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Klingon Fleet

Class Dimentions metres Mass
Crew Warp Speeds
Length Beam Height Decks Norm Cruise Max Cruise Max Rated
B'rel Class 327 [1] 276 60 15 800 390 6 7.8 9 10
D'tai Class 654 [2] 552 120 24 5,280 1,200 6 8 8.8 10
D-5 Class 257 [3] 205 58 11 183 20 5* 5.5* 6* 2
D-7 Class (Standard) 228 [4] 160 [5] 60 [5] 18 470 440 [6] 5* 5.6* 6.6* 10
D-7 Class (Refit) 228 [7] 160 [8] 60 [8] 18 307 480 5* 6* 8* 10
Early Bird of Prey (D-4 model) 100 80 24 4 28 18 5.1* 5.2* 5.8* 10
K'T'Inga Class (Standard) 246 [9] 160 [10] 68 [10] 9 490 510 5.5* 7* 8.8* 12
K'T'Inga Class (Refit) 246 [9] 160 [10] 68 [10] 9 490 510 5.5 7 8.8 12
Klingon Augments Ship 70 [11] - - - - - - - - -
Klingon Bird of Prey (Figures for D-13 model) 109 [12] 92 20 4 30 12 [13] 5 7 8.2 12
Klingon Cargo Ship 255.65 [14] - - - - - - - - -
Klingon Freighter 200 [15] - - - - - - - - -
Klingon Tanker 257 [16] 205 58 11 228 20 5* 5.5* 6* 2
Klingon Transport 80 [17] - - - - - - - - -
Klingon Transport #2 150 [18] - - - - - - - - -
Negh'var Class 682.32 [19] 470.09 [5] 136.65 [5] 39 4,310 [20] 2,500 [20] 8 9.25 9.6 [5] 12
Raptor Class 100 [21] 60 18 3 90 12 [22] 5 5.5 6 4
Regency Class 4,500 [23] 3,180 1,185 210 appr - - 6 9 9.6 12
Voodieh Class 682.32 [24] 280 137 39 - - - - - -
Vor'cha Class 481.32 [25] 341.76 [5] 106.87 [5] 28 2,238 [5] 1,900 [5] 6 8.8 9.6 [5] 4
Class Dimentions metres Mass
Crew Warp Speeds
Length Beam Height Decks Norm Cruise Max Cruise Max Rated
K'pak Class 35 [26] 29 6.4 1 790 6 5 7 9 12
* Cochrane Scale

Colour key

Canon source Backstage source Novel source DITL speculation


# Series Season Source Comment
1 Speculative Comparison of the B'Rel to the Enterprise-D in 'Rascals'. Note that the 109 metre bird of prey is a different ship which has its own entry.
2 Speculative Comparison of the ship to the Enterprise-D and D'Deridex in 'The Defector'. Note that the 109 metre bird of prey is a different ship which has its own entry.
3 Speculative Approximation, based on window heights.
4 Star Trek Deep Space Nine Technical Manual Calculated from the scale diagram on page 317.
5 Star Trek Deep Space Nine Technical Manual
6 TOS 3 Day of the Dove
7 Generic official information
8 Generic official information
9 Star Trek Encyclopedia Calculated from the scale diagram on page 581, comparing the K'T'Inga to the D-7.
10 Star Trek Encyclopedia
11 Speculative Approximation vs NX Class
12 Speculative Although sources are inconsistent, most calculations of the length of a Bird of Prey class ship yield a length of approximately 109 metres. Note that variants of the design which are significantly larger or smaller have their own entires under B'rel, K'pak and D'tai.
13 Star Trek III : The Search for Spock
14 Speculative Assumed to be the same length as the Cardassian Cargo ship
15 Speculative Speculation - same as the Promellian/Skreean ship
16 Speculative Approximation, based on window heights. Equal in size to the D-5.
17 Speculative Guess.
18 Speculative Speculation - clearly a ship of a decent size, enough to have a crew, escape pods, and room to run around in
19 Star Trek Deep Space Nine Technical Manual Stated on page 162. We sometimes ignore this source, but a posting to the DS9 Newsgroup by David Stipes, DS9's Visual Effects Supervisor, gave 2,250 feet so we went with the DS9 TM figure since the two were in such good agreement. Note that the Mirror universe version of the Negh'Var seen in 'Shattered Mirror' appeared to be a good deal larger than this. The alternate version is most likely a different design related to the Negh'Var class in the same way as the various Klingon Birg of Prey types of our universe.
20 Star Trek Deep Space Nine Technical Manual Page 162
21 Speculative Approximation. Length is uncertain, but probably smaller than the NX class.
22 ENT 1 Sleeping Dogs
23 Speculative Approximation, calculated from comparison to the Galor class vessel seen in close proximity during 'Shattered Mirror'.
24 Speculative Stated in the DS9 TM. We're assuming that this ship is the same size as its DS9 counterpart.
25 Star Trek Deep Space Nine Technical Manual Stated on page 150. David Stipes, DS9's Visual Effects Supervisor, and Rick Sternbach have both confirmed the length is approximately 481 metres.
26 Speculative Comparison to the Vor'cha attack cruiser in 'Way Of The Warrior'.
Source : Speculative
Comment : Comparison of the B'Rel to the Enterprise-D in 'Rascals'. Note that the 109 metre bird of prey is a different ship which has its own entry.
Source : Speculative
Comment : Comparison of the ship to the Enterprise-D and D'Deridex in 'The Defector'. Note that the 109 metre bird of prey is a different ship which has its own entry.
Source : Speculative
Comment : Approximation, based on window heights.
Book : Star Trek Deep Space Nine Technical Manual
Comment : Calculated from the scale diagram on page 317.
Book : Star Trek Deep Space Nine Technical Manual
Series : TOS Season 3
Episode : Day of the Dove
Series : Season
Episode : Generic official information
Series : Season
Episode : Generic official information
Book : Star Trek Encyclopedia
Comment : Calculated from the scale diagram on page 581, comparing the K'T'Inga to the D-7.
Book : Star Trek Encyclopedia
Source : Speculative
Comment : Approximation vs NX Class
Source : Speculative
Comment : Although sources are inconsistent, most calculations of the length of a Bird of Prey class ship yield a length of approximately 109 metres. Note that variants of the design which are significantly larger or smaller have their own entires under B'rel, K'pak and D'tai.
Film: Star Trek III : The Search for Spock
Source : Speculative
Comment : Assumed to be the same length as the Cardassian Cargo ship
Source : Speculative
Comment : Speculation - same as the Promellian/Skreean ship
Source : Speculative
Comment : Approximation, based on window heights. Equal in size to the D-5.
Source : Speculative
Comment : Guess.
Source : Speculative
Comment : Speculation - clearly a ship of a decent size, enough to have a crew, escape pods, and room to run around in
Book : Star Trek Deep Space Nine Technical Manual
Comment : Stated on page 162. We sometimes ignore this source, but a posting to the DS9 Newsgroup by David Stipes, DS9's Visual Effects Supervisor, gave 2,250 feet so we went with the DS9 TM figure since the two were in such good agreement. Note that the Mirror universe version of the Negh'Var seen in 'Shattered Mirror' appeared to be a good deal larger than this. The alternate version is most likely a different design related to the Negh'Var class in the same way as the various Klingon Birg of Prey types of our universe.
Book : Star Trek Deep Space Nine Technical Manual
Comment : Page 162
Source : Speculative
Comment : Approximation. Length is uncertain, but probably smaller than the NX class.
Series : ENT Season 1
Episode : Sleeping Dogs
Source : Speculative
Comment : Approximation, calculated from comparison to the Galor class vessel seen in close proximity during 'Shattered Mirror'.
Source : Speculative
Comment : Stated in the DS9 TM. We're assuming that this ship is the same size as its DS9 counterpart.
Book : Star Trek Deep Space Nine Technical Manual
Comment : Stated on page 150. David Stipes, DS9's Visual Effects Supervisor, and Rick Sternbach have both confirmed the length is approximately 481 metres.
Source : Speculative
Comment : Comparison to the Vor'cha attack cruiser in 'Way Of The Warrior'.

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 136,150 Last updated : 18 Dec 2024