Rochey wrote:There's a little thing called "testing" that would help determine Starfleet's effectiveness at countering such things quite nicely.
Hm. How do you test, how SF would counter your pefecte cloake. Remeber at long ranges, a few ly away the cloakes work fine but closer you get the more chance you have at being spoted.
The fact that 52 disruptors were never observed.
But that doesn't nagate Worf's statment.
Secondly, it is not my job to prove that there aren't 52 disruptors
Well I belive it is. Worf clearly reported a nummber. A number that none else with accese to sensor data oposed. I gave a reason, wich is based on canon facts why the Scimitar wouldn't be able to fire all of its weapons while under cloake.
Actualy, we do. The mere fact that the sensors reported something that was clearly wrong gives credence to the idea that there was some sort of sensor trickery going on.
What. The sensors worked fine. So the number must be correct.
Worf isn't perfect. Real life officers with decades of experience could easily make mistakes, even within their field of expertise.
Hm. There were how many distruptors fired 3-4. And worf reported 52. Well it's hard to make such a mistake. And there is atleast one more pearson that has acces to sensor data. thats Data, who would have corrected him if something was wrong.
Could you clarify this sentance? I don't know what you're asking me.
In all of Trek, was there ever an event where one system was indentified as a distruptor, but it later turned out it wasn't a distruptor.
I meant interference of the type that would prevent them getting specific info.
Well is there any evidence for anykind of interference. I beliv not.
Simple and obvious info like "there's thelaron radition around here" wouldn't be affected unless the sensors were being deliberately blocked.
The Scimitar was designed to destroy planets with Thalaron radiation. Now wouldn't it be better to somehow hide the thelaron than to use it as interference.
Trek sensors are subspace based. We don't know how thalaron interacts with subspace, and how would it interfer with sensors.
And then we're back to the fact that it makes no sense to equip an already hideously expensive ship with a tonne of weapons it will never use.
Firs why is the ship expensive. What do you base that upon. How does it cost compare to the warbirds. Well we don't know. What kind of materials were used in its construction. Was shinzon able to get top material or did he have to be satisfyed with something less. I belive that there is to much unknown here. So you can use superlatives for something that you can not prove.
The only problem is that the weapons will be used as soon as the cloake gets defeated. We don't know how long it would take. It could be never, or the fleet that was waiting for the E-E could have allready have something preapeared. NOw what do you do with your ship class whaen that will happen. Redesign it, upgrade it,...
Of course they'll try and do that stuff. But with the cloak you have a massive advantage.
One that, with inteligence, could make the ship practicaly undefeatable.