Plasma stream engines are the most modern incarnation of sub-light interstellar, baring gravimetric engines, which only the Nishari are known to possess, and do not reveal to other races. Plasma stream technology is a good balance between efficiency, power and ease of maintenance.
Plasma is stored in large internal tanks of an interstellar vessel. It is effectively held in stasis within the plasma chambers, making it relatively dormant. Tanks vary in size, but a major warship such as a cruiser normally contains 2-4 tanks capable of holding 20,000 tonnes of compressed plasma between them. That amount of fuel is enough for an independent sub-light flight of 6 weeks without refill.
Plasma engines work via the pumping of plasma into a long armoured tube. Along the length of this compartment are thousands of tiny crystalline filaments. The crystal used is Bilithium, a conductor of positive and negative charges. Along the upper surface of the plasmatic chamber are several capacitors configured to store and discharge positive electrons. Once a certain charge is reached, the capacitor discharges this stream of electrons at the crystals. The Crystals magnify the electrical charge and fire it into the plasma chamber. The positive electrons then excite the plasma into a hyperactive state. The capacitors on the lower surface of the plasmatic chamber are configured to store negative electrons. The same effect applies to their entry. They help to regulate the number of hyperactive particles, by preventing them from becoming to active and causing damage to the reaction chamber. The excited plasma is then ejected from the rear of the plasma engine to provide thrust. The reaction chamber is open to space in order to cool it so the armour and metals in its construction do not melt due to the plasma. A coolant system is used for internally mounted plasma stream engines, but it is more complex and requires a more intricate sequence of systems.
The plasma stream engines are completely independent of the power reactor, no matter what type it be.