I had to go to the Metropolitan Museum of Art in the City for an art history class project once (individually and not as a class). I remember struggling to find my way around

and a small Egyptian building they'd had moved in there, complete with hieroglyphs, most vividly. I've also been to the Museum of Natural History in NY, and the Hayden Planetarium. Haven't seen MOMA (Museum of Modern Art) that I recall. Have seen Radio City Music Hall, Rockefeller Center and the Christmas Tree (in the daytime, not lit) and a Broadway show, and been inside the Statue of Liberty (before they closed off the crown), have yet to to to one of the observation decks in one of the super skyscrapers. Boy, there's a lot to do in this place!
As to pain - Haven't broken any bones, lost any teeth, had any serious operations or injuries (this is what you get from such a withdrawn childhood as mine). I've just had the usual collection of scrapes and burns and infections. I do recall stomach pains (once caused by antibiotics) that were so severe I couldn't stand once or twice, and those leg cramps you can get when you're in bed are pretty bad too.
"If you can't take a little bloody nose, maybe you ought to go back home and crawl under your bed. It's not safe out here. It's wonderous, with treasures to satiate desires both subtle and gross... but it's not for the timid." Q, Q Who