THere are two problems with that theory.DBS wrote:I hate to go around saying "there must be a good reason for everything" since that pretty much makes talking about it moot, but maybe Borg can control their shields more or less individually. Suppose a drone is getting into a hand-to-hand fight with a crewman and wants to assimiliate him, the drone would not want to use a KE shield, and instead rely on the idea that Borg tend to be stronger to incapacitate the target. If that is standard procedure, then the times they are beaten in hand-to-hand are when they underestimate their target (Worf or Data)
1) When have we ever seen drones exibit enough independence to wipe their bum, let alone control their own shield settings. Their standard battle tactic is "amble slowly towards the enemy" no attempt to take cover whatsoever. They have no more independenece than your finger.
2)They were fighting species 8472 for months. If it was simply a case of underestimating an opponent, then the first few hundred may have succumbed, but still making the same mistakes months later beggars belief.