraged at the senseless death of his friends and took his light-saber. He through himself at Vader. The two clashed light-sabers and a ferocious fight began. Several imperial troops were killed in the battle. Unfortunately, the battle was cut short when an errant proton torpedo hit the room killing everyone.
On the Executor, several bridge personnel were dealing with putting out fires that had erupted on the bridge, while others were monitoring the ship's status. "Sir, bridge deflector shields are down", said one of the Lieutenants onboard. "Divert power from ECM to the bridge shields.", ordered Gillead Paeleon. The Lieutenant swiftly diverted power and the shields came back up three seconds before an Y-Wing Fighter impacted causing the shields to flare a bright celadon. Paeleon was relieved that the shields came back online just in time. The Executor quickly accelerated away from the Death Star to begin attacking the remaining Rebel vessels.
Wedge took the opportunity to destroy the Death Star and ordered several fighter squadrons to follow him into the Death Star. The squadrons quickly followed Wedge. However, numerous TIE interceptors blocked their path and forced many of the rebel fighters to break off and engage the TIE Interceptors while Wedge led the remaining into the Death Star. Once inside, the fighters broke into several groups to destroy the main power regulator in the reactor chamber. Once inside the reactor chamber, they destroyed the main power regulator causing the reactor begin overload. Many of the fighters exploded because of the rapid rise of radiation levels in the room. Wedge was lucky to escape the reactor chamber, but was caught in the explosion and his fighter was destroyed by debris. On the surface of Endor, falling debris ignited huge fires that began spreading like ants in a house full of food. Within a few hours, the planet was a raging inferno.
The Imperial fleet quickly took care of any remaining rebel ships and then set a course for the nearest Imperial starbase.
"What, the Death Star was destroyed? How the fuck could it get fucking destroyed? This is an outrage", yelled Emperor Palpatine at the top of his lungs. He was fuming with unbridled rage at the destruction of his newest superweapon. He was also relieved that an important budget meeting had kept him on Coruscant. He hated to think of what would happen if he'd been on the Death Star at the time. "Sir, it appears that the vessel known as the Millennium Falcon rammed close to the shield generator wiping it out in the resulting seismic activity and melting of the ground. The rebel fighters then went in and destroyed the main power regulator causing an overload in the hypermatter reactor.", replied Paeleon. The hologram promptly disappeared and Palpatine began grumbling over the loss of millions of personnel, but took comfort in the fact that the rebellion was dead.
March 28, 2011
"Dr. Woolsey, the Hyperion has just arrived", announced Chuck Campbell. Chuck had been one of the senior members of the expedition and had seen a lot of things. The Hyperion represented the new Daedalus-class refit which had several major differences than with the normal Daedalus-class battlecruiser. "This is Lieutenant Colonel Kevin Marks, we are ready to send the supplies down now", said Marks over the intercom. Woolsey replied, "Well then. the East Pier is ready for you to land and drop off supplies." The supplies were drones from the Antarctic outpost that were useless without the chair. In orbit, the Hyperion descended into the atmosphere and decelerated to a few hundred kilometers per hours as it entered the troposphere. By the time it reached Atlantis, it had slowed down to a few kilometers per hour. Over the East Pier, it stopped and slowly landed on top of the water. The supplies were beamed inside on the top of the east pier with personnel ready to transport them to their destinations.
In Atlantis' control room, Marks and his senior staff beamed in and promptly walked up to the briefing room. The Atlantis-1 team was waiting with Dr. Woolsey and the Department heads to discuss the growing Wraith threat. "Hello everyone, I assume we all know why we're here?", asked Sheppard. No one responded to the question. "Alright then, thanks Colonel. I didn't want to have to go into detail about the events of the past few months, so this is what we're going to do. I'll take the Hyperion to destroy several key Wraith facilities in order to weaken the Wraith even further than they are. Our first target is M6H-491, a major Wraith outpost that has a powerful deep space sensor array with a range 700 Light Years according to Todd's information. Our next target will be the Wraith Weapons Research Facility on M9S-332. The Daedalus and Apollo will be doing a raid on several Hive Ships that are headed to a Nebula 14,000 Light Years away. Hopefully, that should weaken the Wraith enough so that we can send the Sun Tzu and General Hammond here to aid in defeating the Wraith. And by the way, this plan was formulated by Lieutenant General Jonathan "Jack" O'Neill", stated Marks. Rodney McKay then asked, "What about the Tria? It's been in space for a few years. We could fix it and send it here also to fight the Wraith. It would also allow for the Sun Tzu and General Hammond to stay at Earth." Dr. Novak replied, "You and I will be heading up the replacement of the Tria's old hyperdrive with a new Asgard hyperdrive in its place." McKay was suprised that he the IOA finally approved repairing the Tria and using it to fight the Wraith.
M35-117 Orbit
USAF Daedalus
"Lt. Hawking, take us out of here. Set course for P-22A4," ordered an optimistic Col. Caldwell. It was a day he had long awaited since arriving in orbit of Lantea to defend Atlantis from the Wraith six years prior. They were finally going to defeat the Wraith. Lieutenant Hawking smiled gleefully and responded, "Yes sir." The Daedalus lurched forward and penetrated the celadon rip in the fabric of space-time into hyperspace. The Apollo quickly followed the Daedalus' lead.
USAF Hyperion
Colonel Marks looked over the HUD that showed the Hyperion's current status and then faced Major Kleinman. "Major, set a course for M6H-491, best possible speed". The major hastily replied, "Yes sir." Major Cooper, alert our fighter wing to be ready to launch when we exit hyperspace." The brunette major responded, "Aye sir, sending the message down to both fighter bays." Marks looked foward and began silently playing the song "The Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny in his head.
Down in the fighter bay, Lieutenant Colonel Graham Kennedy was busy helping getting the nukes in the F-302 payload bays. "Bloody hell, we are T-Minus 4 hours from M6H-491 and we only have 7 F-302s equipped with nukes. Get more people down here so we can get more nukes loaded," stated the Lt Col. Kennedy. The nukes being loaded were Mark III Tactical Nuclear Warheads being loaded were 20 Gigatons each. This time, they were going to be used to destroy a Wraith outpost that had a powerful deep space sensor array.
Earth Orbit
March 14, 2011
"This is the Hyperion, we're ready to move out and head to Atlantis", stated Lieutenant Colonel Kevin Marks. General Landry replied, "Good, ever since the Wraith began uniting against us, we've needed more ships to reinforce Atlantis. The Daedalus and Apollo are in Pegasus right now in orbit of M35-117 along with the Travelers' fleet and Todd's Hive Ship. The Wraith recently destroyed most of Todd's fleet except for his Hive. Your job will be to start several surprise attacks on the Wraith fleet." "Yes sir, we are indeed ready to begin our mission," replied Marks. The new promoted Colonel was on very unsure of himself in many situations. His crew had been chosen from other experienced personnel, many of which he'd worked with before. Marks himself had been promoted to full bird colonel five weeks prior and was given command of the new 304 that was being finished at the time.
Ever since late 2009, the Wraith began uniting to fight the Atlantis Expedition and Todd. It started five weeks after Atlantis returned to M35-117. The Wraith had been building several new Hive ships and been growing an army of warriors and commanders to fight. The travelers also decided to settle down on Atlantis and provide defense of the city. Five months later, Todd's alliance was defeated and his ship was the only one to escape. Over the course of next eleven months, the Wraith had tried to attack Atlantis several times only to be defeated each time. Eventually, Homeworld Security decided to go on the offensive and sent the Hyperion to go begin weakening the Wraith.
The Hyperion itself was testing several new technologies including a newer, more powerful reactor and higher caliber rail guns for use against Wraith Hive Ships for destroying certain systems. "Supplies have been loaded and we're ready to go", stated Major Megan Cooper. "All systems register green across the board and the new reactor is working well within limits." Marks ordered, "Well then, take us out." Major Cooper responded, "With pleasure sir." The Hyperion lurched forward and entered into hyperspace.
The battle was not going well for the Rebel Alliance who had already lost half their forces to the 48 refitted Imperial II-class Star Destroyers and the Executor-class Star Destroyers that were hiding in preparation for the ambush. On the surface, Imperial troops of the 269th Battalion were using heavy artillery to blast the area and crush the Ewoks and rebel forces on the planet. In space, many of the rebel ships had already been destroyed by the newly refitted turbolaser cannons of that Imperial fleet.
Home One
"Admiral Ackbar, we have a coolant leak near the reactor core that's growing. Damage control teams are attempting to reroute the flow elsewhere, but the reactor is overheating at a rate that will cause the the ship to be destroyed", stated Lt. Haresh. "Well then, set a collision course for the Executor. We'll take it with u...". Ackbar was cut off by the searing heat of hundreds of turbolaser bolts impacting the bridge microseconds after the shields failed. Soon afterwords, Home One was split in two at the neck by 20 Mark XVIII Concussion Missiles. The aft section soon exploded taking the forward section with it. Three Mon Cal Cruisers soon destroyed by 300 TIE "Warbird" Fighters which had been recently produced to phase out the old TIE fighters firing turbolasers and proton torpedoes.
Millennium Falcon
"We are getting our asses handed to us!", yelled General Lando Calrissian. The Millennium Falcon had taken moderate damage against several of the new TIE Fighters. "We have to destroy the shield generation on the planet somehow." Lando thought for a second and then came up with a plan. The Falcon then sped away from the battle area to a distance of 960,000 kilometers and made a sharp 180 degree turn and began diverting all power from weapons to the sublight engines. it quickly accelerated to near light speed and set a course to strike Endor. The Falcon impacted the close to the shield generator exploding and destroying everything in a few kilometers.
Death Star
On the Death Star II, Luke easily saw the flash of the Falcon and generator exploding in a multi-gigaton explosion. Luke grew enraged at the senseless death of his friends and took his light-saber. He through himself at Vader. The two clashed light-sabers and a ferocious fight began. Several imperial troops were killed in the battle. Unfortunately, the battle was cut short when an errant proton torpedo hit the room killing everyone.
On the Executor, several bridge personnel were dealing with putting out fires that had erupted on the bridge, while others were monitoring the ship's status. "Sir, bridge deflector shields are down", said one of the Lieutenants onboard. "Divert power from ECM to the bridge shields.", ordered Gillead Paeleon. The Lieutenant swiftly diverted power and the shields came back up three seconds before an Y-Wing Fighter impacted causing the shields to flare a bright celadon. Paeleon was relieved that the shields came back online just in time. The Executor quickly accelerated away from the Death Star to begin attacking the remaining Rebel vessels.
Wedge took the opportunity to destroy the Death Star and ordered several fighter squadrons to follow him into the Death Star. The squadrons quickly followed Wedge. However, numerous TIE interceptors blocked their path and forced many of the rebel fighters to break off and engage the TIE Interceptors while Wedge led the remaining into the Death Star. Once inside, the fighters broke into several groups to destroy the main power regulator in the reactor chamber. Once inside the reactor chamber, they destroyed the main power regulator causing the reactor begin overload. Many of the fighters exploded because of the rapid rise of radiation levels in the room. Wedge was lucky to escape the reactor chamber, but was caught in the explosion and his fighter was destroyed by debris. On the surface of Endor, falling debris ignited huge fires that began spreading like ants in a house full of food. Within a few hours, the planet was a raging inferno.
The Imperial fleet quickly took care of any remaining rebel ships and then set a course for the nearest Imperial starbase.
"What, the Death Star was destroyed? How the fuck could it get fucking destroyed? This is an outrage", yelled Emperor Palpatine at the top of his lungs. He was fuming with unbridled rage at the destruction of his newest superweapon. He was also relieved that an important budget meeting had kept him on Coruscant. He hated to think of what would happen if he'd been on the Death Star at the time. "Sir, it appears that the vessel known as the Millennium Falcon rammed close to the shield generator wiping it out in the resulting seismic activity and melting of the ground. The rebel fighters then went in and destroyed the main power regulator causing an overload in the hypermatter reactor.", replied Paeleon. The hologram promptly disappeared and Palpatine began grumbling over the loss of millions of personnel, but took comfort in the fact that the rebellion was dead.
March 28, 2011
"Dr. Woolsey, the Hyperion has just arrived", announced Chuck Campbell. Chuck had been one of the senior members of the expedition and had seen a lot of things. The Hyperion represented the new Daedalus-class refit which had several major differences than with the normal Daedalus-class battlecruiser. "This is Lieutenant Colonel Kevin Marks, we are ready to send the supplies down now", said Marks over the intercom. Woolsey replied, "Well then. the East Pier is ready for you to land and drop off supplies." The supplies were drones from the Antarctic outpost that were useless without the chair. In orbit, the Hyperion descended into the atmosphere and decelerated to a few hundred kilometers per hours as it entered the troposphere. By the time it reached Atlantis, it had slowed down to a few kilometers per hour. Over the East Pier, it stopped and slowly landed on top of the water. The supplies were beamed inside on the top of the east pier with personnel ready to transport them to their destinations.
In Atlantis' control room, Marks and his senior staff beamed in and promptly walked up to the briefing room. The Atlantis-1 team was waiting with Dr. Woolsey and the Department heads to discuss the growing Wraith threat. "Hello everyone, I assume we all know why we're here?", asked Sheppard. No one responded to the question. "Alright then, thanks Colonel. I didn't want to have to go into detail about the events of the past few months, so this is what we're going to do. I'll take the Hyperion to destroy several key Wraith facilities in order to weaken the Wraith even further than they are. Our first target is M6H-491, a major Wraith outpost that has a powerful deep space sensor array with a range 700 Light Years according to Todd's information. Our next target will be the Wraith Weapons Research Facility on M9S-332. The Daedalus and Apollo will be doing a raid on several Hive Ships that are headed to a Nebula 14,000 Light Years away. Hopefully, that should weaken the Wraith enough so that we can send the Sun Tzu and General Hammond here to aid in defeating the Wraith. And by the way, this plan was formulated by Lieutenant General Jonathan "Jack" O'Neill", stated Marks. Rodney McKay then asked, "What about the Tria? It's been in space for a few years. We could fix it and send it here also to fight the Wraith. It would also allow for the Sun Tzu and General Hammond to stay at Earth." Dr. Novak replied, "You and I will be heading up the replacement of the Tria's old hyperdrive with a new Asgard hyperdrive in its place." McKay was suprised that he the IOA finally approved repairing the Tria and using it to fight the Wraith.
M35-117 Orbit
USAF Daedalus
"Lt. Hawking, take us out of here. Set course for P-22A4," ordered an optimistic Col. Caldwell. It was a day he had long awaited since arriving in orbit of Lantea to defend Atlantis from the Wraith six years prior. They were finally going to defeat the Wraith. Lieutenant Hawking smiled gleefully and responded, "Yes sir." The Daedalus lurched forward and penetrated the celadon rip in the fabric of space-time into hyperspace. The Apollo quickly followed the Daedalus' lead.
USAF Hyperion
Colonel Marks looked over the HUD that showed the Hyperion's current status and then faced Major Kleinman. "Major, set a course for M6H-491, best possible speed". The major hastily replied, "Yes sir." Major Cooper, alert our fighter wing to be ready to launch when we exit hyperspace." The brunette major responded, "Aye sir, sending the message down to both fighter bays." Marks looked foward and began silently playing the song "The Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny in his head.
Down in the fighter bay, Lieutenant Colonel Graham Kennedy was busy helping getting the nukes in the F-302 payload bays. "Bloody hell, we are T-Minus 4 hours from M6H-491 and we only have 7 F-302s equipped with nukes. Get more people down here so we can get more nukes loaded," stated the Lt Col. Kennedy. The nukes being loaded were Mark III Tactical Nuclear Warheads being loaded were 20 Gigatons each. This time, they were going to be used to destroy a Wraith outpost that had a powerful deep space sensor array.
There is not a problem in this world that can't be solved without the proper application of a sufficient number of thermonuclear ordnance.
- Lieutenant Commander
- Posts: 1186
- Joined: Sat Jul 14, 2007 5:53 am
- Location: Somewhere in the universe
Re: SG/SW Crossover
Unknown Sector of Imperial Space
Captain Lorth Needa was glad that he had accepted the captaincy of the Lusankya which was recently upgraded with new weaponry, sensors, and engines. The Lusankya was in deep space doing shakedowns after the refit. Then engineering crew was currently working on improving the efficiency of the sublight engines. "Um Captain, are sensors are detecting something cosistent with what theoretical astrophysicists would call a spatial vortex. It is approximately 500 kilometers bearing 65 mark 41.3. Once the engines are back online, we should be able to get closer to it allowing for even higher resolution scans. For now though, we'll have to send a probe to it.", said a Lieutenant sitting at the sensor station. Needa replied, "Less talk, just get it done."
The Hyperion exited hyperspace 3,200 kilometers above the planet's surface between both Hive Ships. The Hyperion's shields went up instantly as the 611 meter battlecruiser immediately decelarated. Bothe Hives launched hundreds of darts and began firing. "Fire all railguns at all of the darts, we have to destroy them so that the 302s aren't destroyed while heading for the outpost", order Col. Marks. The railguns of the Hyperion begin sending out a hail of rail gun fire in all directions hitting darts everywhere. A few Mark VIII tacticals were also fired into the cloud of Wraith fighters exploding and vaporizing hundreds of darts. The last few darts rammed the Hyperion's shields. Major Megan Cooper reported, "Sir, shields are at 89 percent, I suggest we destroy the HIve Ships now." Marks replied, "Alright then, power up the beam weapons and target the port hive. Major Kleinman, bring us behind the target." Both officers complied and the ship got behind the target hive. The aft plasma beams fired and hit the engines of the first Hive Ship causing it to list into the second Hive destroying both as well as several cruisers that had arrived a few seconds earlier.
"Graham, you are cleared for takeoff.", said Marks. Wg Cdr. Kennedy responded, "Got it taking off now.:" In both fighter bays, 24 F-302s took off and headed straight down to the planet on a dive bombing run of the Wraith sensor outpost. "Alright then, deploy the nukes now". All of the 302s opened up their payload bays and dropped their Mark IIIs. The squadron immediately banked up and headed back to the Hyperion. Behind them, all 24 nukes detonated destroying everything within 62 miles in a bright orange fireball. The shockwave through billions of tons of radioactive dust and debris into the air that was beginning to spread across the planet.
"The mission was a success sir, we are returning now", stated Kennedy. The Hyperion's 302s landed and the crews began cheering the moment they got out of their 302s. The Hyperion entered hyperspace for its next target.
MIdway Station
Dr. McKay and Dr. Novak were accompanied by several dozen teams people who were going to work on the Tria's refit. Dr. Lee reported over the microphone, "The Odyssey is ready to take you to the Tria. Standby for beaming. The Tria refit team was teleported from the embarkation into the Odyssey. Several minutes later, the Odyssey arrived at the Tria's location and beamed the engineering team aboard.
The Atlantis and Area 51 repair teams were beamed aboard at various locations aboard the derelict Aurora-class warship. "Alright then, I'm heading to the hyperdrive. After the locator beacon is activated, you can beam out the Tria's hyperdrive and start beaming in the parts for the newer Asgard hyperdrive", stated Dr. Novak. McKay replied, "The hyperdrive refit should take five weeks at most assuming we don't cause something to go horribly wrong." Colonel Ian Davidson was sort of apprehensive of the idea of someone screwing up the Tria's refit.
The Daedalus and Apollo exited hyperspace 1000 kilometers from a fleet of 8 Hive Ships. Both ships quickly raised shields and armed their weapons. "Kate, take a target and destroy it", ordered Col. Caldwell. Major Kate Womack replied by just picking a target and firing nukes at it. The Hive Ship went up as two nukes hit the primary dart bay while another went through one of the weapons ports. "One bogey down, the Apollo has destroyed three other ships." The Daedalus then started spamming its nukes and railguns as well as its asgard beam weapons at the other hive ships. The other Hive Ships began quickly destroyed 20 minutes later.
Seven Weeks Later
Earth Orbit
The Tria exited hyperspace and began decelerating in preparation of
Captain Lorth Needa was glad that he had accepted the captaincy of the Lusankya which was recently upgraded with new weaponry, sensors, and engines. The Lusankya was in deep space doing shakedowns after the refit. Then engineering crew was currently working on improving the efficiency of the sublight engines. "Um Captain, are sensors are detecting something cosistent with what theoretical astrophysicists would call a spatial vortex. It is approximately 500 kilometers bearing 65 mark 41.3. Once the engines are back online, we should be able to get closer to it allowing for even higher resolution scans. For now though, we'll have to send a probe to it.", said a Lieutenant sitting at the sensor station. Needa replied, "Less talk, just get it done."
The Hyperion exited hyperspace 3,200 kilometers above the planet's surface between both Hive Ships. The Hyperion's shields went up instantly as the 611 meter battlecruiser immediately decelarated. Bothe Hives launched hundreds of darts and began firing. "Fire all railguns at all of the darts, we have to destroy them so that the 302s aren't destroyed while heading for the outpost", order Col. Marks. The railguns of the Hyperion begin sending out a hail of rail gun fire in all directions hitting darts everywhere. A few Mark VIII tacticals were also fired into the cloud of Wraith fighters exploding and vaporizing hundreds of darts. The last few darts rammed the Hyperion's shields. Major Megan Cooper reported, "Sir, shields are at 89 percent, I suggest we destroy the HIve Ships now." Marks replied, "Alright then, power up the beam weapons and target the port hive. Major Kleinman, bring us behind the target." Both officers complied and the ship got behind the target hive. The aft plasma beams fired and hit the engines of the first Hive Ship causing it to list into the second Hive destroying both as well as several cruisers that had arrived a few seconds earlier.
"Graham, you are cleared for takeoff.", said Marks. Wg Cdr. Kennedy responded, "Got it taking off now.:" In both fighter bays, 24 F-302s took off and headed straight down to the planet on a dive bombing run of the Wraith sensor outpost. "Alright then, deploy the nukes now". All of the 302s opened up their payload bays and dropped their Mark IIIs. The squadron immediately banked up and headed back to the Hyperion. Behind them, all 24 nukes detonated destroying everything within 62 miles in a bright orange fireball. The shockwave through billions of tons of radioactive dust and debris into the air that was beginning to spread across the planet.
"The mission was a success sir, we are returning now", stated Kennedy. The Hyperion's 302s landed and the crews began cheering the moment they got out of their 302s. The Hyperion entered hyperspace for its next target.
MIdway Station
Dr. McKay and Dr. Novak were accompanied by several dozen teams people who were going to work on the Tria's refit. Dr. Lee reported over the microphone, "The Odyssey is ready to take you to the Tria. Standby for beaming. The Tria refit team was teleported from the embarkation into the Odyssey. Several minutes later, the Odyssey arrived at the Tria's location and beamed the engineering team aboard.
The Atlantis and Area 51 repair teams were beamed aboard at various locations aboard the derelict Aurora-class warship. "Alright then, I'm heading to the hyperdrive. After the locator beacon is activated, you can beam out the Tria's hyperdrive and start beaming in the parts for the newer Asgard hyperdrive", stated Dr. Novak. McKay replied, "The hyperdrive refit should take five weeks at most assuming we don't cause something to go horribly wrong." Colonel Ian Davidson was sort of apprehensive of the idea of someone screwing up the Tria's refit.
The Daedalus and Apollo exited hyperspace 1000 kilometers from a fleet of 8 Hive Ships. Both ships quickly raised shields and armed their weapons. "Kate, take a target and destroy it", ordered Col. Caldwell. Major Kate Womack replied by just picking a target and firing nukes at it. The Hive Ship went up as two nukes hit the primary dart bay while another went through one of the weapons ports. "One bogey down, the Apollo has destroyed three other ships." The Daedalus then started spamming its nukes and railguns as well as its asgard beam weapons at the other hive ships. The other Hive Ships began quickly destroyed 20 minutes later.
Seven Weeks Later
Earth Orbit
The Tria exited hyperspace and began decelerating in preparation of
There is not a problem in this world that can't be solved without the proper application of a sufficient number of thermonuclear ordnance.